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[ Player Guide ] Summon Mystery Guide


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-04-20 19:06:38Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hey guys!

A guide for Summon Mystery new feature we got today!

It will include:

-General Info (how the feature works)

-How to activate/use summons/acquire materials

-Materials needed for each level

-Description of each Summon Mystery (all levels).

General Info:

The way this system works is that once you use your Main Character mystery in battle he will use the desired Summon Mystery before his own mystery. (note: summons all have different cooldowns and different effects)

The mysteries have 3 levels, of course each level will be more expensive and harder to upgrade.


In the bottom of thread you will see all the descriptions from each level of each mystery and the changes of each level being compared in background text color

How to active/use summons/acquire materials:

Quite simply you need to have a 2nd hexagon unlocked in Summon Cultivation to be able to activate them (you are activating them in the Summon Cultivation tab)


It will require a few of Mystery Gems to activate them (10 for all purple/gold summons and 2 for blue)


Once you acquire a summon with mystery by activating it you will have to equip it so you could use it, and that is done in the "talent" tab same as equipping a normal chase summon.



Materials needed for the feature are avaliable in Group Shop , but only the regular ones for activating the summons.

The other ones for leveling up each summon will be avaliable in future events.


Materials Needed for each level:


-Level 1 = 2 Mystery Gems

-Level 2 = 3 Mystery Gems

-Level 3 = 5 Mystery Gems


-Level 1 = 10 Mystery Gems

-Level 2 = 3 Mystery Gems

-Level 3 = 5 Mystery Gems


-Level 1 = 10 Mystery Gems

-Level 2 = 30 Mystery Gems + 5 Gamachu gems

-Level 3 = 60 Mystery Gems + 10 Gamachu gems

Ninja Monkey:

-Level 1 = 10 Mystery Gems

-Level 2 = 30 + 5 Ninja Monkey gems

-Level 3 = 60 + 10 Ninja Monkey gems

Giant Katsuyu:

-Level 1 = 10 Mystery Gems

-Level 2 = 30 + 5 Golden Katsuyu gems

-Level 3 = 60 + 10 Golden Katsuyu gems

Monkey King:

-Level 1 = 10 Mystery Gems

-Level 2 = 30 + 5 Monkey King gems

-Level 3 = 60 + 10 Monkey King gems

Description of each Summon Mystery (all levels)

Ninja Dog Pakkun:

Level 1: Causes Damage to 4 enemy units.

Battlefield Cooldown: 1 round

Cooldown: 9 rounds

Level 2: Causes Damage to all enemy units.

Battlefield Cooldown: 1 round

Cooldown: 9 rounds

Level 3: Causes Damage to all enemy units and tag.

Battlefield Cooldown: 1 round

Cooldown: 9 rounds


Level 1: Causes damage to 2 enemy units, moreover increases 40% ninjutsu to Main Character till the end of the round.

Battlefield Cooldown: 3 rounds

Cooldown: 4 rounds

Level 2: Causes damage to 4 enemy units, moreover increases 40% ninjutsu to Main Character till the end of the round.

Battlefield Cooldown: 3 rounds

Cooldown: 4 rounds

Level 3: Causes damage to 4 enemy units, moreover increases 40% ninjutsu to Main Character till the end of the round.

Battlefield Cooldown: 1 round

Cooldown: 4 rounds

Ninja Monkey:

Level 1: Causes damage to 2 enemy units, moreover increases 40% attack to Main Character till the end of the round.

Battlefield Cooldown: 3 rounds

Cooldown: 4 rounds

Level 2: Causes damage to 4 enemy units, moreover increases 40% attack to Main Character till the end of the round.

Battlefield Cooldown: 3 rounds

Cooldown: 4 rounds

Level 3: Causes damage to 4 enemy units, moreover increases 40% attack to Main Character till the end of the round.

Battlefield Cooldown: 1 round

Cooldown: 4 rounds

Ninja Dog Shiba:

Level 1: Summon Shiba with hp based on 40% of Main Character. Shiba has a standard attack and as long as he is in field increase Main Character resistance by 30%.

Battlefield Cooldown: 0 rounds

Cooldown: 9 rounds

Level 2: Summon Shiba with hp based on 40% of Main Character. Shiba has a standard attack and as long as he is in field increase Main Character resistance by 45%.

Battlefield Cooldown: 0 rounds

Cooldown: 9 rounds

Level 3: Summon Shiba with hp based on 40% of Main Character. Shiba has a standard attack and as long as he is in field increase Main Character resistance by 60%.

