Here's just a checklist that you c*e to increase power since I don't know what you have or haven't done
500+ Power boosters:
- Upgrade your tactics (From your SS you only have lvl 2 Ghost kill), for your level you want at least level 4 and if possible level 5.
- Ninja tools!!! Make sure you are doing the hardest TI for your power (For you, Brother's Easy), ask for help to clear the TI as the tools you get will dramatically increase your power. (Side tip, make sure you do your friendship TI's too)
- Ninja tools (Pt.2) Upgrade your tools to around level 14, or whenever you can't upgrade one with all 6 slots filled and then you can start reforging them (Guide here). Also to make sure to match Nature stones (Red-Red, Green-Green, etc.). If done properly, this can add a good few thousand extra power
- Mt. Myoboku Cultivation, Great way to increase your power quickly
- Summons Cultivation, this is probably one of the most left out ways to get power, once you obtain a sizable amount of summon,s keep on cultivating them. Their stats add up and will provide a decent power boost. When doing these, prioritize the cheaper ones first in order to unlock the next cultivation level.
- Upgrading your equipment!!! This is a must since you are already level 82 and don't have any Super Kage gear, this is probably the one of the only things that would give you an edge over level freezers as they cannot access the higher tier armor without doing instances/ninja exam. Make sure you are grinding for materials on weekends since you have already max awakened. If can't beat the higher ninja exams, you can look them on Youtube for help.
- Battle Armor Clothing, this one is a little less important and you shouldn't focus so much on this but once you finish everything else and have spare coupons, you can start investing into battle clothings.
200+ Power Boosters:
- Treasured Tools, this doesn't add an insane amount of power, but the secondary stats the tools give are essential. Make sure you level up your traits (Under the beset tab) as they are more essential than leveling up the tools themselves.
- Battle Armor/Rank, make sure you save up your armor/threads until rebates, (Rebates are super important for f2p players)
- Strengthening Equipment, this directly correlates to upgrading equipment. (Better equipment = more stats gained during strengthening) so make sure to do both and not neglect either one.
- Charms, this one is a bit iffy and if you would like more detail, check out this guide. Before doing anything though, don't just upgrade your charms whenever! Wait until the charm rebate comes around and then spend all your charms during this time (Very important). After the event, start saving up your charms again. As for the charms themselves, just try to get all your equipment to level 3 first so u can equip Rainbow magatamas. After that focus on your Pos1 ninja.
- Refine, again this one gives a lot of power but how you should do it is subjective. Essentially though, you should have at least level 4 refines (Bare minimum). Once you do that, you should start saving up medium refine runes to use during the Refine Rebate. Make sure you are saving Adv. Refines during this time as well. (You'll need a few thousand Adv. Runes). For more information, check out this guide.
- Purification, make sure that you first have a basic layer of purification, with a few blues and such. You should focus on Initiative/Critical/Injury during purification, however in your case, you should focus on combo for Minato. He is one of the rare exceptions where combo is actually important. After you have a basic layer of purification, you c*e this guide for further help.
- Rune Stones! This one is pretty major and can give a ton of power. First of all, save your cave keys for rebate, like pretty much everything that has a rebate. You'll want around 500 keys for the rebate but if you can't reach that, its fine. When there is a rebate though, pull until you can reach a checkpoint. If you can't reach a checkpoint, just continue saving. (Also if you want to reach max rebate prize, I believe you need around ~2050-2550 keys, not sure). As for equipping your rune stones, try to have at least level 3 rune stones on all your ninjas and focus the rest on your Pos1. After you get Pos1 to all level 6, you can increase the other rune stones to level 4.
- Summon Runes, This is a great way to earn tons of power very easily. Again, make sure you only draw 10 from summon and do it during the rebate event. Don't buy the summons runes from the summon shop btw. You should save the coins for summons you'll need later (Like Kirin or KoH). There's not really a pattern you need to upgrade summon runes as they don't correlate to position so just try to spread out your runes evenly across the three summons.
- Guild Summons, this power source is a bit tricky as it is expensive to maintain and doesn't give much power, and at the same time you can't control how much the summons are being fed, but this does increase power ~400-800 depending on your summon level.
< 100 Power Boosters:
- Magatamas, the power gain from this can vary greatly but by themselves they don't give an incredible amount of power. However, as the charm buff is ba
- Rainbow magatama, You should keep this to atleast level 3 in all your slots but doesn't give a significant amount of power.
