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[ Events ] Events - 8th March


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-03-07 21:55:03Show All Posts
  • Daoist On 2018-03-07 21:52:10
  • We don't need more ninjas, We want more features

Hey there.

We are aware that our community (you guys) would like to see more new in-game features and updates. While we have our set schedule and we need to follow it, we are currently in the middle of discussion and we are looking into ways that will allow us to update the game more frequently. With that being said, I am happy to let you know that we will add at least one new feature this month.

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On 2018-03-07 23:43:43Show All Posts
  • Castnicke On 2018-03-07 22:05:24
  • Meh. This week is for the whales.

    Any way you can add an event that allows us to get more shisui frags?


You were and you still are able to obtain Shisui fragments this week in Lucky Board event.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-03-07 23:47:12Show All Posts
  • Mass On 2018-03-07 22:24:10
  • To be honest is in your best interest to drop that schedule you got and make a new one, we are asking for updates since 2 month or so ago, so please get this message tru and be adamant to the person in charge of scheduling the updates that we need those updates before getting new ninjas, i do thank you if you are indeed trying to push the updates for us since we are really stale atm.

This schedule is done by whole team. It can't be decided by one individual. As I mentioned, we are aware of the requests regarding more in-game updates and we are looking into it. I tried to explain current situation in this thread so feel free to visit it and take a look : click

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On 2018-03-07 23:48:01Show All Posts
  • Toshiiroo On 2018-03-07 22:27:52
  • Where can i see Tobirama edo its skills in english

You will be able to see official translations of his skill tomorrow after maintenance.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-03-08 01:08:29Show All Posts
  • Shadoblaze On 2018-03-08 00:48:57
  • In the linked thread you said the 2 features that were announced in 3.0 were pushed back because of bugs, if that is the case aren't they severely behind schedule by now and should be released asap? Normally a bug will push something back for a little while and when you fix the bug you push that feature out alongside whatever would be planned for the normal release since you want to keep your schedule, most companies want to keep the release schedule the same even if they have to push things back so I don't understand why you aren't doing that as well.

    I don't look to CN to see what we should get next as at this point in their development I wasn't paying attention to them, I look to Germany to see what we will get next as they are usually getting the same things we will just a few months earlier. They have had Gamabunta for a few months now, they got him before they got Sage tools, and while I accept that the German branch of Oasis may be a different one from the NA branch they are still parts of the same company, asking one for their code so you can get a bug fixed faster shouldn't be difficult.

    I don't need or even want to see new features getting pushed out every week, even as a large spender it would be more money spent on this game than I would like. But I would like to see at least 1 new feature every 30 days, that gives people time to save for it if it requires coupons or to get to enjoy it without being swept up by another new feature if its an event. Ninjas being added only interest the collectors, for the rest of us they are an annoyance because that Edo Tobirama won't get used on any of my teams and so he will only be a waste to try and get, but I know some of the people in my group will want to try to get the shiny new ninja instead of power which will hurt us as a whole for GNW.

Usually, yes. That is how it should work. However, during the process of fixing those two features, our version was upgraded to the next version of the game, version 4.0. That means our schedule was updated and later even changed. There were and still are a lot of factors that affected our schedule and in the end we were not able to push these two updates to the game as soon as possible. What I can tell you is that right now, these two updates are again in our update schedule.

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On 2018-03-08 17:42:02Show All Posts
  • OtsutsukiAdamo On 2018-03-08 16:54:21
  • Hey!

    I'll buy 10 nagato frag but i didn't claimed.. Why? It is bug? Or something else what i know?
    Pls guys help me.
    (I claimed tobirama frag and cave key only the nagato frags don't..)


We are aware of this problem and we are currently working on a fix.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-03-09 00:52:58Show All Posts
  • bigmike12188 On 2018-03-08 23:31:13
  • replacing the seal frags with medium threads when most of us are done with them was the worst choice you could make honestly...i was looking forward to least a few seals for free since yall dont give them out in events anymore that doesnt need u to actually spend coupons on

Hey there.

The reason why seal fragments were replaced with medium threads is for combination of Armor rebate we will have later in current event cycle. While we understand a lot of high power players are not in need of medium threads but advanced ones, we also wanted to give a chance to lower power players or free to play players to farm medium threads and take advantage of this rebate.

Quicky Post

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