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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-03-12 04:23:06Show All PostsDescending Order
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I have noticed one thing about ultra rare beast in summoning scroll - you get only frags for one. One guy from my server had 29 frags of KoH and drew today Kirin, I am at the moment at 32 frags of Kirin - is it so that I will get 100% KoH? I would like to ask you also - when you drew your first ultra rare beast (kirin /koh) from summoning scrolls, how many of the second one frags you had? Is there some fixed number that I will know I will get an ultra like in normal treasures?
Thanks for reply in advance

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-03-12 04:40:51Show All Posts

Why is it so that the guy got 29 KoH frags and 0 Kirin and got Kirin. I am getting 32 Kirin frags and 0 KoH. Why those frags are not random if ultra rare pull is in fact random :/ Anyway how many frags of X beast did you have before ultra pull? If you had any ofc

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-03-12 20:13:57Show All Posts

I play on Polish server, we have no way to get Kirin/KoH frags anywhere - only in shop, but im sure that both my and the guy I mentioned previously didnt buy a single kirin/koh frag. And why is it so that im drawing only Kirin frags from pulls and he was pulling only KoH frags. Why isnt it random - its not possible to draw 32 frags in a row from 1 beas and 0 frags of the other one.

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