Naruto online F2P Guide
I'll be covering on more efficient F2P methods . I myself is F2P and understands this game to a great extent as shown right here
However, there's a handful of people who level to fast and completely suffer from this game due to high level low power This could have a major effect on a series of thing like strong approaching, Sage world and even Matsuri Fight! So be cautious on how fast you level up since you may not have efficient power of the right ninjas you will need , also my main got interrupted
to be continued not done
that power's not really that great at level 83. I am 71k+ at level 90 and that's only because I was focusing on ninja fragments instead of power items. Also I don't wanna be rude but light main with root warrior counters teams that use more chases and less damage with debuffs like water poison tai or pain teams all use weak damage chases but inflict ignition or other debuffs and as root is immune (and gives 100% res buff) they win 100% of the time against teams like these.
Being a leech is really easy actually:
1) Save up your coupons.
2) Don't fall in the temptation of getting a wide Ninja-Pool (you can't afford it). Seals only in complete Treasure (Lightning or Jinchu 1).
3) Build up power (magetamas - lucky board is your friend....for a very long time)
4) Kurenai (fully skillbroken) is free of charge...but a grind definitely worth it.
5) Most importantly: be nice to strong guys, you beg to every day. whispering "help me TI" is not a question and it just leads to you being ignored. Nobody has time for an * (and NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO doing TI 20 times a day just to be a help-train is not fun).
6) P2W players don't give a f*ck about your crying in arena and any other mode.
7) No. if you only have a third of the battle power of the avergae pool, you do not deserve a legendary gift pack.
Being a leech is really easy actually:
1) Save up your coupons.
2) Don't fall in the temptation of getting a wide Ninja-Pool (you can't afford it). Seals only in complete Treasure (Lightning or Jinchu 1).
3) Build up power (magetamas - lucky board is your friend....for a very long time)
4) Kurenai (fully skillbroken) is free of charge...but a grind definitely worth it.
5) Most importantly: be nice to strong guys, you beg to every day. whispering "help me TI" is not a question and it just leads to you being ignored. Nobody has time for an * (and NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO doing TI 20 times a day just to be a help-train is not fun).
6) P2W players don't give a f*ck about your crying in arena and any other mode.
7) No. if you only have a third of the battle power of the avergae pool, you do not deserve a legendary gift pack.
Just a question..... for f2p, what should be the minimum power a player should have when around lvl 83?
Just a question..... for f2p, what should be the minimum power a player should have when around lvl 83?
it deppends a lot, u can be lv 83 by freezing lvl, so ur power will be way higher than most of 83 lv ppl, but i think, around 60k should be okay
it deppends a lot, u can be lv 83 by freezing lvl, so ur power will be way higher than most of 83 lv ppl, but i think, around 60k should be okay
TY...and yea I am trying to freeze the lvl. I currently have 57k, doing my best to hit 60k before I actually hit lvl 84.
As a f2p you should prioritise power over ninjas. Btw saying just 300$ makes you a mild spender. I never spent on this game and im 100k, my ninja pool isnt great but i work on that over time because i always choose power first. A guy from my server spent under 100$ and he is 120k, and i bet there are other players out there who spent less and have higher power. Its all about playing smart tbh.
Dudes i am lv 87 and 150k power and i am also a f2p
Weird flex but ok it's not that much of a deal all you gotta do is level freeze for ages i've seen players who are level 87 and with 300k bp i myself had 220k on that level so it's really not much of a deal at all
As a f2p you should prioritise power over ninjas. Btw saying just 300$ makes you a mild spender. I never spent on this game and im 100k, my ninja pool isnt great but i work on that over time because i always choose power first. A guy from my server spent under 100$ and he is 120k, and i bet there are other players out there who spent less and have higher power. Its all about playing smart tbh.
Yep, You Are Not Wrong About That Sentiment..Salboi San
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