Didnt know fuguki, roshi was such a deep setup.Every second guy in my server who has a roshi and depends on water main heavily uses that setup, just like water-mabui-mei tenten was once. As far as i see, both teams have one option first round, fuguki for your team and mabui for mine. You will have the added control aspect and poison tai. So you might need to time it for the control of the right person and maybe poison and ignite it at the end of the round. For my mabui,mei, tenten, i need to use my tenten at different times depending on how the opponent is , if its a light blitz i need to use it as fast as possible hoping i can reduce his life to take away from wb asuma passive, if its a sage naruto i need to use it after sage uses his standard so hopefully i can break his clone and land the combo on his sage naruto rather than clone, and other subtle variations have helped me to tackle things better( I am talking from a sage world point of view, as I am level freezing , so i needed streaks and also i know this team is not so fast, but until recently these was my best team and i had to use it in the beset possible manner). Second round i have a control chase from mabui, so i need to find the right person to target, if i am paralyzed i cant make the move and hope that my main doesnt get controlled, and if she gets controlled hope her life goes low enough for mabui debuff to work, or if mabui is controlled i c*e heal, and so on. I learnt a lot of subtle variations and better ways of using that team as i was stuck with it. For second round fuguki roshi team would have tasks like timing your heal, and if there is a barrier you have to anyway use roshi, and maybe again the question of who to control, but otherwise is there anything special about the team, seems predictable and normal. Yes i know mabui-mei-tenten is one of low grade teams considering all the new ninjas coming out can hand out huge losses for my team, but it worked for me. Thats all my point, and i mentioned it because the author of this thread was sad he is still using it. Sorry for hurting you. I felt good playing with mabui, mei tenten, thats all I meant, and comparing with another cliche team like fuguki, roshi didnt seem any sensible to me.
Edit: Nevermind really. I've lost the interest to argue further. Just go with whatever lineup you consider having "depth". Lol.
"deep" setup
Anything that needs a deep level of thinking. But if i say deep thinking there would be no deep teams. A deep team could be anything that revolves around a different concept. For example poison and ignition using water main and roshi is a basic concept, along with neurotoxin if you are little more aggressive. There is a common joke " if you have two powerful ninjas put them with sailor and water main". .roshi, jonin minato, water, sailor,/roshi, sage naruto, water, sailor/roshi, fuguki, water, sailor/roshi, masked man, water, sailor/ roshi, sailor,hidan, and watermain all run on the same principle, and fundamentally all of them are same. So in that aspect fuguki roshi team is normal. Second aspect is "Every team are only as deep as your opponent" . If your opponent is experienced and know your ninjas, and has a team which is decent to counter you, then you lose( and obviously comparable power except in certain cases where your ninjas are the perfect counter for your opponent). So when i say experience. that too c*so vary, some can easily counter a known team setup, and if suddenly they face a new team they cant apply the principles to understand this team and counter. But the last part is only applicable in space time, where you are going 3 or 5 rounds vs same oppponent, where you need to adapt and evolve to survive, But even space time can be owned if you are whale with lot of power, nothing matters. So basically no team is special or deep. i used deep in the sense "the level of thinking behind that team". in that manner fuguki roshi teams are as original idea as mabui-mei-tenten.
While you were playing the Fuguki/Roshi lineup,
Its right I havent played fuguki, roshi setup. But i have handled han-roshi double healers, roshi-3 healers..and hidan,roshi, double healers, sage, roshi, 2 healers...basic idea of all these teams are same, so how you use them cant be much variant.
have you ever fought people with much higher power and running premium ninjas?
