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[ Updates ] IMPORTANT - Mystery skills delay problem


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On 2018-03-07 19:01:37Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Dear ninjas,

recently we have received bigger amount of reports not only here on forum but also on Discord and via our CS system concerning problems with mystery skills and their activation delay. We consider this problem as very serious and we plan on investigating it. But we need your help!

We would like to hear more details and if possible to see how exactly is this problem affecting your game-play.
- Is it affecting only specific ninjas?
- Is it affecting all special skills?
- When are you experiencing such problems?
- Is it happening during specific in-game timed event or is it random?

Videos are always helpful and they would help us speed up the process of fixing this serious problem. Please make sure to post only valid and helpful responses in this thread. Any other comments will be deleted and creator may be punished.

We would like to thank you for notifying us about this problem and also thank you for your assistance in investigating this problem.

Your Naruto Online Operation Team

This post was last edited by Daiske on 2018-03-07 19:01:37.
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On 2018-03-06 18:22:12Show this Author Only

For me when I click a mystery near the end of the round it lags for example I use edo deidara, sailor sakura, jigokudo, and Earth main. When i used EM at the end of R1 when chakra is 40 it lags and the mystery is used 2nd round. Also, when i click a mystery lets say at the start of round 2 it goes off 3 secodns after I click.

EDIT: sometimes I click it before standard attack of that character and it waits until THE END of the round to pop.

This post was last edited by EDGELORDD on 2018-03-06 18:26:20.
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On 2018-03-06 18:23:39Show this Author Only

- No it's not on any specific ninja.

- It's because of our latency and connection whilst doing pvp. When trying to do a really late just before round change mystery it sometimes doesn't work or go off because of latency.

- Whenever during Sage or Plunder/Convoy.

- Yes.

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On 2018-03-06 18:23:42Show this Author Only

I use lineup with kazekage gaara, shikaku, and windmain, while i use the chakra generation, on turn 2 when I pop my Gaara's mystery it generates enough chakra to pop both giant rasengan of Windmain and Shikakus mystery. though even though I press them right away after the chakra is generated, most of the times the game proceedes to do gaaras reguler atttack, sometimes even more attacks of more ninjas instead of proceeding to cast my queued up mysterie.

Hence I think it affects mysteries being queued after chakra generation

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On 2018-03-06 18:28:12Show this Author Only
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On 2018-03-06 18:35:55Show this Author Only

I experienced the mystery delay with Torune in arena several times.

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On 2018-03-06 18:37:40Show this Author Only

For me, it has happened here and there for a while but it wasn't too bad, however, ever since 4.0 it has gotten much worse and is my biggest complaint with the game at the moment. Can't even begin to describe how frustrating it is to queue up your prompt mystery and watch 5-6 standard attacks go through before it fires or even worse - when the mystery doesn't trigger until next round and completely ruins your chakra usage.

- It doesn't seem to be tied to specific ninjas or lineups

- Occurs mainly during the time for evening events (sage, matsuri, bonds) as there are many people playing simultaneously at that time

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On 2018-03-06 18:42:14Show this Author Only

completely random, but i noticed that in surv mode this problem have less impacts or even didnt show up.

Some stuff to read:

For example... my team - Shisui move 1 and Itachi Sus move 2.

I have only 40 chakra, but i have passive talent that will give me chakra after combo, which will start Shisui.

So i use him round 2 (enemy using all his myst, incl heal) and i wanna use my Itachi after i have enought chakra, so he will CC enemy move 2 or 3.

BUT if i use him directly by pressing the but.ton - he will use it AFTER enemy move 2 or 3.

BUT if i press auto - he will use it even on move 2 enemy straight away and will interrupt enemy myst.

This post was last edited by Edeet on 2018-03-06 19:00:29.
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On 2018-03-06 18:58:11Show this Author Only


- No, all ninjas with prompt mysteries. (saw it on Minato [Jonin], Water main, Sakura [Sailor], Deidara [Edo], Masked Man and Han)

- What's the difference between this and previous point?

