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[ Lineup ] Lightning Main current me<x>ta best team suggestions


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-03-16 18:51:55Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hey guys!

As the title says I will write about some current meta usable Lightning Main teams that work pretty good (always depends on your enemy and power of course)

Let's jump into it:

1. "the Shisui full buff blitz"



The team revolves around Shisui and Anbu Itachi doing all the damage and they hit very hard due to 3x buffs that this team provides (LM, Iruka and barrier buff) amounting to 110% atk and 70% ninjutsu buff.

It has 1 interrupt and 1 acupuncture at round 1 which c*so deal decent damage,round 2 Shisui mystery to take off all buffs and chaos an enemy with capabilities to reset the mystery cooldown if he kills anyone with it because of the Warrior Killing Intent talent.

immune Itachi-Shisui-LM with Shisui also dodging the first attack every round making him very tanky.

2. "the Uchiha team"



Similar concept to the team above except the damage output in round 2 is much higher.

Even though it has less overall buffs the chakra gain from Madara in round 2 is very useful making it possible to use all mysteries right away.

The team is 3 immune ninjas and 1 super armor which is a difficult situation for the enemy unless the use buff removals to remove the immunity, also this team achieves the 30 hit chase from Anbu Itachi also very easily.

3. "the Uchiha team 2"



This team works the same as 1st team just with the exclusion of the 30% buff from Iruka but additional safety from Masked Man as he can be a great counter for some other teams providing that buff remove/immobile mystery making it possible to control 2 enemies in round 2 easily.

4. "the Madara blitz"



Point here is that Lightning Main passive provides him 2% +atk buff for every chakra point over 20 chakra, and by using all 3 mysteries in round 1 you will have 80 chakra right away (note: after Danzo skillbreak comes his mystery will be 0 chakra and you'll be able to have 100 chakra round 1).

This means that your Lightning Main will get a 120% atk buff right away (note: NOT remove-able by Han-Masked Man etc.) , next to having 40% buff from Danzo barrier (NOT remove-able), 20% buff from Madara (NOT remove-able) and 30% buff and shields from Iruka which is sadly remove-able.

All this means that even if your enemy is running buff removing like Han you'll still be able to have a 180% atk and 60% nin buff making your Lightning Main hit like a truck and not be bothered by that Han at all. (210% atk and 90% nin if enemy not running buff removals)

Sadly there is a bad side, like any type of team that relies on 1 ninja only and uses others for pure support you can get countered by Masked Man easily (that's why you should stack the Lightning Main to have high control stats also making it more common for Masked Mans to control fail).

5. "the Kushimaru blitz"



Amazing blitz team and very safe one actually as Kushimaru can spam his mystery to immobile 2 ninjas while being a pos1 ninjas.

Overall a lot of buffs for Kushimaru , 3 ninjas immune thru root of warrior and with posibilities to remove debuff from Kushimaru thru Jinpachi passive.

Onoki is there for the buff he provides for Kushimaru/Jinpachi mostly, Lightning Main buff passive can be replaced to Anbu Tactics if you need the safety leech.

That would be all , as always feel free to comment or leave a suggestions, hope this thread is helpful !

This post was last edited by ICExx on 2018-03-16 18:51:55.
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On 2018-03-16 23:59:07Show this Author Only

All these lineups....

One word: Han

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On 2018-03-17 02:04:28Show this Author Only

The issue is that LMC always requires rare or p2w ninjas. I myself have been going for edo draws for awhile and have only gotten fragments for ninjas I already have. And those ninjas aren't even ones that are good with LMC. (I five-starred Akasutchi and Kurosutchi yet still haven't gotten Danzo either.) LMC players shouldn't have to rely on luck or money to get ahead. Everyone goes water main for a reason... I've been LMC for well over a year now and believe that LMC needs a buff badly right now.

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On 2018-03-17 03:04:58Show this Author Only
  • Azrielle On 2018-03-16 23:59:07
  • All these lineups....

    One word: Han

Yes that's true for every Lightning Main team currently , nothing much we can do about that.

Although it depends much on power however same power Han enemy can't win vs Madara blitz team I can guarantee that (he won't remove any buffs except Iruka)

Also Kushimaru blitz team with Anbu Tactics = 0 removed by Han

So those 2 teams can easily beat Han actually (well considering that it's smart players with pos1 stack because blitz will never work without pos1 stack ninja)

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On 2018-03-17 03:19:09Show this Author Only
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On 2018-03-17 03:22:23Show this Author Only

No sasori jinpachi kushi team?

