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[ Events ] Jonin's minato bond mystery requirements


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On 2018-05-10 15:50:02Show All Posts

Lol, why 2400 coupons for a free ninja whose only purpose is to make another useful one's skill better for 1 round!!!??

He should be in those events like Konohamaru was, don't remember the name but you could get him for free in 5 days or so, with free points.

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On 2018-05-10 19:47:06Show All Posts
  • HiddenBoss On 2018-05-10 18:20:20
  • Well, u can do decisive bond and hope u get his frags from genin pack

That's not an option, there needs to be event with him asap when bonds appear, where you can piece him with little to no coupons, intstead of choosing seal scrolls for example you use the points on kakashi kid, anything else is not reasonable lol.

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On 2018-05-10 21:59:13Show All Posts
  • Shryke On 2018-05-10 21:50:36
  • Yeah.

    They should also give free edo hashirama so i c4n use Edo Tobirama's bond barrier.

    Also free kurama naruto so we c4n use gnw hinata's bond mystery.


    The game is giving you kakashi boy for free, if you partecipate in a server merge event. That's it.

    Anbu itachi was given for free as monthly login. Do you think that people who missed him are going to get him for free?

Lol, are you actually comparing Edo Hashirama and Kurama Naruto to Kid Kakashi? What are you smoking?

Even Itachi Anbu is more valuable individual ninja than Kakashi Kid who is not good for anything except another ninja's bond. That is his worth and deal with it, to appear in an event like Konohamaru appeared then, when everyone got him in 2-3 days with points for free, well, not actually, cause instead of getting something useful with those free points they got a useless meme ninja for collection.

& I said little to no coupons, so yea, he doesn't have to be 100% free, but not an inflated price for an otherwise useless character who was meant to be free to begin with.

Use your brain pls.

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On 2018-05-10 22:01:39Show All Posts
  • Shryke On 2018-05-10 21:50:36
  • Yeah.

    They should also give free edo hashirama so i c4n use Edo Tobirama's bond barrier.

    Also free kurama naruto so we c4n use gnw hinata's bond mystery.


    The game is giving you kakashi boy for free, if you partecipate in a server merge event. That's it.

    Anbu itachi was given for free as monthly login. Do you think that people who missed him are going to get him for free?

Also Itachi Anbu can still be pieced for free in events, look at Great Plates as an example. And he is in the roulette of ninjas that appear monthly, there is always a chance he can appear again as a monthly signt in ninja.

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On 2018-05-10 22:20:53Show All Posts
  • Jibulover On 2018-05-10 22:15:21
  • I dont know why you make big deal of one ninja. Common there are many good ninjas out there even if you do get bond mystery if you are not properly upgraded it means nothing. Im sry that you missed it but there is price to pay. And if you value bond minato too miluch 2k wont be a problem its a week of saving. Dont be spoil just be patient.

Lol whatever, you'll see he'll appear for almost free like I said. Price to pay will be lower than 2k cause that's ridiculous.

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On 2018-05-10 22:32:39Show All Posts
  • Jibulover On 2018-05-10 22:27:44
  • I hope he do appear. I got tired of seeing same posts all over again.

And yea, he is 30 frags meme ninja. I see him for about 15 coupons per frag, that is 450 coupons. But I'll inflate it a bit and say 600 max.

If he was useful for something other than the bond mystery, with all due respect make his price higher, but since he is not. Nope.

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On 2018-05-11 04:02:24Show All Posts
  • Shryke On 2018-05-11 01:33:35
  • I feel sorry, my bad, i didn't remember you were that edgy guy who couldn't recognize sarcasm... even if it's written loud and clear. And it was literally written there!

    Anyway, why are you comparing Kakashi boy, which is a mandatory ninja for one of the strongest bond we will see in the game, to konohamaru?

    If you could, how you spelled it, "use your brain" you would remember that we saw edo haku in events for 4.8k coupons and Utakata for close to 10k. And utakata was like 2 weeks before we got jin 2 treasure.

    So, since this game isn't free, i'm fairly sure we will see kakashi boy in RNG events or for quite an high cost. Which reminds me of a ninja... Yes, Anbu itachi!