- In pvp mostly, like plunder. And very often in arena. Less so in survival and other pve content.

- I guess random. Though all appearances have in common that I'm trying to use Mystery during the round, after certain trigger (like after opponent's healer's standard attack, or after I gain chakra from clones dying) or close the end. In the first case it is usually "just" delayed (which still hurts because I very often miss cooldown reduce for Minato [Jonin] because of it), in the latter it doesn't launch the mystery until next round starts (using newly gained chakra instead of the one from previous).

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On 2018-03-06 19:25:46Show this Author Only

Yesterday on Bonds, my partner's minato [jonin] had & has way more init than my Ay[3rd] and i went first, also it happend a few times against other lower level bp's which for sure had less init (he is 80k bp and has the init of a 90k bp so no way 60-50ks can go first with him in the field).

Server756, me DarthVader, him Killmoves.

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On 2018-03-06 19:28:29Show this Author Only

Hello. back in 1.0 i was able to counter mistery. Now For example i know that enemy is slower than me and i wait him to use mistery round 2 and i want to interupt it its close to impossible, enemy will go before me. So i cant make interupts unless i can see in future and press mistery same time as enemy do. (we talk about same action here). Basic attacks go out after i press a promt mistery. Gane needs 2 3 seconds of time to react to things or the whole porpuse of initative is usless. :(

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On 2018-03-06 20:32:15Show this Author Only

[A] - [Delay] section

Before first chase combo in each round when you click any mystery if prompt it happens immediately, if non-prompt and you click right before the standard it happen immediately.

After any chases you must calculate the delay time or you will fail like in the following situations:-

[1] Clicking gaara before standard, he gets the barrier above his head, then he go standard and wait till round 2 to barrier.

[2] Near the end of the round like sometimes before action 4 even do his action, if you click a jutsu it might not take the chakra and not take the mystery icon above head, then the next round it forces use it by taking chakra and doing it at beginning of round. thats bad because i need the 40 chakra or 60 chakra of the new round but i could have used the jutsu to spend chakra from earlier round.

[3] With these delays doing a successful interrupt using a no-control ninjas (like Iruka, Samui,.. etc) is near impossible if the opponent just delayed his use instead of rushing. cuz we will never time it right, if you click as soon as it appears the delay will screw you over, but if you predicted it might work.

[B] - [System Error] section

[1] Control: thats when you click some jutsu, but the game already knows that this ninja gonna be controlled in the future so he cant use the jutsu early to save himself or do whatever before the control.

[2] Death: If for example you have a water main or a healer that tries to use heal, if the delay reached the stage where he would have been attacked and died it wont let you heal in first place to prevent the future death by recovering HP. Instead it will say system error because game already consider the ninja dead

[C] - [Temporary Fix] section

If you click auto the second you want to click a jutsu instead of clicking a jutsu, there will be no delay and it will happen normally. but that cant happen if you have few mysteries available (not on cooldown) and enough chakra for all or for just 1 because it might not do what you want to do.

But its a reliable fix if for example you have 1 jutsu only available at the time


- Is it affecting only specific ninjas? NO, All ninjas are affected

- Is it affecting all special skills? As mentioned above, All ninjas are affected (Special or not will NOT matter)
- When are you experiencing such problems? Every single battle (PVP, PVE, EVENTS, LOCAL, X-SERVER,...etc)
- Is it happening during specific in-game timed event or is it random? As mentioned above, not random and not specific. (ITS IN ALL NON-AUTO BATTLES)

- Platform used: Browser, i cant know for sure about client since i'm using mac. But i suppose its the same

I've adapted to it and started calculating everything to time my jutsus and increase my % of successfully doing my stuff,

so i hope i've helped and contact me for any further questions if needed

This post was last edited by Shereif on 2018-03-06 21:50:01.
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On 2018-03-06 20:49:33Show this Author Only

- Is it affecting only specific ninjas? All of ninjas are affected.

