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[ Player Guide ] Cave Keys experiment (Cave Rune info thread)


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-03-12 04:44:45Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hey guys!

I think this will be very useful information for everyone, so I did a experiment with some friends by gathering info about 11000 cave keys used and took all the EXP that they received in cave runes for each initiative/critical/injury/combo/control and calculated the average EXP per 1 key used for all 5 in all 11x 1k key examples.

(So you can say this research was based on 55 examples of cave runes received from using 1k keys)


This result was actually quite impressive, cheaper than I originally thought

The range was from 1,35 to 1,5 EXP per 1 cave key used for each stats.

Overall average was 1,43814 exp per key (we will be using this number as this is the real result)


Here is just 1 small example from 1k keys used and initiative gained.

AVERAGE EXP/KEYS based on entire slot of runes

note: 1x full set = (1 rune of all 5 initiative/critical/injury/combo/control)

note2: the ,1 ,2 ,8 ,9 numbers are round up

1>2 = 5 exp required (average 3,5 keys for 1x full set)

2>3 = 10 exp required (average 7 keys for 1x full set)

3>4 = 20 exp required (average 14 keys for 1x full set)

4>5 = 40 exp required (average 28 keys for 1x full set)

5>6 = 80 exp required (average 55,6 keys for 1x full set)

6>7 = 160 exp required (average 111 keys for 1x full set)

7>8 = 320 exp required (average 222,5 keys for 1x full set)

8>9 = 640 exp required (average 445 keys for 1x full set)

9>10 = 1280 exp required (average 890 keys for 1x full set)

10>11 = 1920 exp required (average 1335 keys for 1x full set)

11>12 = 3360 exp required (average 2336 keys for 1x full set)

TOTAL: 7835 exp required (average 5448 keys for 1x full set)

Fun fact info: (of course this will never be correct because of all the free draws and random runes from events etc.)

5448 * 5 = 27240 keys for all 5 rune stones level 1>12 on a single ninja.

27240 * 4 = 108960 keys for all 5 rune stones level 1>12 on all 4 ninjas.

Fun fact info 2: (The true value of lvl 5 rune stone from cave key pack)

What is true value of lvl 5 rune stone ??

CAVE KEY PACK 900cpn = 88 cave keys + lvl 5 rune stone

80/5 = 16

16/1,43814 = average 11 cave keys !

(80 is the exp that level 5 rune stone provides, since it's only for 1 rune we divide by 5 to get the overall exp from it

then dividing it by the average exp/key which is 1,43814 = 11 cave keys)


CAVE KEY PACK 900cpn = 99 cave keys worth

This post was last edited by ICExx on 2018-03-12 04:44:45.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-06-05 20:07:39Show All Posts
  • Sammyjay On 2018-06-05 10:22:48
  • So you divided each result 5 which give the value of each cave key as compared to a lvl1 rune since its the smallest increment of a rune you can get. Using the average we can than reverse engineer what the technical cost of a rune base on pull type. Some quick math gives the following: 1 pull -> 9.04 coupons, 10 pull -> 7.997, 50 pull -> 7.788 coupons. So the cheapest cost value of a max lvl rune is 5233.5 coupons per lvl 12 rune. So total cost to equip all nin with max runes is 418,682,.88 coupons if you used zero free sources.

Yap that's true

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-06-05 20:12:15Show All Posts
  • Ooph On 2018-06-05 13:16:53
  • was the distribution between the types of runes pretty even? or did it skew to any particular stat?

Yeah it all always depends on luck, they have some differences always but not big ones

I personally had the most luck with injury in all my game-time

worst luck with control and initiative

Quicky Post

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