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On 2018-03-17 04:02:35Show this Author Only

You c*so replace onoki with danzo or edo sasori

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On 2018-03-17 11:51:02Show this Author Only

i run a shisui, full booked kurenai, anbu itachi, light main with talents uhhh seal slash, calm mind, root,anbu leech/warrior killing intent and shark summon formation is

its quite balanced and i can deal with most stuff with no effort, my only problem are the earth kurama teams and any edo deidara team besides that im not scared of mms or stuff like that.

This post was last edited by Mass on 2018-03-17 21:05:03.
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On 2018-03-17 11:55:44Show this Author Only
  • ICExx On 2018-03-17 03:04:58
  • Yes that's true for every Lightning Main team currently , nothing much we can do about that.

    Although it depends much on power however same power Han enemy can't win vs Madara blitz team I can guarantee that (he won't remove any buffs except Iruka)

    Also Kushimaru blitz team with Anbu Tactics = 0 removed by Han

    So those 2 teams can easily beat Han actually (well considering that it's smart players with pos1 stack because blitz will never work without pos1 stack ninja)

I find funny how everyone puts han on a pedestal when they try remark the bad things about lm, i do admit han can be a problem but tbh nowdays a good lm team must have some way of bypassing at least hans or mms or both, i can deal with both with no issue so i dont have a problem with em.

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On 2018-03-17 14:12:36Show this Author Only
  • ICExx On 2018-03-17 03:04:58
  • Yes that's true for every Lightning Main team currently , nothing much we can do about that.

    Although it depends much on power however same power Han enemy can't win vs Madara blitz team I can guarantee that (he won't remove any buffs except Iruka)

    Also Kushimaru blitz team with Anbu Tactics = 0 removed by Han

    So those 2 teams can easily beat Han actually (well considering that it's smart players with pos1 stack because blitz will never work without pos1 stack ninja)

What are the odds of a blitz team, on equal power, of ever beating Han with 3 healers, just by using anbu tactics?

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On 2018-03-17 19:31:31Show this Author Only

Pretty high actually if you use those 2 teams that I mentioned above and IF you had a good pos1 stack for your power (pos1 stack for blitz teams should be 1 ninja with 35-40% of your overall power)

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On 2018-03-17 23:25:47Show this Author Only
  • ICExx On 2018-03-17 03:04:58
  • Yes that's true for every Lightning Main team currently , nothing much we can do about that.

    Although it depends much on power however same power Han enemy can't win vs Madara blitz team I can guarantee that (he won't remove any buffs except Iruka)

    Also Kushimaru blitz team with Anbu Tactics = 0 removed by Han

    So those 2 teams can easily beat Han actually (well considering that it's smart players with pos1 stack because blitz will never work without pos1 stack ninja)

the 25% atk boost from anbu gets removed, just the leaching is not removed.

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On 2018-03-17 23:32:13Show this Author Only

I am pretty sure it doesn't, will test tomorrow

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On 2018-03-18 08:51:24Show this Author Only
  • Mass On 2018-03-17 11:55:44
  • I find funny how everyone puts han on a pedestal when they try remark the bad things about lm, i do admit han can be a problem but tbh nowdays a good lm team must have some way of bypassing at least hans or mms or both, i can deal with both with no issue so i dont have a problem with em.

what are u talking about? explain the details bro of how u counter han or masked man and ur strategy? or u just wanna say that ur actual way to defeat them is only CHARGED lol . Thats mean u dont need strategy, wih significant power gaping, u can only use konohamaru dan cats squad team to win the battle LMAO

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On 2018-03-18 09:55:46Show this Author Only
  • Garv On 2018-03-17 23:25:47
  • the 25% atk boost from anbu gets removed, just the leaching is not removed.

It doesnt, its a buff that works as long as the main is in the field. Those cant be removed

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On 2018-03-18 23:48:55Show this Author Only
  • blizark On 2018-03-18 08:51:24
  • what are u talking about? explain the details bro of how u counter han or masked man and ur strategy? or u just wanna say that ur actual way to defeat them is only CHARGED lol . Thats mean u dont need strategy, wih significant power gaping, u can only use konohamaru dan cats squad team to win the battle LMAO

I never said i could "counter" them i just dont get crippled when fighting them, my team doesnt rely on heavy buff,yeah i use buffs but i can still do it fine without them so han can do what he wants(i posted the team i use above) and mm its nvm since i get reflect and kurenai heal besides root so yeah.

