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[ Events ] Can we finally get something that could change the game?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-04-03 08:50:41Show All Posts
  • Shryke On 2018-04-03 07:42:56
  • @AttacanWhatever: SS Temari WILL change the game, since it will make Flower guard's WM viable in top chart. Will it totally destroy previous teams/metas? No, but it will just bring more variety around. And more variety means less stale gameplay and more fun / more team theory crafting.

    @GARV: i haven't said that they are bad ninjas, just that the meta didn't change a bit with their release. I have won as a 170k power against a guy with 210k power running my azure - edo tobirama team, but i have stopped using it due to the awful delay that is basically making tobirama unusable (his prompt mystery in my position 2 would go off sometimes even after my position 3 standard... which means that the enemy team would have already used FM's shield on his position 4. UNPLAYABLE.). I don't have personally kushina, but i plan to get her soon to try to fight my own boredom... but i have won easily against teams with her.

    @cretude: SS Temari was the first ninja (first of 4) to be released as ingot only, so f2p aren't supposed to have her. Also, as we are speaking of F2Ps, it's normal that they don't have immediate access to all ninjas, but have to piece them together with time, such is how the game had worked till the past months.

If you are referring swimsuit sakura as ingot only, she did appear via coupons before Tencent saw the value in her and made her ingot only

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2018-04-03 08:51:23.
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