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[ News ] Server Merge Request - Week March 12th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-03-23 11:42:31Show All Posts

server id: 40 kidomaru

server region: NY

server age: 20 months

world boss I'm not sure what the hp or bp is but it's around level 60 give or take and usually takes 10 or 15 minutes to beat

average power of top 5: over 100k

great ninja war is a joke for the most part since it's mainly a contest between the two groups that are actually active to throw it and make the other group go to cross server great ninja war because both groups only average 15 to 18 participants each time if they're lucky and neither group wants to go to cross server because we both get last place and the rewards are better in solo regular gnw than last place cross server and it's becoming ridiculous

This post was last edited by ShinjiNokien on 2018-03-23 11:43:58.
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