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[ Events ] New event cycle - 10th of May


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  • Registered: 2017-09-28
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On 2018-05-12 06:03:36Show All Posts

You guys REALLY need to stop it with bringing Hidan and calling him a "Strong" ninja again. While he could still serve some use, he is outdated and outclassed with current meta. I don't know what is worse, the fact that you think he deserves to be a "Headliner" ninja or the fact that you constantly have him overpriced after all these years.

Pathetic and just plain lazy.

As for the events, there is literally nothing much. The choices that are in Lucky Board are lackluster ninjas that people already have or have no interest in 4*-ing. Great plates WAS a good addition, but then you had to undermine it as you do everything and give a slight nerf to it (by replacing the purification protection runes with coins and downgrading the amount of frags on one of the ninjas (last plates had two ninjas at x5 fragments while this one has only 1)

I highly expect you to add events in this week because there is simply nothing to spend on. guys USED to be good at pairing events! Multiple recharge events stacked at once, and multiple SPENDING events stacked at once.....for example, a total spending rebate WITH this weeks Limited Points.

You need to do better.

Quicky Post

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