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[ Updates ] Server Merge Updates - March 27th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-03-27 01:24:02Show All Posts

Can you give proper explanation on why S49 server with over 30 requests ( that's more than half of active population) was ignored in this merger? Have you forgotten old servers? And do you only create new servers every few weeks just so you could merge them after few months? Plus S38 posted plenty requests as well. Both of our servers are even match so why we were IGNORED? This games main attraction should be events like GNW. Having GNW with same 2 groups is not fun, we don't even have 3 full fields we don't even get 20 people for wars (your solution for this was to decrease amount of fields available). It seems you are only pushing cross server events to hide the fact how dead servers truly are.

This post was last edited by Shasuya on 2018-03-27 01:26:54.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-03-27 02:34:28Show All Posts
  • ShoichiInoue On 2018-03-27 02:25:09
  • I know.. but really we don't know what to do anymore at this point.

All we could have done was request a merger and we did almost all of my server did and yet we are getting ingored once more. I don't understand why do they even say that we need to post for merger while clearly they don't pay attention to the requesting servers. I personaly posted fifth or sixth time for merger. And every single time we got nothing. Without more active server i am not even interested in this game. And i know more people feel same way from those who posted. So yeah good job oasis on making people quit and losing money.

Quicky Post

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