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[ Scarlet Blaze ] Why Scarlet Blaze is Weak and Some Suggestion


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-04-09 00:43:24Show All Posts

1. Auto attacks: I agree on fire having one of the worse compared to the other characters but i don't believe it needs a buff as it's still useful. For example if you're running a control team(without shisui) with fire main and you want to cc a dodge ninja that's sheilded by some ninja/tanky clone late this round so he's immobilized next round, you'll need some ninja to bait out this standard. Due to the fire main's standard hitting up to 4 units and clone giving him 1+ standard, there's a good chance you can bait out the dodge to cc the dodge ninja. If you were running a wind main control team and the enemy protected the dodge ninja, you would have to waste a mystery to bait off that dodge to cc the dodge ninja. Also why does combo even matter, there's usually 3 other ninjas that can set up the combo and usually main is pos 3 or pos 4 so some other ninja well set it up, and other mains don't rely on combo standards either. Earth main runs shields, wind main usually runs clones, end game light main teams usually use the chakra gain, and water runs heals.

2. Talent changes: Won't work cn has already developed those and we'll eventually get the update when our oasis feels it's time. His clone gets a buff tho that's all ik.

3. Ok when comparing the mains individually fire main looks weak, but when you look how good mains synergize with ninjas that changes. Here's a rundown,

Fire main synergizes with a lot more/better ninjas than lightning main and maybe wind atm. Wind can't give immunity to extremely powerful ninjas atm and the light main teams are strictley with swords ninjas which are all pretty squishy. On the other hand, fire main can give 1 round immunity to all ninjas which allows better synergy with top teir ninjas. With the debuff transfer, most ppl will have to wait after it's baited out to use mm to debuff fire main/break the immunity(or you c*e the mystery after mm has used his), and the mystery attribute of the immunity allows a better chance against han.

His oboro clone+shield is decent protection for pos 1 squishy ninjas not to be blitzed r1 which other mains can't provide well because none of them buff defense(all standards are usually tai/mixed tai) or run a tanky clone without becoming *.

His chases also help make up for some of his weaker passives.

Although his passives don't synergize the best like earth and water main atm, he's still doing well in the meta atm so he's good for now. If you expect fire main or any main to be top teir at every attribute of a main that's unrealistic as every main needs to be competitive so they all have a niche somewhere.

This post was last edited by RayzofRadiance on 2018-04-09 00:49:51.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-04-09 07:22:12Show All Posts
  • bleakblack On 2018-04-09 01:52:57
  • 1. OK it is useful for baiting a dodge ninja, but when compared to others, earth main standard change to cause immobile and low float when he is already shielded, wind main clone can tank or can start the chase combo for you, water heal and dispel debuff, it's still useful, but not that useful compared to others, especially outside those special case you mention

    2. well at least the clone is getting a buff so it's good

    3. of course i don't expect fire main to excel at everything, but what does he excel at anyway? whatever support he is trying to give, defensive or offensive, other main can do it better

    dealing with debuff? use lightning or wind, if its not female or sword user? use water main to dispel it.

    earth will stand in front, immune to chase combo and keep shielding those behind

    wind clone will be all the enemy attacking, easily generated

    water will keep the team alive while chipping away enemies health with poison.

    lightning can stand in front and be immune to all debuff and keep healing himself.

    fire main doesn't have that

    if for example, one of fire standard is to give ninja with the least health a genjutsu shield to make him/her evade the first attack / mystery skill, and his passive support that kind of role, that would be cool. of course that is just an example, it could be anything really, that he can be excel at something.

    for now, yeah he can synergize with more ninja than other main, but those synergy is not much, only his 4th mystery does. while other main can synergize much more to their specific niche.

Fire main gives the all round support. Unlike other mains which can only really help 1.

Debuff coverage: Immune mirror that can work around han and debuff mirror can make heavy cc users wait till the mirror gets baited out.

Blitz coverage: The clone+shield in front of a squishy dodge ninja like jonin minato can protect him from most heavy standards in r1 which allows jonin minato to effectively be a pos 1 ninja. Other ninjas can only buff specific ninjas with resistance(most standards are tai) and clones that can actually take damage and protect the dodge are useless as they sacrifice an important part of the main's passive.