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On 2018-03-19 00:15:05Show this Author Only
  • Mass On 2018-03-17 11:55:44
  • I find funny how everyone puts han on a pedestal when they try remark the bad things about lm, i do admit han can be a problem but tbh nowdays a good lm team must have some way of bypassing at least hans or mms or both, i can deal with both with no issue so i dont have a problem with em.

You're crying about how you can deal with Han, yet you forget the fact that we mention him in response to the OP's suggested lineups. This isn't a thread for your sorry lineups that don't rely on buffs. This thread is mostly about LM meta, and the fact that most of its elements rely on buff-stacking. You must've gone to the wrong thread to contest the argument that Han DESTROYS LM buff meta-teams. There exceptions to LMs using premium ninjas, hence, I mentioned the super rares. Now if you're an LM and using premium ninjas, might as well do a reality check and that majority of the players using LM metas are NOT using premium ninjas, and are most likely buff-stacking.

This post was last edited by Azrielle on 2018-03-19 00:15:32.
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On 2018-03-19 07:29:33Show this Author Only
  • Azrielle On 2018-03-19 00:15:05
  • You're crying about how you can deal with Han, yet you forget the fact that we mention him in response to the OP's suggested lineups. This isn't a thread for your sorry lineups that don't rely on buffs. This thread is mostly about LM meta, and the fact that most of its elements rely on buff-stacking. You must've gone to the wrong thread to contest the argument that Han DESTROYS LM buff meta-teams. There exceptions to LMs using premium ninjas, hence, I mentioned the super rares. Now if you're an LM and using premium ninjas, might as well do a reality check and that majority of the players using LM metas are NOT using premium ninjas, and are most likely buff-stacking.

"You're crying about how you can deal with Han"


"You're crying about how you can deal with Han"

what? this thread is about posting good usable teams in this meta, doesnt have to have something everyone uses to call it meta, but something that wins you fights, i did post my lineup, to help ppl to overcome the usual light main teams weaknesses, yeah han is a threat to most but is not a wall you cant climb, if you have or dont have the ninjas for it doesnt matter since im just showcasing the team so your second argument is invalid. its like i teach you how to do a cake and then you go "what about the ppl that doesnt have eggs to bake the cake?" get my point?

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On 2018-03-19 09:23:04Show this Author Only
  • ✪SalBoi On 2018-03-18 09:55:46
  • It doesnt, its a buff that works as long as the main is in the field. Those cant be removed

the leaching part yes, the atk part no. The aura part is the leaching, not the atk boost.

This post was last edited by Garv on 2018-03-19 09:23:48.
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On 2018-03-20 01:09:01Show this Author Only
  • Mass On 2018-03-19 07:29:33
  • "You're crying about how you can deal with Han"


    "You're crying about how you can deal with Han"

    what? this thread is about posting good usable teams in this meta, doesnt have to have something everyone uses to call it meta, but something that wins you fights, i did post my lineup, to help ppl to overcome the usual light main teams weaknesses, yeah han is a threat to most but is not a wall you cant climb, if you have or dont have the ninjas for it doesnt matter since im just showcasing the team so your second argument is invalid. its like i teach you how to do a cake and then you go "what about the ppl that doesnt have eggs to bake the cake?" get my point?

You didn't teach anyone, anything. You're merely sharing your lineup which you haven't provided any empirical evidence to support your claim of beating Han teams. All we hear are some lame condescending attempts to try to sound tough. Lol. And if your excuse is that you're beating someone of lower power than you, then that doesn't count, dear degenerate. Almost everyone in this game who has had enough experience would know how you don't deal with Han by blitzing, except in cases of very highend rosters. And you haven't even addressed what I said that my comment was in response to the OP's suggested lineup, not the ones some degenerate had suggested. Han teams must've made you a punching bag that you had to comment about people putting him on the pedestal, overlooking a simple fact that people respond to the OP for the lineups he suggested, and not a response to your sad life story of how Han might have morally abused you. Lol.

This post was last edited by Azrielle on 2018-03-20 15:23:39.
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