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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 29th of March


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On 2018-03-30 01:50:34Show this Author Only
  • jordanvn On 2018-03-29 20:20:36
  • Kinda disappointed about the contracting scroll in the Missions Mobilization as a redeemable prize. Pretty useless especially since it costs 500 points but whatever. Can’t complain about the Minato/Masked man box since that’s nice and I guess everything else in missions Mobilization is fine too, just get rid of the contracting scrolls and at least put something useful like Common Tools essence or something. At least those will give power.

Mhhh. Not sure about this one. I've got 6 scrolls within the first 4 months, from several cashing-events. Therefore, I would appreciate to have a "useful" slot here. However, a lot of people from my server seem very excited about getting their summon.

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On 2018-03-30 03:19:22Show this Author Only

Fix the rig pls

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On 2018-03-30 05:07:29Show this Author Only

ok lets get this straight there none o ]f the events you said at bottom page there's no fire temple ain't surprised that oasis screwed up again come on man i just want new features within this month getting bored and jealous that germany and france are ahead of us.

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On 2018-03-30 05:57:35Show this Author Only

patience is key guys, let's all take deep breaths and let oasis do its thing. complaining won't get ya'll anywhere

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On 2018-03-30 07:18:29Show this Author Only

It's how they do it. They make the events so ridiculously boring that you just HAVE to waste your coupons on them.

Seriously, these last 7 months have been a snoozefest. Everything is just so awkward between the players and staff and it's so sad to see the game take this direction. It's a brilliant game but under the hood lies a problem, a problem that will never be fixed.

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On 2018-03-30 09:13:41Show this Author Only
  • Zestiria On 2018-03-29 20:27:21
  • first thing first , what function is p2w and pay player can get it faster which they hold now ? nothing

    the function we missing is i list down here
    1. summon mystery

    2. missing ninja for cavekey

    3. new arena

    4. red rune 8 gates

    5. slug summon

    6. ultimate trial update

    7. ninja exam update

    8. some clothing

I'm not saying every update. I'm saying updates that gives out power and new ninjas, who do you think will be able to max it out first or more likely get the ninja first, people who are going to spend or saved for months. Some updates don't make the gap between players and some do. based on your list, some don't increase power. For new clothing, not all people will get it once it comes out but people who do can spend or have saved up (but by doing so they have to give up something else).

If you still don't understand, I'll give you an example. Let's say one week we get we can a wandering merchant where we can get event ninja frags. A f2p would see this as an opportunity to piece event ninja like masked man, shisui, edo deidara, etc. so you use your coupons. The p2w will do the same. Since the f2p has spent their coupons, they will have less to use the next time they see something interesting. Since you want updates come quick, then let's say the bond system comes the week after or two weeks. If the p2w see's value in it, especially if he has the necessary ninjas to make a bond skill happen, he be more likely to fini* faster than you and since you spent your coupons before, it going to take a while for you to see value in the bond system. Too fast release updates, you will fall behind much quicker.

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On 2018-03-30 09:33:51Show this Author Only
  • Castnicke On 2018-03-29 20:40:44
  • I don't understand why we need to run the same schedule as China did 1-2 years ago. Say everything was correctly translated and what not, why shouldn't they release it? Why shouldn't we run the most recent version of the game? I can understand holding back ninjas and other money making features, but holding back content that provides new and exciting gameplay? That's seems beyond silly to me.

There's a difference between holding back content vs. releasing content to earlier. Updates like ultimate training should have been here while updates that were released a month ago in China shouldn't be released in other updates have. I'm for getting updates that we should have gotten and following a schedule is because I am able to plan out how to use my coupons effectively. If they were to release the bond system (released in Spring 2017), give us kakashi susanoo, then scroll system (released in 2016), give us madara five kage, then update that gives out power via crystal-like material (a very recent update)., it's going to hard to figure out what is coming and spend what I want. I want to be able to adjust to an update that give power/ninja since most f2ps aren't likely to get the ninja or max out an update within a short period of time.

What will happen if you want updates to released back to back in order for Oasis to match exactly like China, it will end up with the event cycle with the event we normally see since this does happen in China. I don't know if people aren't used to this but recycling events happens in a lot of games there are produced in Asia (excluding the major ones) so don't expect updates to be released based your expectations.

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On 2018-03-30 09:42:39Show this Author Only

karin skill breakthought please

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On 2018-03-30 14:14:41Show this Author Only
  • Danzō On 2018-03-29 17:42:07
  • Every update that increases power and every new ninja increases the gap between p2w and f2p regardless of what you think. P2Ws can max the power given by the update in a shorter period of time in comparison to F2P will take a while to do so. Just because people are bored easily does not it will benefit in the long run.

with the amount of server openings, games dies really fast anyway, cuz people will leave the servers, once people either spend really *(which i doubt) or they get freebies.

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On 2018-03-30 14:20:51Show this Author Only

One more thing, if you are spending to get Kakashi Anbu, just dont, it's rigged and we all know it, if my post gets deleted you know why ;)

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On 2018-03-30 15:23:17Show this Author Only

please explaine clearly how to do the everlasting bonds. id try the call of duty but theres no rewards i get. please explain clearly!.

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On 2018-03-30 15:25:19Show this Author Only

30 frags in wheel for 80 frag ninja is a very bad idea

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On 2018-03-30 19:35:51Show this Author Only
  • xxMihai On 2018-03-30 15:25:19
  • 30 frags in wheel for 80 frag ninja is a very bad idea

So Anbu Kakashi is 3 stars ninja?

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On 2018-03-30 20:42:20Show this Author Only
  • Matilda83 On 2018-03-30 19:35:51
  • So Anbu Kakashi is 3 stars ninja?

Yes, he is. According to some it's not possible to get more than 2x30 frags on a calendar day.

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On 2018-03-30 20:52:05Show this Author Only

Okay thanks Barrin

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On 2018-03-30 21:03:31Show this Author Only

If you have both Anbu Itachi and Anbu Kakashi in your team then is that a good one? I am only wondering. When I read Anbu Kakashi's skills he is good with another Anbu Ninja.

This post was last edited by Matilda83 on 2018-03-30 21:04:21.
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On 2018-03-30 21:36:44Show this Author Only

If you have them both, you can get the 30th chase off rather easily. There are better ones imo.

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On 2018-03-30 21:52:51Show this Author Only
  • Barrin On 2018-03-30 21:36:44
  • If you have them both, you can get the 30th chase off rather easily. There are better ones imo.

Thanks for the info Barrin it really helped me. There is one thing which I didn't understand about his skills . What is that Hidden skill?

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On 2018-03-30 23:04:09Show this Author Only

It means you can't be directly targeted by a mystery.

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On 2018-03-30 23:09:13Show this Author Only
  • Castnicke On 2018-03-30 23:04:09
  • It means you can't be directly targeted by a mystery.

Oh ok now I understand thanks for saying that and explaining that to me.

Quicky Post

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