Dude I don't care whether you wrote #sarcasm or not there, you made that comparation to prove your point. He's worth 600 coupons at most, for reasons I wrote in the other posts but I'm gonna spell it out for you:

1. Kakashi Kid is a free ninja that appears if your server gets merged

2. Some servers can't get merged (oldest ones), it's unfair for them

3. He is a useless ninja on his own, if it wasn't for bonds nobody would care about him

4. He isn't worth more than 15-20 coupons per frag, together with the bond potential

Now I know you're one of the people who got him for free and want others to pay for it (as much as possible) so you get a slight advantage. Then get outta here this thread isn't for you.

I am not complaining about Itachi Anbu, I would like to see him again as monthly sign in ninja and that would be good for all, even those who already got him because newsflash, he is useful on his own, not only because of "bonds". And he is inexpensive. Then it just makes sense Kid Kakashi would be for even less.

Also Edo Haku and Utakata have nothing to do with this post, but they are more useful than Kid Kakashi as slot ninjas.

Don't try to act smart when you aren't.

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On 2018-05-11 04:08:14Show All Posts
  • Waka_Man On 2018-05-11 03:55:23
  • Man, you simply don't understand how business works .. We are talking here not just a regular player but as an individual who has perspective of a businessman .. Actually, Naruto Online is not just a game, yes it is a game for other people who only know is to play but this is also a Business, big business .. Just think logically, or even just use a little common sense, the demand for an item is very high and you as a businessman, are you gonna sell that item with a low price tag or sell it with a good profitable price? .. Place yourself in the shoes of Oasis then answer back ..

    For example, the item "Contracting Scroll : Kyushoku Deer", they are selling it for how much, hundreds of coupons and you must have how many, 5 or 6 to summon the Kyushoku Deer virtually in world maps and what does it do or add? nothing right? .. The regular Contracting Scroll, which we first saw in Lucky Sn4tch, RNG event, has no sure hit with only spending 50cps or 490cps and was placed in the Mission Mobilization Event for how many points, 500 points each which has equivalent value of 1k cps (20cps per box and the box gives 10 points, do the math) .. then now tell me, a ninja that is required for you to activate a feature that can give chance of winning a battle, giving an advantage for your team, and activating such feature in one of the Major Parts of the game, do you think they will give it out for free or releasing it with low price like konohamaru? .. That's where the word "Consequences" will come in, you failed to get it for free in Merged Server Event, then take the consequences for wanting it ..

    But anyways, let hope for the best when that time comes .. Lets continue our own things and think about this feature later when it comes in our servers ..


You give me the example of the Deer Contracting Scroll, and give it as example for a "good business choice". What did they solve with that? They overpriced something useless and nobody wants to buy it. If the price isn't right nobody will buy anything, that's not good in any business.

Like I said in the last post, look at something in the same category as Kid Kakashi, because that is what we're talking about here!

Itachi Anbu is also used for "Bonds", he is inexpensive (don't know his exact price but way less than Shisui who is ~8k in Treasure of Sage). Now, think about him, he has bonds potential but is also good to use in your team, thus his price is higher and Kid Kakashi's price would be way lower.

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On 2018-05-13 20:53:48Show All Posts
  • Oujingbing On 2018-05-13 20:30:24
  • True.


He's a must have with Jonin Minato.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-05-13 21:34:15Show All Posts

I just realised Kid Kakashi should be 20k coupon ninja, he is very important to the Naruto Story, he is supposed to be a rare collectible ninja that you only get if your server merges and you happen to play at the time oooor be a genin in bonds like Sasuke and Naruto was in the anime! He was a good independent smart kid anbu level at that age, OP ninja, helps Minato be more OP. pfft he is god tier shinobi

Kid Kakashi 20k coupons I mean ingots confirmed

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On 2018-05-14 23:15:46Show All Posts

All bugs and glitches considered they should make kid kakashi free lul.

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On 2018-05-16 04:41:11Show All Posts
  • Rom Reckt On 2018-05-16 02:54:21
  • You do realize there are servers that have never been merged before which are some of the oldest servers right?

Some troll and some want him to be more expensive than he should because they got him free! haha

They don't understand kid kakashi is noob ninja meant to be free to begin with.

But they want the advantage over the ones who couldn't get him. :D

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On 2018-05-16 05:44:42Show All Posts
  • icebuken On 2018-05-16 05:28:33
  • Comments_of_michael_jackson_eating_popcornkidkks

In my opinion he should cost negative coupons, they should give you coupons for buying his fragments.

Quicky Post

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