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[ Suggestions ] modify the rewards for top3 people in swb


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-03-01 11:49:09Show All Posts


1. Freezing does have negatives. If nothing else, you are missing coin from fox, which is used in treasure, 8 gate, donation into wheel spin into coupon. And depending on how hard you freeze, potentially other things like jin rewards, daily quest rewards etc. Generally, the pro is greater than the con, but you do have to sacrifice something. And there is potential for con to outweigh the pro, see #2

2. Freezing creates horrible game experience for newer players. If they don't freeze, they will not win on their way growing up. If they do freeze, they will still lose to player who have frozen longer. So they will lose all the time either way. For server cluster that are relatively new or small, this might not be a problem. But for somewhat older, growing clusters, this could be a problem. Fact of the matter is, there are only 9 "winners" between all ptw and freezers for a partciular bracket in a specific cluster. More than 9 people freezing means someone will lose, and that tend to be the "fresh meat".

Proposed solutions:

1. Nerf top 3 rewards for non-100 fields.

For one, this only affect sage, which is not the only reason people freeze. For another, this is working off the assumption that only the freezers win. But while rare, a "normal" player could win as well, why exactly should the be punished? This is, imo, a very spiteful suggestions as it helps no one and only hurt some. And not everyone of the "some" are "guilty" of whatever behavior we do not approve of.

2. Give exp to winners.

This would work for lower brackets, but for higher brackets, say the 80s or even low 90s, it doesn't work so well. For smaller amount of exp, it would take too long to have any effect. For larger amount of exp, say 10% of a level, that's literally more than what a player can normally gain in a day. This could potentially make ptw even stronger in newer servers. So while it might help in the Xserver prospective, it can cause problem within a specific server. Granted, the impact might be limited, because if a ptw spend enough to keep winning sage, he'd probably win w/o the 10 level advantage over his ftp/ptp peers. But it's still a potential problem to have lv 90s in a server that otherwise barely have any 80s.

3. Power over level

This, IMO, is what it should have always been. But it does have the problem of potentially harming ptw, which the game is probably unwilling to do. Because bracket one in each cluster is going to be filled with those who spend money to win but are now unable to, regardless of their level. Also, while I dislike level freezing, it is, objectively speaking, an "investment" that people work for. Taking away the fruit of the investment is questionable. For player who have already harvested some fruit, it might be fair, but for those whose fruit have yet to ripen, it can be unfair, especially if you consider many of them are just following the advice provided by more seasoned players.

Furthermore, while the top ptw are pitted together and "lose", the lower paying player with purchased ninja might end up dominating the rest of the fields and free player might have no recourse whatsoever against them due to the similar power, whereas level freezing at least offers some options for f2p players.

4. Capping wins

This is an interesting suggestions. If there is a finite number of time one can win, to maximize one's own points, one need to try to terminate streaks. This would encourage the strong to fight each other rather than picking on the weak. The problem with this is that it does cause sage result to be partially based on luck rather than power/skill. Because you might never get to catch someone with streak even if you can beat them. Also, we would have potential problem of players using alts to feed a strong opponent, getting them to the win limit but with minimal amount of points for that number of wins (which, btw, is probably why they kick out the people who keeps losing, so people can't use alts to feed themselves) As much as I dislike bullies, I hate cheaters more.

On a side note, you might noticed that I said capping win as opposed to capping "morale"(win streak). Because one c*ually terminate their own streak easy enough, so capping streak won't do much.

5. Shrinking sage size

This would be good, but unlikely. Because this essentially means more reward per capita for free. It's essentially asking for free hand out and we know how oasis feel about that. But if done, at least in the short term, it would help, as it's less likely for there to be 9 ptw/freezers taking up all the winner slots in each bracket. That is, at least, until problem #2 noted above catches up and they become saturated again.

6. Winners bracket

This is an idea I had before, where the winner(top 3 of each side, so 9 per bracket) gets tossed into one bracket the next time they do sage.

This, in a way, is a cross between #1 and #5. It will punish the winners, except the top bracket winners, as no one can win twice in a row. It will allow more player a chance to win top reward (becomes 18 per bracket instead of 9, as alternating sets). It does avoid the "extra free reward" bit of #5 which oasis won't like. But at the same time, it carries the same potential problem. It may or may not be fair to punish the winners. And eventually, even 18 winner per bracket might get saturated as more and more people level freeze.

So as you can see, there is no "perfect" solutions. Every solution have problems, either long term or short term. And there is always the question of fairness as well as the status quo oasis might wish to preserve in the amount of reward to hand out as well as protecting the "rights" of whale which they do need to cater to. So sadly, there is no cut and dry simple 100% positive solution.

Also, I'd like to note any modification would have to be implemented by tencent, not oasis. And then take months before propagating here. The chance of these suggestion even reaching tencent is rather unlikely. And who knows what would be lost in translation in between, with the reasoning or wording twisted in such a way that puts the devs off.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-03-01 16:10:31Show All Posts
  • Immortal Utsuro On 2018-03-01 11:57:51
  • I doubt Level Freezing will be a big deal for that much longer, currently my Cross server sage goes from 30-91, which to me sort of defeats the point of Cross server SWB but also is making level freezing less relevant as it seems like the level range is just constantly growing.

    EDIT: Luka, I'd like to point out that gold is entirely a non issue for level freezers, I gain far more gold than I can spend at my level and all of my 8 gates are level 10/11 with extra runes leveled and stored away for new slots at level 80 etc. The new Ninja Tool system has been about the only thing in 6 months to put anything resembling a dent in my gold that generally hovers around 40-50 million no matter what I do.

    The only reward that has ever made me feel like I was remotely missing out on is the 3 Myoboku things from the final daily pack, no other daily reward that also gives EXP is ever worthwhile to a level freezer as far as I'm concerned. Donating to groups has never been particularly useful unless you have group skills to level, otherwise there is the wheel which rarely pays off for the cost of gold you put into it, you also get plenty of group points between Convoy/plunder, SA and GNW on a daily/weekly basis.

What color are your 8 gate? Because higher color cost MUCH more. I have 5 purple(4 of which being quick, ofc), 11 gold, all lv 11, and 16 reds, 12 @lv 10 and 4 @lv 9.

40-50 million is hardly a lot of coins, that's about what I get in less than 2 weeks. And it's not even enough to get one red to lv 10.

As for wheel, right now we are at 14 spins/day. I get, on average, about 30 coupon from it daily, and about as much "value" in magatama, thou I don't care much for magatama now. Are you saying almost 1k coupon/month is not useful?

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