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[ Lineup ] Jiraiya [Sage Mode] Lineups


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-03-01 05:29:03Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hey guys!

Outdated ninja here but he wasn't in forums so I thought he deserves at least some team suggestions.

He is a decent ninja however has obvious problems such as 60 chakra cost on his mystery and lack of useful passives (he has 2 chases which basically do nothing), with that said his mystery can be deadly and his chakra gain is nice.

Let's see some teams:

1. Fire Main "the full buff team"



Well this team mostly revolves around Fire Main as pos1 ninja with capability of doing mystery every round if his clone is alive.

Hashirama and Iruka amazing for buffing the whole team, you have enough chakra round 1 to use both Iruka and Hashirama.

Using Fire enhacement is ideal in this team because it's 3 fire ninjas.

2. Fire Main "full buff auto-barrier version"



Similar team to the one above with the Hashirama replaced for Danzo, now in this team it's a bit tricky to use Fire Enhacement because there are 4 fire attribute ninjas.

Bringing Danzo in brings the immobile chase which is amazing, it's lacking in Hashirama team but there are more buffs in that one.

I chose reflect because it's safe, although Ninjutsu Urge is a great option to be used also providing a small buff and leech for all ninjas.

3. Fire Main "the 2 Sages"



This team might be outdated but still decent, although nowadays you could use Shisui instead of Onoki as barrier ninja.

4. Water Main



This team is a bit tricky because the chakra gain is un-safe , therefore I feel it's safest the use the chakra gain passive of Water Main for the secure 60 chakra in round 2 or possible even using both Sage Jiraiya and Mei mysteries in round 2.

Decent acupuncture chase and mystery from Ao, heals from Water Main and poison tai coming from all the chases (bad thing is Sage Jiraiya mystery is ninjutsu only so poison tai useless there)

5. Wind Main "the RASENGAN team"



This team is purely for fun although it can be used for real but it's not as good as other teams.

Having 5x rasengan chases and 9 chases in total is pretty fun, if only we had Sage Naruto skillbooks would be even more rasengans

That would be all , as always feel free to comment guys!

This post was last edited by ICExx on 2018-03-01 05:29:03.
Quicky Post

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