- Eight Gates, this function gives some power but to be honest, its not all that great. Here's the guide if you want to learn more.
< 10 Power boosters:
- Breakthrough Pills, you really don't need to worry about this until much much later.
- Character Advancement (The Stars that you can open after you get a certain amount of shurikans),
- Summon level, equip gold summons in your inactive slots, they add a tiny amount of power but is better than nothing. (You have 3 slots for summons, equip the one u need and then the other two should be gold)
Tl;dr (Dang this was a lot longer than I had thought XD): Just click this *on:
Also, save your items for rebates and save your coupons for lucky board
Credits to ICE* and MidnightSun for the guides!
If you want to check out the full list of guides: li
Thx man and yes my tools I am currently on ninja exam level 100 and I am sweeping everyday dor scrolla and for magtamas and rune stone I have them all. at level 4 to 5 and in ninja tools I have 2 gold S rank ropes I. have 3 gold summonings taking up my spaces and I have like 3 ninja tools left to ugrade with scrolls and I am just done with page 7 of mount myaboku and another thing ai do with eight gates is that I one click train and one click synthesise and you have no Idea how much power ai increase.
I'm just wondering when did you start to play? Did someone just gave you the account with minato in it? Cause that server is quite old and that account was just a clone account that happened to got minato in rng event.
But first let make it clear, what is your purpose to play? Do you play for fun, chatting with friends, collecting ninjas and don't really mind or don't do pvp at all ? If yes then just follow guides people above me told you so you can have something to do in game everyday. But if your goal is about winning then I'm sorry, hate to break this to you but it's better that you start again in a new server because with your current situation you will NEVER able to win against anyone in ALL pvp content as a F2P except arena where you can abuse OP ninja power without worry about bp. Even if you are active and do everything people above me said, you won't win because that account is beyond saving for a F2P. How can you get free power stuffs from pvp content when you can't win against anyone? You think time, hard work, saving and dedication will fix that? NO, as you move 1 step forward the other dude with 60k already take 5 steps a head.
Just a friendly reminder so you won't waste your time and make the right decision.
I started to play naruro online becuase I was a naruto fan and a game about it that was free sounded fun and at first I was blind I didnt know much and just focused on level up and I messed up and I do regret.I started on october 2017 and I was going to enjoy this game and do a good job.I was getting cool ninjas like minato and itachi and I was happy but I noticed to late that I was behind.I was 9879 power at level 62.I was freaking out and went to tutorials and I managed to Increase my power and I was leveling up too fast.Faster than I couls get power.Then I stockpiled on stuff and had alot of coins so I got every tool to max and Upgraded them with scrolls and pretty much every thing in the upgrade section and blasted off with power.I was happy again.Right before the server merge I was top 50 strongest in overalll and 13 to 14 strongest in midnight blade.I was about not nor make this post until the server merge and I went from top 50 to 192 place and I thought Oh know Im gonna get killed and just rekt by all of these strong players.I saw that you said to leave the server if I couls and the sad part s that I dont want because I have had alot friends and I had rare ninja like itachi that I only got from da ily sign in of and I would of liked to * with the server yet you have opended my eyes thats its hopeless.Im kindof sad but while writing this post I was also looking for lineup with minato garra and utachi and what main I should use and I saw some good ideas and I always wanna get ninjas like shisui even if it takes me years to get frags.As of last month I was29677 power and I grew by like 4000 nore and I got my hopes up so maybe I would stay from competetive.I play because of the story and because its fun to fight.Im not a competetive person so I think I might be happy and may actually increase in power by the help of all the people commenting Update:I went from 192 to 170 for overall and 90 to 52 in lightning main so yes a I am getting stronger and they are.not very ahead of me for example a level 79 with 1000 more p and I need just 400 power more to pass him Update on update: Currently I just passed him with 35463 thanks to itachi susanoo team instances because of tools so I have found another way for more power
just 1 quetsion,why is minato fourth?and youre with light main.lvl81 and 34k power is low.freeze level
Another guy told me this too so yeah I will change him spos and put gaara fourth itachi third and minato second hows that id you dont like it respond
Power have nothing to do with level freezing. For what reason should he level freeze? To get one of the top3 prizes in swb? He is f2p, that option does not exist for him, overall now that he is 81. level freezing does not help, just prevent him from getting free power from cultivation, awakening, character progress and equipment level up with coins.
