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[ Events ] New event cycle - 19th of April


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 11
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On 2018-04-19 15:56:53Show All Posts

It's about time that you hear this... you are losing population as it is, the gap via P2W and F2p, is getting bigger and bigger, and you neglect the f2p events, as a f2p player that spends from time to time... explain to me why do i need to log in this week? Same thing for me if you added nothing and i will do the daily survival... hoping for sasuke frag to make my week a better one... You clearly dont listen to the community at all! It's confirmed now, how can you take away f2p events... You apply patches from china as they come, but at the same time you tweak them a bit to milk off money from us? Or prolong the whole patch, just add some of the features... if you wish to close down the game say this now, tired of constant BS that goes along for months now, there is nothing to do as it is, arena is bugged beyond belief, you got no p2w/f2p matchmaking, close to 0 logic used during events and so on... it's like the path for the game was prewriten and patches apply every week just to make us raise our head and take a look, in short to keep us bussy, but you just made a mess this week, you never neglect f2p!

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