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[ Events ] Events - 8th March


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-03-09 03:30:44Show All Posts

another saving week with nothing of interest offered. I will admit to being disappointed with the event offerings this week, but looking on the bright side, it is good to have saving weeks hoping that one day we will get worthwhile events again

p.s. A word of advice, you might want to more carefully think about what ninja you advertise as being "Weekly Strong Ninjas". That typically means they are obtainable through events. 1 fragment off a level 6 and a level 7 Konoha Great Tree does not exactly meet that criteria. We have the same chance of getting Tsunade Hokage this week, yet she is not listed as a "Weekly Strong Ninja". It feels very misleading to advertise Susanoo Itachi in the same breath as Kissame and Edo Tobirama which you can actually BUY fragments for them through events, makes people thing they would be able to do the same with Itachi.

This post was last edited by Dacien Del Sol on 2018-03-09 03:35:58.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-03-09 03:47:12Show All Posts
  • Daiske On 2018-03-09 00:52:58
  • Hey there.

    The reason why seal fragments were replaced with medium threads is for combination of Armor rebate we will have later in current event cycle. While we understand a lot of high power players are not in need of medium threads but advanced ones, we also wanted to give a chance to lower power players or free to play players to farm medium threads and take advantage of this rebate.

so the team felt it was a smarter idea to remove seal frags in favor of med threads to take advantage of the Armor rebate....completely ignoring the fact there is also a seal scroll rebate going on at the same time? Seems a bit...backwards to me. Lets remove something that always has value for players (seal scrolls), no matter what their spending status, to add something that will benefit those still using medium threads....and pick and choose which rebates we want players to be able to take advantage of using. I know the point of the seal rebates is to get people to buy seal scrolls, but when you change an event like this, it comes across as greedy. I am curious how many players would actively choose medium threads over seal scroll fragments on a regular basis, I can't imagine it would be very high at all, even more so when there is a seal scroll rebate going on.

Quicky Post

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