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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 29th of March


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-04-01 11:04:56Show All Posts

I gather that very few will read this comment since most players ignore this thread after Thursday.

But all the same, I have an idea to share, and this seemed like the right venue for it...

Yesterday, elsewhere on this digital ocean, someone asked what secrets wealthy people have. It's a common question for which one intellectual or another chimes in with their insight. It usually has the same stuff like, they invest for the long term and wisely, or they specialize in something no one does

...but what got me thinking was another gem:

that their wealth doesn't make them happy (in fact, it's common among the super-rich to lose a feeling of purposefulness...and depression/suicide rates are fairly substantial)...the happy ones find meaning in life by finding something other money to fixate their goals and energy towards.

Why am I saying this here of all places?...this seems to have little to do with this game

Except that it absolutely does.

When I see collective fury increasingly resounding with every new event week announcement.

"why don't you give us new features?"

"why don't you give us old features?"

"why do you give us bad events?"'s terrifying...i've rarely encountered so much collective negativity in my life.

The fact is...adding anything missing from 3.0 won't be cathartic. Getting the cool game-changing ninja that's in china won't make the game more enjoyable. Taking out your frustration on the mods and devs won't make it lessen. Oasis is actually doing a good job. They listen to us and routinely make updates to the game after a year and a half! Most developers would have jumped ship by now and migrated to a trendier game.

The reality is...wealth (or battle strength in this case) doesn't bring anyone can briefly give you freedom, which in turn can help you avoid frustration or stress...but that in itself doesn't make a game fun or enjoyable. That comes from reevaluating your own standards and expectations.

Someone who's truly having a good time here would do so just as easily with 5k power and starter ninja as they would with 200k power and 5-star event ninja.

If you truly want to feel good about playing Naruto, then learn to control your gaming experience--don't let your experience control you.

This post was last edited by Who! on 2018-04-01 11:06:39.
Quicky Post

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