This week events are BAD even for a p2w player.
Fukurukumaro deals isn't paired up with a good spending event nor any recharge event.
Time limited shop has the same rewards as 3 months ago. Every spender now has edo deidara 5 starred, same for susanoo sasuke.
Lucky Star is just bad. I did my 10 spins to redeem myoboku's gifts, after this i'll do only the free spins.
Sakura's gift is the worst event ever created.
Jonin renewal is the only event worth this week.
Konoha outlets is REALLY BAD, since the prices are much higher than other events.
refine + charm rebates were expected and are a good way to power up.
It's inaccurate to suggest ALL spenders have Deidara and Sasuke 5-starred. Not all spenders are whales. I've routinely recharged a modest amount for 5 months and I'm nowhere near recruiting Deidara or Sasuke--let alone 5-starring them.
Secondly, Sakura's Gift is actually not that bad. I personally find it fun doing the quests, and the accessibility of the redeemables is on par with Lucky Board/Stars. (10 coupons for 1 Onigiri; the average worth 3 friendliness; the lowest redeemable ninja usually 10 friendliness--coming out to be about 30-40 coupons per frag). Plus the daily freebie is worth more too! (Board is worth 40 coupons; Stars is worth 20 coupons; Sakura's Gift is worth 50 coupons)
At times, I've actually gotten better bargains through Sakura's Gift than any other weekly event!
Lastly, I like the new event, Konoha Outlets. 30-32 coupons per frag that I need is quite a bargain. It's where all my coupons* are going this week. (I don't care about the scratchcards part--neither the rewards nor odds seem that favorable)
*i'm just spending coupons for now, for the next 30 days i'm saving up ingots for my Jonin renewal.
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