Chase: The 10 hit combo can help combos and ignites 2 ninjas helping chases deal more damage and stops heals.

Standard: baits the annoying dodge ninjas and could cause ignite.

2. some main's niche don't work well with the ninjas we have at whale lvl and when ppl get some coupon ninjas. lightmain only works with swordsmen and they're all squishy af. No strong ninja is able to gain immunity from wind main atm. Current water main teams get's cced and killed easily and once you kill the water main, poison tai is gone and so is healing tips.

3. If you still believe that fire main is useless look at space time and see what most mains use at whale lvl, earth and fire main.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-04-10 05:56:55Show All Posts
  • xxMihai On 2018-04-09 20:08:38
  • First of all Scarlet Blaze lacks any clear debuffs or immunity on himself and other characters, accupuncture him round 1 and he can't do anything about it, unless you waste a ninja slot on a useless character like Gakido. Replace one of his standard attacks with a lightning main calm mind for example. Yea he can bait dodge with his fourth standard but he's gonna be slot 3-4 ninja anyway, cause he's only good for support.

    Look at Lightning Main, immunity to 3 sword ninjas and 100% more resistance. Not only you can't debuff them, unless you have Han/Mask Man/Kushina Red. Cause round 2 may be already too late if they have more initiative, but you also do 100% less damage with ninjutsu. Considering sword ninjas are meta ninjas, lightning main will only have 1 spot that may drag the team down, which isn't the case if he puts Kushina Red, or any other good immune, dodge ninja, super armor ninja. Basically if you can't debuff them you lost the fight.

    Look at Wind Main, they stack res and def on her, make her immune, then you waste combo on her, they use Kurenai's shield on her, then she clears everyone's debuffs and can do mysteries all over again.

    Now look at Fire Main, only has 1 good mystery, Illusion-Mirroring jutsu, 3 round cooldown, if it gets interrupted it's GG, if you get immobilized your clone is only a meatshield, not as good as water's clone, or wind main's.

    Let's look at Fire Main in comparison to Lightning again, Lightning has better leech, with Warrior's Killing Intent he c*e Shisui every round. You only have 1 good pvp passive as SB, Genjutsu Mirror, which can be easily baited, while LM gets Root of Warrior, Anbu Special Tactics and Warrior's Killing Intent, also Heart Flux for Madara Blitz Teams. LM has Accupuncture, AOE Paralysis, Lightning Armor, and potential every round mystery. SB still only Illusion Mirror for pvp.

    SUGGESTIONS for Scarlet Blaze improvement:

    1. Make Illusion-Mirroring Jutsu 2 round cooldown instead of 3.

    2. Replace one of his standard attacks with one similar to Lightning Main's Calm Mind.

    3. Make his clone attack on it's own, using Scarlet Blaze's Fire Style-Bomb Blast. Make it have 60% of it's owner HP instead of 40%. Basically same % as Water Main's version of it.

    4. Make Ninjutsu Urge leech for 25% and improve ninjutsu by 25%. Basically same % as LM's version of it. Keep Genjutsu Mirror where it is, his only redeeming passive.

    5. Last but not least, give him Immunity Passive to 3 fire ninjas and 100% resistance, name it Root of Fire and replace Death Mirage with it.

    There is no point in having a talent slot, a weaker clone of someone else's talent, cause it still wastes one talent slot.

    Now BRB while I switch to Lightning Main, seem to be the better option for PvP.

SB already has a good place in the meta or else why do whales prefer to use him and earth main. Most of your talent changes straight up make fire main op. For example immunity needs to have hard restriction like swordsmen which are all squishy except for kimmimaro and for wind main she can only give immunity to female character which atm are all support characters, kurenai's shield btw is ez to interrupt. Also CN develops everything in the game and all ik is that fire main clones get some buffs in their 5.0 talents.

2. Firemain may have only 1 mystery really viable late game but so does light main(accupuncture mystery) assuming we're talking about end game teams.

3. As i said above, how is lightning better than fire at pvp if fire is the 2nd popular main used in high bp space time battles.

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