What he needs to do is to give himself midterm goals, go only for 'good for his situation' power in events and use recources only when a rebate is available and not necessarily every time that rebate appears (and try to collect a me
What i mean is: do not use coupons for things you will eventually get for free in shops, common events and monthly event.
When in redeem shops are available unbound rune packets and myoboku gifts buy them since up to level 8 summon cultivation and up to page 7 myoboku cultivation they are currently the best way to get good power for low prices.
If you tell us what are your charms, runes, summon runes, magatamas and tactics levels we can tell you on what to focus the most (you are free to play, i suggest you to select a defensive tactics, like sun move, to level up. Ghost kill is whale only).
Not sure why you saying lvl freeze doesnt help... Im f2p and i get to top 3 on sage battlefield thanks to it. And that is easily 3 times more adv refines than i would get without freezing
OP I was in your shoes. But i stuck it out focused on gaining power and slowly but surely by the time I was around level 85 I hit 50k power.
I'm now level 96 with 83k. So what I did was do everything that I possibly could focus only on 1 event ninja which took me nearly a year to get my Jonin Minato. The rest of the time I just focused heavily on refinement runes from the Group Shop, yeah they cost a lot immediately but after I 5 star my Konan started picking that up like crazy then did monthly event for even more. Its a pain in the *, all you need to do is save for rebates. Especially on Battle Armor. (I haven't worked on my Ghost Kill tactics in like 6 months).
Not sure why you saying lvl freeze doesnt help... Im f2p and i get to top 3 on sage battlefield thanks to it. And that is easily 3 times more adv refines than i would get without freezing
That is only because you are lucky enough to be in an old cluster where a lot of people had a ton of hoarded exp from the previous level caps so in your field there are not 6-7 other competitive f2p like you that had the luck to avoid leveling up a lot like you did, so you just meet 2-3 whales you can not beat and 5-6 low cashers that were very lazy in the past and that were lucky to be in your same situation, people that still, somehow, you can beat.
In new server clusters a lot of f2p, low cashers and whales are level freezing so the situation is not the same you are facing.
Would you still level freeze if in your sage there were 5 whales and 6-7 low cashers you can't hope to beat that let you be always at best 4th-5th in your side?
Because this is the situation the op is facing almost for sure.
You did so many mistakes, and I think(just my opinion), that account cannot be saved anymore. If you want to be competitive, start fresh on a new server and follow every advice given by veteran players in this thread. Like you, I also did so many mistakes on my first account, and it was beyond salvation so I abandoned it. Im also an f2p like you, but on my new account, I got 70K+ BP at lvl 80. Start anew my friend.
You did so many mistakes, and I think(just my opinion), that account cannot be saved anymore. If you want to be competitive, start fresh on a new server and follow every advice given by veteran players in this thread. Like you, I also did so many mistakes on my first account, and it was beyond salvation so I abandoned it. Im also an f2p like you, but on my new account, I got 70K+ BP at lvl 80. Start anew my friend.
70k with level freezing, right?
How much is the average power for a level 80 without level freeze?
Without level freezing you won't be near 50k power.
You'd be more around 30k.
That is how it was on my server.
Yeah definitely below 50k for sure, not even 45k, here are some of the players on my server who don't understand the game, therefore not level freezing. Even if they were to use their coupons on power as a f2p, they would not have enough to increase drastically since they leveled too fast to allow themselves and won't be able stockpile coupons and power items.
Yeah definitely below 50k for sure, not even 45k, here are some of the players on my server who don't understand the game, therefore not level freezing. Even if they were to use their coupons on power as a f2p, they would not have enough to increase drastically since they leveled too fast to allow themselves and won't be able stockpile coupons and power items.
Most of these people either left for a new server or quit entirely. But as you can see average of 30k here.
I was 35k at level 80, at the time was meaningless if not counterproductive to level freeze so i never did it. I know it because i remember i was at that power when i beat exam 100 and at that time there was no summon cultivation, no charms, no myoboku cultivation and no ninja bonds nor there was the power granted by the two group summon. I am prettt sure the perfect f2p that makes no mistake and that does not level freeze right now is at 50k at level 80 (i began cashing a bit after level 85 and i also made some mistakes, like buying konan with coupons at that time).
i only half level freeze ( if thats a thing) collect only exp fro events such as 9 tails and Jin and i have 55k-58k power (5 star team) for lvl 83 so i dont think its hard.
