Views: 1606 | Replies: 4
[ Lineup ] Hokage Minato, Danzo, Sage Naruto, Iruka...


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 15
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On 2018-04-13 21:11:40Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hey guys, so I recently got Hokage Minato, and honestly im starting to get a lot of different, yet still good ninjas but im very lost as to how I should combine them in a lineup

I will post my ninjas below, if you guys can help me make a team that includes 2-3 of the ninjas I listed in the title :D

I have all blue and puple summons and Lightning tiger, Katsuyu and Flood Dragon gold summon.

Please help me out xDNinjas

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 15
  • Posts: 35
On 2018-04-14 16:41:26Show All Posts
  • Raizel Di Cadiz On 2018-04-14 15:14:01
  • a 3 teams are op but you need to get something to be op like you need to 1)get BT kurenai 2) if you can get dog of hell . but i hope that can help you Formation ScreenshotFormation Screenshot(2)Formation Screenshot(1)

Hey thanks for the teams, I am currently running this team

x, x, x

Wind main, Minato, x

sage naruto, gaara BT.

I can have Kurenai BT within a day

This post was last edited by Shinlaw on 2018-04-14 16:43:58.
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