As I observe in this times game tends to have a nice politic. It encourages "cheaters" , inactives, bullies and so on by giving them top prizes almost free. I m refering here to both ninjas and power items. So a player who is dedicated to this game day by day and spends average 12 hours per day playing is treated like a nonsense.
So best advice: Try to freeze, try to stay offline like over 2 weeks , try to annoy people and the almightly "Lord Hokage" will give you some free ninjas , maybe some gold essences free, easy way to get refines and so on. So follow this ninja way because that s Naruto all about.
PS : Perhaps some features from 3.0 we can see this life. Or at least i hope ... XD
Problem is people have realized the trend. They create low level alts, then horde coupons ,don't play for few months. When a rng event comes out, they login and start spinning. With 1200 coupons max((200-400 most and 800 +rarely) they get the ninja. RIP people actually spending or trying to get something.
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I totally agree with your opinion.
Those who are not actively playing on the old server because most of them are already playing on the new server.
and when they return to play again on their old servers. they just want to disrupt the luck of players who are still active on the old server to get a rare ninja or to screw up point rank to get reward at the lucky fortune event. as in this picture.
The Shikadai and deni are not active players anymore. suddenly they came back to play and get the rankings 4 and 5 and then did not play again.
and I hope such useless events like Call of Duty and Everlasting Bonds are removed because there is no point and its not benefits for players who are still active.
note to admin: Do not try to delete my comment, if you dare to delete my comment, I will bring this issue to legal path. because I as a player this game is a customer and you are the seller.
Subscribe :) Is your personal opinion here so deleting this comment would be improper and with no foundation.
"Everyone has the same chance as everyone else in RNG events regarding Ninjas." -Jib
"There is more low level/low power ninjas than high powered ones" -Jib
Best jokes I ever heard. This guy knows how game industries are? XD
Of course there are more low levels players in new servers so overall in all game beside of course some players having tons of alts and so on so is an obvious fact lol.
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