Battlefield Cooldown: 0 rounds

Cooldown: 9 rounds

Giant Katsuyu:

Level 1: Heal your entire lineup based on 6% of Main Character life.

Battlefield Cooldown: 0 rounds

Cooldown: 3 rounds

Level 2: Heal your entire lineup based on 9% of Main Character life.

Battlefield Cooldown: 0 rounds

Cooldown: 3 rounds

Level 3: Heal your entire lineup based on 9% of Main Character life and remove 1 layer of debuffs.

Battlefield Cooldown: 0 rounds

Cooldown: 3 rounds

Monkey King:

Level 1: Summons a clone of main character (depending on each main descriptions will be below)

Battlefield Cooldown: 2 rounds

Cooldown: 4 rounds

Level 2: Summons a clone of Main Character (depending on each main descriptions will be below)

Battlefield Cooldown: 2 rounds

Cooldown: 3 rounds

Level 3: Summons a clone of Main Character (depending on each main descriptions will be below)

Battlefield Cooldown: 1 round

Cooldown: 3 rounds

Water Main: Summons 1 clone identical to the Water Main talent "Water Style - Water Clone Jutsu"

Wind Main: Summon 3 clones identical to the Wind Main talent "Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu"

Lightning Main: Summons 2 clones identical to the talent "Clone Combination Tactic"

Fire Main: Summons 1 clone identical to the talent "Oboro Clone Jutsu", only 1 clone can exist.

Earth main: Summons 1 clone with Life based on 35% of Main Character attribute. This clone is able to use Wood Style - Universe as a standard attack.

Credit to OppaiPaizuru for early description translations from Chinese servers.

This post was last edited by ICExx on 2018-04-20 19:06:38.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-04-19 20:33:00Show All Posts
  • MadaraFounder On 2018-04-19 20:23:47
  • Well, great guide as usual ICE! Thanks for making it clearer ^ ^. By the way, do you know about future summons such has Salamander who can replace with KoH?

Not done yet, still in editing process but thank you

Well none can really replace KoH even in China version currently, he is one of a kind

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On 2018-04-19 20:58:09Show All Posts

Jori tested it personally , appears to only increase resistance in terms of receiving less ninjutsu based damage from your enemy.

Also note: if it doesn't increase Fire Main shield mystery shields then it won't also increase shields for Earth Main mystery/standards

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On 2018-04-19 22:57:09Show All Posts
  • 2xMachina On 2018-04-19 22:43:29
  • Hmm, trying to use this summon mystery...

    It appears that we need to use our normal mystery for it to trigger?

    So, a 0CD talent is needed to trigger a 0CD summon mystery?

Yes you need to use your Main Character mystery for it to trigger

About your 2nd question it is not needed, a 1 CD talent can trigger a 0 CD summon mystery also

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On 2018-04-20 17:56:34Show All Posts

Yap , the previous info was from China translations because I couldn't see the summon descriptions on day 1 of the feature

I will edit the info now!

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On 2018-04-21 04:02:34Show All Posts
  • Xerneis On 2018-04-21 01:07:35
  • Ew, now I regret getting the frog :P

Haha no worries buddy 10 mystery gems are quite easy to get thru the Group Shop

I suggest getting Shiba for start then later focusing on Katsuyu

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-04-21 18:50:49Show All Posts

Yeah it is pretty nice, however the 1 round battlefield cooldown is a bit problematic.

It should be only 1 clone, will probably correct itself or translation mistake, I'll wait to see when someone tests it

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On 2018-04-23 03:33:11Show All Posts
  • Temari-Chan On 2018-04-22 23:38:30
  • are there any easy way or a easy events that can a F2P players get Golden Katsuyu gems in future ???

Well I wouldn't know the answer to that currently, but I believe there will be although you can't expect to get it fast since they are considered the most rare gems

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On 2018-04-25 18:33:53Show All Posts
  • Maboroshi13 On 2018-04-25 07:27:51
  • Great guide as always! Except it's "Summon Mestery" xD

    Also, can you add a few suggestions for common teams? Some are pretty obvious, like doggies for Main in pos1 teams and Gamachu/Ninja Monkey for 9tails teams, but what about the rest and why?

I made a thread on that type of topic, here:

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On 2018-04-29 18:58:50Show All Posts
  • RandomStranger On 2018-04-29 13:38:13
  • So I'm guessing these special gems needed to upgrade summon mysteries can only be gotten from future events, right?


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On 2018-05-21 19:00:57Show All Posts
  • Zayl On 2018-05-21 18:01:38
  • And what about the kyushoku deer mystery skill description?

Kyoshoku deer doesn't have a mystery, he is only for decoration to walk next to you

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