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[ Suggestions ] modify the rewards for top3 people in swb


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 32
  • Posts: 101
On 2018-03-01 10:04:11Show All Posts

You want a solution that will benefit OASIS big time and a bit chaotic?

Put all whales in one SWB bracket. Whales vs Whales, if lower spender whales got starched by higher spender whale, they will use credit no mama no jutsu to increase their power. OASIS = profit! $$$

Put mild spender in one SWB bracket. Neck to Neck fight. If you want to place first you need to spend more and probably will transfer you to above tier. You will be forced to become a WHALE.

Put f2p in one SWB bracket. Paradise. No spending needed. Beat the crap out of each other.

based the SWB on VIP level.

Accept this one OASIS. This will benefit you. Specially those cowards on HK server, they are on bracket of level 90 with 120k power ending everyone's streak but they dont fight each other so they can place first on SWB. Whales are monopolizing the rewards on SWB and to avoid it put them all together. Let them drain their cash to try and beat each other.

most evil suggestion but make sense.

Quicky Post

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