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[ Lineup ] Need a Shisui/Minato/Blitz Counter


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-05-08 17:26:37Show All Posts

Well ur current team is a waste of time and I would never use it. especialy like that.

With your current ninjas it will be hard to counter Shisui. But u seem to not notice that u have ninjas that can help u do tons of damage and fast.

Being a lightning main u would probably want him in 1st position and with best items as he will probably be your largest damage dealer. As for lineup u c*e lm. itachi anbu, hashirama and asuma wb.( u need either serpent summon or the fukurokumaru summon). at your level u can go with multiple skill sets but my opinion is to go with and fukurokumaru summon

Btw. u c*so replace hashirama with sasuke

This post was last edited by W0lfMaister on 2018-05-08 17:28:07.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-05-22 21:20:01Show All Posts

like I said before. you are not taking into account that some people have event ninjas like masked man, shisui, dp hidan, minato. First off masked man will destroy your combo in round 1 as his mistery does not require c*ra, can be used round 1 and also he has a evasion so no use attacking him with mistery. Your hinata wount be of any help because masked mans mistery will imoble her and cancel all buffs. Light main lightning armour will also fall in face of masked mans mistery or shisuis. If you realy whant to do something use what I said but change to fire main and out hashirama in front so he can take most of damage because he also heals. fire main last move. also your skills should be concerning fire enhance , genjutsu mistery, and genjutsu mirror passive. same summon (serpent or fukurokumaru)

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-05-26 11:29:49Show All Posts

you will eventualy unlock it.

Quicky Post

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