- Is it affecting all special skills? Yes specially non-prompt skills. The issue here is you don't want to be CCed or immobile doing this, therefore, you want to do the standard attack of ninja before clicking the non prompt mistery but these days the delay is so bad that the mistery was not activated and instead replaced by standard attack.

- When are you experiencing such problems? I thought when we are 2x settings but these days the propblem become worst even in normal speed the problem exist.

- Is it happening during specific in-game timed event or is it random? See 2nd point. It is not random but we want to use the mistery and time it well but because of the delay sometimes the activation of skill takes longer.

Also if you could investigate the delay per end of round that would be great.

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On 2018-03-06 20:57:45Show this Author Only
  • Shereif On 2018-03-06 20:32:15
  • [A] - [Delay] section

    Before first chase combo in each round when you click any mystery if prompt it happens immediately, if non-prompt and you click right before the standard it happen immediately.

    After any chases you must calculate the delay time or you will fail like in the following situations:-

    [1] Clicking gaara before standard, he gets the barrier above his head, then he go standard and wait till round 2 to barrier.

    [2] Near the end of the round like sometimes before action 4 even do his action, if you click a jutsu it might not take the chakra and not take the mystery icon above head, then the next round it forces use it by taking chakra and doing it at beginning of round. thats bad because i need the 40 chakra or 60 chakra of the new round but i could have used the jutsu to spend chakra from earlier round.

    [3] With these delays doing a successful interrupt using a no-control ninjas (like Iruka, Samui,.. etc) is near impossible if the opponent just delayed his use instead of rushing. cuz we will never time it right, if you click as soon as it appears the delay will screw you over, but if you predicted it might work.

    [B] - [System Error] section

    [1] Control: thats when you click some jutsu, but the game already knows that this ninja gonna be controlled in the future so he cant use the jutsu early to save himself or do whatever before the control.

    [2] Death: If for example you have a water main or a healer that tries to use heal, if the delay reached the stage where he would have been attacked and died it wont let you heal in first place to prevent the future death by recovering HP. Instead it will say system error because game already consider the ninja dead

    [C] - [Temporary Fix] section

    If you click auto the second you want to click a jutsu instead of clicking a jutsu, there will be no delay and it will happen normally. but that cant happen if you have few mysteries available (not on cooldown) and enough chakra for all or for just 1 because it might not do what you want to do.

    But its a reliable fix if for example you have 1 jutsu only available at the time


    - Is it affecting only specific ninjas? NO, All ninjas are affected

    - Is it affecting all special skills? As mentioned above, All ninjas are affected (Special or not will NOT matter)
    - When are you experiencing such problems? Every single battle (PVP, PVE, EVENTS, LOCAL, X-SERVER,...etc)
    - Is it happening during specific in-game timed event or is it random? As mentioned above, not random and not specific. (ITS IN ALL NON-AUTO BATTLES)

    - Platform used: Browser, i cant know for sure about client since i'm using mac. But i suppose its the same

    I've adapted to it and started calculating everything to time my jutsus and increase my % of successfully doing my stuff,

    so i hope i've helped and contact me for any further questions if needed

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On 2018-03-06 23:12:53Show this Author Only

Mystery Delay usually delays mystery if yoyu dont activate em at the start of the round

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On 2018-03-07 00:18:17Show this Author Only

I will give u example from my team:

Position1: Jonin Minato, 2: Masked Man, 3: Wind Main, 4: Kurenai

versus my friend test dummy for this

Position1: Roshi, 2:Masked man, 3:Water Main, 4:Sakura Sailor

ROUND 1 i use masked on roshi(usless move just testing)

Round2 : Sailor and water main use heal, I use minato who is fastest ninja on water main(interupt her and control on combo)

now SITUATION1 i use wind mastery reset while minato is attacking, and it sucess before sailor heal. while that is happening i am clicking on keyboard and with mouse like crazy masked man skill on sailor and he ALWAYS fail to use skill,he delay it after sakuras heal or even normal attacks...