Although i will say i only learnt to lvl freeze at around lvl 70 was gonna collect lvls like crazy cuz i had like 24k power and was falling behind thinking it was becuz of lvls. but as soon as it hit 32k power around lvl 77 i realized that lvls dont mean that much and i should take it slow since i'm super F2P.
Well, I suppose I should put in at least a little input here.
Team wise, if you're planning on using Kage Minato best place to put him would probably be position 1, he works best with other mains though, like Wind Main, I had a good time with him and Wind Main. But still, Gaara's not a bad idea for a team, though...I kinda feel like he isn't the best idea overall for a lightning team, as he's a wind buffer. Anbutachi's kinda the one who I really can't say doesn't fit with the wind-oriented team, I guess. He's mainly best with Uchiha nin, any of them, but he can work without them, as he is an Uchiha too. As long as he's helping move the team along, I have no ob
Though, to another situation, I won't post all the power gaining methods, as someone has already done so. Though, in regards to everyone saying to restart or level freeze, the choice is ultimately yours. Do what you want to do, and make sure that it's fun, because sure, even if you aren't competitively viable, does that matter that much if you have a great time? If being op and such is fun, then do it, but I wouldn't say to do it if you don't want to. What matters most is that you have a good time! :D
Besides, I never level freezed, and I may not be 50k at lv 80, or 120k or whatever at lv 99, and only 84k with my main team at 99, but level's really nothing major. So...yeah, just thought I'd throw that out there.
Well, I suppose I should put in at least a little input here.
Team wise, if you're planning on using Kage Minato best place to put him would probably be position 1, he works best with other mains though, like Wind Main, I had a good time with him and Wind Main. But still, Gaara's not a bad idea for a team, though...I kinda feel like he isn't the best idea overall for a lightning team, as he's a wind buffer. Anbutachi's kinda the one who I really can't say doesn't fit with the wind-oriented team, I guess. He's mainly best with Uchiha nin, any of them, but he can work without them, as he is an Uchiha too. As long as he's helping move the team along, I have no ob
Though, to another situation, I won't post all the power gaining methods, as someone has already done so. Though, in regards to everyone saying to restart or level freeze, the choice is ultimately yours. Do what you want to do, and make sure that it's fun, because sure, even if you aren't competitively viable, does that matter that much if you have a great time? If being op and such is fun, then do it, but I wouldn't say to do it if you don't want to. What matters most is that you have a good time! :D
Besides, I never level freezed, and I may not be 50k at lv 80, or 120k or whatever at lv 99, and only 84k with my main team at 99, but level's really nothing major. So...yeah, just thought I'd throw that out there.
Yeah.Thx.Its been a days after ai posted this and I went from 34641 to 37778 power in days qnd put minato on second because I have lightning first so he can throw 20 chakra so gaara could use his sand spear.I have thought about changing in fire main and it does seem to work well so ill try fire main
Yeah.Thx.Its been a days after ai posted this and I went from 34641 to 37778 power in days qnd put minato on second because I have lightning first so he can throw 20 chakra so gaara could use his sand spear.I have thought about changing in fire main and it does seem to work well so ill try fire main
If you are behind in power Minato hokage works the best with azure fang since let you spread poison and she can heal him + you are making her more resistant thanks to the buff to res (for example you c*e gaara, minato, bee sst team) or with crimson fist in the well renown blitz team with gaara/wb asuma and iruka. Imho you should try one of those two. Wind and fire main with him work fine when you are at comparable power with your enemies (the reason is you need to let him stack and the only ways are by letting him survive with shields or healings).
Yeah.Thx.Its been a days after ai posted this and I went from 34641 to 37778 power in days qnd put minato on second because I have lightning first so he can throw 20 chakra so gaara could use his sand spear.I have thought about changing in fire main and it does seem to work well so ill try fire main
i think, hokage minato and gaara are best if you using wind main...
you c*e the "refresh" mystery after you using minato mystery, so you c*e minato mystery again in 3rd round...
hmmm... CMIIW :)
HMinato is great with wind main. Throw in wind main, gaara, and kurenai. Much better if kurenai is skillbroken specially her chase to add more control on your team. She also adds protection and a chakra battery for your team.
I dont have kurenai even recrueted but yeah
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