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[ Strategy Share ] I need help regarding level freeze.


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-02-16 20:50:03Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hello, this is Kurama from S451. I am currently at early stage level 89 at 77k BP. My current SWB bracket is fine for me, but i'm nearing the level barrier for the higher level bracket and i need to level freeze. HIgher level bracket for SWB has 110k players and i am gonna get rekt in there. I thought it'd be easy to freeze, by not doing 9tail and spacetime. But my friend recently pointed out that that i can recieve the spacetime packs, and open them later when i'm ready to level up.

So finally, I wanted to ask, Can someone help me by posting a complete guide to level freezing along with small tricks like recieving packs and not opening them?

P.S. I really dont want to skip ninja exam too. I can deal with that exp everyday. That much is fine.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-02-22 23:22:56Show All Posts
  • ICExx On 2018-02-18 03:54:37
  • I will think about making a guide, however it's pretty simple.

    About the packs pretty much you can only receive the Cat Quiz and Space Time packs without opening them for exp, everything else is instant exp when claimed.

Ok. If you decide to make a guide plz mention where we get the exp so we can avoid it.
Thank you.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-03-03 13:36:49Show All Posts
Note: This post has been filtered by Jori. (Administrator)

I don't think i would level freeze if that did happen. Cuz myoboku progress stops for f2p if u level freeze. Plus u dont get as many coins. So no eight gates etc etc. But what u suggesting won't happen. The main selling point of SWB is its advanced refines, at the top 3 posns. Otherwise everyone will just check in, fight a battle and leave.

Quicky Post

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