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[ Lineup ] Calling all f2ps


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-04-29 04:30:56Show All Posts

Everyone knows for a f2p to get that kind of BP they have to either roll over other f2p in plunder and ruin their growth or use things like alt accounts and getting lucky with ninja drops and then focusing everything on power. There is virtually no difference between you and the p2w if you plunder other lower bp players. This is a tencent game there just isn't enough resources available for all f2p to be higher BP players.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-04-29 04:52:33Show All Posts
  • Scarlettblue On 2018-04-26 18:04:28
  • And him and other people that replied to you are telling you that the term you are using refers to a division in 3 categories of the players base. If you want to divide the players base in two categories only, as you are implicitly doing, then the right term to call who is not a f2p is p2p (pay to play).

    It's you that are using the term p2w and not the term p2p.

    Low cashers and high cashers are both p2p but only high cashers are p2w.

    As long as you continue to use the term p2w you'll incur in the misunderstanding that leads almost everybody that reads your sentence in thinking you are talking about high cashers only.

    I hope now you understood.

That's not how p2p (pay to play) works. p2p is like a monthly subscription (world of Warcraft) or a one time payments like AAA games etc. while this technically is p2p players in this tencent game aren't paying to ''play'' they are paying to (hopefully) ''win'' even a low spender doesn't pay because they like oasis or tencent they pay because they want to ''win'' over as many players as possible in pvp. also there is no ''three categories'' in this game there are 2 kinds of players pay to win who will always pay to win and stay number 1. I have seen so many players spend thousands just to enter that top 128 which was clear to everyone that it was a cash grab but they still did it because they wanted to win be at the top. the thing is this game's player base can be divided into 3-4 categories because there is a huge disparity between mild spenders and heavy spenders. you get Everything if you recharge 30-40k ingots but if you recharge 2-5k you don't even get 5% of the whole rebate for example. another example is in order to claim the jounin medal rebate 888cp you need to have already bought the medal once and used it for 6 months! the events in this game are clearly designed for high spenders or p2w plus I have also noticed that No one like to be called p2w in this game even if they are clearly p2w (they actually get offended) I think deep down everyone knows the events are way too overpriced.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-04-29 04:53:44Show All Posts
  • singsong On 2018-04-28 12:31:34
  • i got called P2W because im a P2W

* singsong lol

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