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[ Lineup ] need a water ninetails team


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-02-23 03:18:09Show All Posts

for what i tested so far the best lineup for world boss for azure fang currently is this one:


talents: 41411, summon: tonton.

select utakata with bee in round 1, and haku in round 3.

use haku prompt mystery only in round 3, after main landed her damage (if you don't lag at all you can wait for the clone to deliver it too, but usually the chases let you delay regardless) and reapply the barrier asap in round 4.

beware: you need to retreat at the end of round 4.

it beats by around 5% the outcome of hashirama, tenten gnw, iruka lineup and by around 10% the outcome of wb asuma, iruka, tenten gnw lineup (currently 2nd and 3rd best lineup).

This post was last edited by Garv on 2018-02-23 03:21:31.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-02-24 22:21:47Show All Posts
  • Scarlettblue On 2018-02-23 17:27:21
  • I see why garv's lineup works.

    Consider those facts:

    1) Darui do not boost anyone in round 4 and is not boosted by water main, while haku does.

    2) Haku is 5 stars while darui usually is 3 star.

    3) It's true that darui lands during the first 3 rounds 6 140% standard attacks and in round 4 1 standard at 100%, so you land a total of 940% with standards, but haku here lands 1 in round 2, 2 in round 3 and 1 in round 4 but he does it with a 210% boost + 10% more stats, so is like if that boost went to 230%. 230%*4 = 920%. so more or less the damage from standards is comparable in terms of boosts, but haku is slightly higher in truth because his standard attack is high scaling, while darui's is medium scaling. The damage from mystery too is comparable, both are low scaling. So on darui side there is the pro of 4 low scaling 10 combos chases, but on haku side there is the +40% boost in round 4 for all the damage landed by utakata and main mysteries and chases and by main clone, that in the case of utakata chase is something astronomical with 3 hokage supports, since his chase is one of the highest scaling chases that are out there, thing that obviously don't work as well in pvp because resistance and damage reduction highly depower it, but against an enemy with 0 resistance...

+1, more or less he explained why haku over darui, but obviously, if your darui is 5 stars you could use him.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-02-24 22:22:52Show All Posts
  • 200000103099427 On 2018-02-23 06:37:44
  • anyone have tested gengetsu for 9 tails water team is it any better?

if your combo stat is high he indeed works, the issue is that you generally get him as 2 stars. at 3 stars could be indeed viable.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-02-25 23:15:41Show All Posts
  • Jiburiru On 2018-02-25 11:19:28
  • The water team I want for ninetails but don't have is Mifune, Suigetsu, Haku, and Water main. I still don't have mifune T_T

    Talents: 43411

    Summon: Tonton


Taijutsu Attack (1st standard attack) against world boss works better than Water style - Water whip (3rd standard attack) because owns high critical trait.

I would also suggest you to use Edo Zabuza or Chojuro in the place of Suigetsu since both would work better than him in that specific lineup against world boss (chojuro because gets a self buff of +24% from the 4 water characters on the field, zabuza because thanks to mystery land more standard attacks).

The main issue is that you would still land, even with them, slight less damage than the Tenten gnw, iruka, wb asuma lineup (that's currently the 3rd best among the ones i tried, as i said in the previous post and i own edo zabuza, chojuro, suigetsu and mifune, tried all of them) because that team owns no high combo chases except for Azure Fang one (that doesn't hit that hard) while Tenten GNW one hits really hard, and haku for 2 rounds out of 4 basically don't do anything.

This post was last edited by Garv on 2018-02-25 23:20:50.
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