SITUATION 2 all same only in moment when Wind main use mastery i click on AUTO skills, Masked in instant afer that activate his skill on sakura...

How on auto works great and on normal i always have deley..... :/

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On 2018-03-07 00:40:34Show this Author Only
  • God of Wind On 2018-03-07 00:18:17
  • I will give u example from my team:

    Position1: Jonin Minato, 2: Masked Man, 3: Wind Main, 4: Kurenai

    versus my friend test dummy for this

    Position1: Roshi, 2:Masked man, 3:Water Main, 4:Sakura Sailor

    ROUND 1 i use masked on roshi(usless move just testing)

    Round2 : Sailor and water main use heal, I use minato who is fastest ninja on water main(interupt her and control on combo)

    now SITUATION1 i use wind mastery reset while minato is attacking, and it sucess before sailor heal. while that is happening i am clicking on keyboard and with mouse like crazy masked man skill on sailor and he ALWAYS fail to use skill,he delay it after sakuras heal or even normal attacks...


    SITUATION 2 all same only in moment when Wind main use mastery i click on AUTO skills, Masked in instant afer that activate his skill on sakura...

    How on auto works great and on normal i always have deley..... :/

i have same problem with you .

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On 2018-03-07 01:13:17Show this Author Only

Quick little video example of mystery delay in arena:

It's not the worst that's ever happened to me, but that is still really far from ideal. In that time, if Temari had been CC'd or killed, I would have gotten System Error (See Shereif's response for more detailed information on that).

Is it affecting only certain ninjas? No, this can happen to any ninja's mystery that is used after the first chase of the round. In the video, you can see that Naruto's mystery activates fine, but Temari's, and possibly Lightning Main's, mysteries were delayed.

Is it affecting only certain skills? No, this happens to non-prompt ninjas as well (I.E. Gaara barrier mystery queued, but he'll still do his standard attack that round).

When are you experiencing this problem? It happens more regularly when there's a change in chakra (I.E chakra gain, as in the video), or if a mystery is used near the end of the round (appx. 2 standard attacks remaining, not counting clones). This is thoroughly frustrating when using CC based lineups against a position 4 healer, for example.

Is it happening during specific in-game timed events or is it random? For the most part, this occurs in scenarios with more than 1 person involved. This isn't limited to just the timed events (Sage World Battlefield, Strongest Ninja, Matsuri, etc). Systems such as Arena (see video above) and even dueling against group mates have this issue as well. However, that's not to say that Survival Trial/Instances/etc don't delay, they just appear to less severely or frequently.

This post was last edited by Mashimashi on 2018-03-07 01:13:41.
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On 2018-03-07 01:34:30Show this Author Only

hmm for me it happens sometimes, for example a round starts and i have a team with kurenai the enemy is blitz tho so i wait for him to finish with the attacks so that i can shield my tank , however after his attacks are done and my tank is alive my kurenai skill doesnt go off even tho it appears above her head and it only activates second round.The problem is that when it does activate it uses chakra from round 2 , now idk if this is some sort of lagg but i gotta say the fight runs smooth for me i never have lagg issues with naruto maybe only when afk for a lot of time so i get DC(orochimaru attack).Also these things happen in all modes and today another wierd thing happend , while in plunder round 2 i waited for enemy minato to go off (he went insta) as soon as he was doing his combo i activated roshi and once more the icone was above his head.During the combo right after i activated my roshi the opponent activated kurenai who was position 3 and she went before roshi , so i dont think that its a ninja issue it might be something else or just a simple lagg, hope this helps :)

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On 2018-03-07 02:39:36Show this Author Only

I've noticed this in strong approaching, where beating a round highly depends on getting off a mystery before the first action of the opponent sometimes. It never used to be a problem but the last few SAs have been difficult because I'll keysmash that mystery *on the second the new round starts to get it in time but it'll delay, just stand there waiting while the enemy's standard attacks will wipe out my team in the meantime.

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