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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 29th of March


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  • Registered: 2017-09-28
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On 2018-03-29 15:48:05Show All Posts
  • ForTheShinobiAl On 2018-03-29 14:27:36
  • music to my ears . All those ppl that complain about the updates planning have no idea , nor the mentality to understand that updating the game all the time means that the game will die real fast .

I think that it is YOU that doesn't understand. Shisui was pushed out early because it earns them money. Anything that comes out EARLY is always tied to them making money. Updates that were promised to the players that doesn't earn them a profit are put on the back burner......

Yeah, let that sink in.....everything that they push out early is meant to milk you for all you are worth. Even the release of Edo Tobirama was ahead of edo hiruzen and Angel Konan. There is a reason for that.....Edo Tobi isn't used nearly as much as edo they release him first to squeeze more out of the players before releasing the ninjas that will make him less desirable.

The simple fact that you and people like you can't grasp the simple concept that their bottom line is Priority 1 vs even fully updating 3.0 features (yet we are in 4.0 now) speaks volumes.

Quicky Post

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