Hey there.
The reason why seal fragments were replaced with medium threads is for combination of Armor rebate we will have later in current event cycle. While we understand a lot of high power players are not in need of medium threads but advanced ones, we also wanted to give a chance to lower power players or free to play players to farm medium threads and take advantage of this rebate.
i offer a good idea to solve this problem. Oasis should make a new exchange feature to exchange unneeded materials that high players have such as medium thread or medium refine to others materials such as adv thread or adv refine or even seal fragments. WIn win solution
By the way, did we ever get results for the Haiku contest?
Bro Dosu, i chatted and asked Sir Acer1 about the Haiku Contest Rewards and this is what he replied to me ..
Maybe Sir Acer1 is busy this past few days ..
btw, Sir Daiske, can you please add Fukurokumaru Deals tomorrow, i know for sure that you will open additional events, aside from the events scheduled tomorrow .. It would be great for us, to have some rebate when we spend our coupons .. your f2p players will be glad for this ..
NOTE : Ah, don't add it anymore, i already spent my coupons -_- .. wahahahaha xD ..
can we get the go furukomaru armor in another event soon been so long since i seen it and i still need 28 frags for it...if possible put it in the mission box event.
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