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[ Player Guide ] "Charms" System discussion and recommendations for newer players


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-02-13 19:59:03Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hey guys !

I wanted to talk a bit about Charms, since I noticed a lot of players still didn't grasp the concept of the function completely.

I'll talk about "how does it exactly work?" "how to best utilize your charms?" "what should you focus on?"


Look at that beautiful glow of lvl 9 Charm

Anyhow let's see:

1. "How does it exactly work?"


So some people think Charm takes every stats and increases % based on it however it's not true.

Charms take only Magatama + Rune Stone stats (has nothing to do with refines/purify/battle armor etc, those are completely different systems)

To be exact for example the screenshot above is a level 8 Charm and it provides a 130% bonus (2x lvl 8 and 3x lvl 7 life magatama give in total 2336 Life, 2336 * 130% = 3036 and same goes for rune stones calculations)

Also next to that power it gives you opportunity to add Rainbow Magatamas to each charm which gives decent power also.

Level 3 charm = 1 slot

Level 6 charm = 2 slots

Level 9 charm = 3 slots


2. "How to best utilize your charms?"

Firstly , which equipment charm to upgrade?

Your main focus on upgrading a charm should be the equipment with the best Magatamas and Rune Stones because as I explained previously the better maga/rune stones are the better bonus you get from upgrading a charm. (For most people this will be a Position 1 ninja)

When to upgrade?

The Charm Rebate event is amazing and gives back as much as 20% of the charms invested during the rebate+other bonus items such as magatama,rainbow magatama (however the problem arises for the big spenders as the rebate limit is only 500 points).

For free players and lower spenders I would recommend to always save charms until the rebate and try to get best out of it.

For bigger spenders I say you c*e charms outside of rebate if you have too many of them and no patience however always have 500 points ready for the rebate as well.

3. "What should you focus on?"

So as I've already mentioned usually players have best Magatama and Rune stones on their position 1 ninjas therefore the obvious choice for highest upgrading of Charm would be the position 1 equipment, however you should not completely neglect other positions of course.

I'll tell you one of the ideal ways I thought of doing charms for beginners (this will favor position 1 ninja, however I'll put other recommendations later also):

1. Make all charms to level 3 (it's very very cheap until that point)

2. Make position 1 charms 3>6(or 7 if you really prefer your pos1) after that and ignore all others.

3. Make all other positions to either 4 or 5 (depending on how much you prefer focusing pos1 as well).

4. Make position 1 charms to 8.

5. Make all other charms to level 6 (7 for pos2) .

6. Make position 1 charms to 9.

Of course this is a very long process and just a recommendation from me (I do not recommend making all charms lvl 6 at start, always keep your pos1 ahead)

I'll write some recommendation goals for charms that you can aim for in future (in order pos1-pos2-pos3-pos4 ninja):

A) 8/6/5/5 > 8/7/6/6 (This is the one that I recommended above and it's pretty balanced actually, I would recommend this one especially if you value your pos2 ninja)

B) 8/5/5/5 > 9/6/6/6 (This one is if you just want a decent balance with other ninjas to not be very squishy, otherwise the focus is mostly on pos1 ninja)

C) 7/5/5/5 > 9/5/5/5 (This one is purely pos1 ninja focus, Ideal if you use blitzy teams where all the damage is up to pos1 ninja)

So that would be all for now, if you have any questions feel free to comment as always !

This post was last edited by ICExx on 2018-02-13 19:59:03.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-02-13 20:00:08Show All Posts
  • MidnightSun On 2018-02-13 19:46:35
  • Another great guide, love the section "What should you focus on?"

Thank you !

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-02-14 07:40:49Show All Posts

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-02-14 18:01:47Show All Posts
Note: This post has been filtered by Jori. (Administrator)

Yes of course Cave Runes should be much more focused on rather than charms, for example it is ideal to have lvl 9-10 rune stones if you plan to make lvl 8 charm.

And yes 250 rebates per month for free players for sure. But they can do 500 if they have enough materials

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-24 18:40:31Show All Posts

It won't make a difference yes, it's automatically calculated based on values

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