No, I havent fought anyone big because of lack of opportunities. I am like almost in the top of my sage, so i can survive it with getting rank 1( and i have mentioned this fact multiple times that it suited my immediate surrounding and the fact that it was my best team. If i am in space time and fighting a bigger team I would go healing teams..han-roshi, roshi, triple healer setups. the point about healing setups like yours are they are giant killers depending on the opponents team, and thats why people rant against poison tai as a passive. But i have beat premium ninjas when they were comparable power or lower than me, because my intiative is * good for my bracket and most of the time my barrier is up and i do heavy damage because i have optimized all my runes, magatamas etc for this setup.( obviously cant beat a shark kisame, or itachi team with a basic blitz team which is a 2.0 material, but healing teams can do that. Healing teams are giant killers cometh the right occasion.
Did you beat them by running Fuguki/Roshi on auto?
I never do auto battle for PvP. Even if its a sure loss i try out things. Healing teams cant be run auto in PvP(but works in space time ranked thing where your opponent is auto), its obvious considering the fact that all healing mysteries would be wasted. Every team is less efficient when played auto, unless you have huge BP advantage.
I climb through six paths with it, lost A LOT, but keeps learning, using my BRAIN, to counter the ones who defeated me next time, even if I barely won.
Talking about arena, its more fair. Congrats on getting 3rd straight six path. I think we can compare our teams ba(all of them were cross server). Now dont tell me i did auto or some other thing . Consider the fact that I finished arena in January, i.e. in version 4.0 with a team from 2.0. Maybe my bracket is too weak might be your next argument. (its s531 if you want to visit) I honestly dont know but i can win with that team in arena and get sage of six paths. I dont think anyone can auto ranked battle and be sage, even whales. Same as you I too struggled, with arena considering all the special ninja teams i met, but i have won against rare ninjas and had many other awesome PvP experiences in arena with this team.
If we have a poll by now, pretty sure you'd have an idea just how many people look down on your sorry lineup
I have accepted multiple times its a weak lineup, but its stable and it worked for me was my point. Its a 2.0 team and with infllux of new ninjas the team would go down in applicability. even the author of the thread is lamenting the same fact. I was just contesting your claim that Fuguki/roshi was a special setup for the high intellectuals. Every team has its struggles. Simple rule: If you are dumb and dont put a lot of money you will be a loser. If you are a smart f2p you can enjoy the game, same with moderate spenders. If you are smart and big whale you own the game. You are obviously a smart player, and passionate about your game. Same is my case with mabui mei tenten. I have lost to upto 10k less than my power when the other guy had a han-roshi. or some other counters but i had no luck in getting the rare ninjas as i rarely spend on RNG events, and i use to be sidelined for gnw packs as my group was big and as i could win sage and all i used to give up packs for group mates whenever possible. But i was self sufficient and used whatever i had to the fullest.Again my point of suggesting that i used this team till now was to empathize with the author of the thread, as I was using that team till 2 weeks back if i am right.
people look down on your sorry lineup. No merit, doesn't deserve any credit. That's why I take joy of stopping those lineups when I am on my quest to six paths. Not gonna stop till me and my mates drive those pathetic lineups from arena and SWB.
Shouldn't i be feeling better, considering how many people look down on that lineup, still i can end up with a 12 streak in sage regularly and sage of six paths in a week for last 4 seasons. I dont need credits nor merits I play the game for the PvP, as well as the vast planning that goes behind powering up. the key questions of "How to utilize a limited resource like coupon to the fullest?", "how to make the fullest of the weekly events?". , and the small pleasures of saving for rebates and all. I think you dont have to drive it out. Its mostly phased out, still around 3-4 users in my sage because just like me they havent had luck to end up with the newer ninjas. Our bracket comes inbetween(500 range) like most of us have spent on kage treasure(most havent reached super rare) and some moved to han and roshi, and most of us havent saved for gnw treasure type of player servers, unlike some wise people who follow CN and planned for GNW treasure. I have moved to shisui era btw.
Not gonna stop till me and my mates drive those pathetic lineups from arena and SWB.
You dont have to put any effort for that. Every ninja and team die out, as counters come up and later skill breakthroughs save some. Mabui, mei is anyway near the coffin, and most people use it because its the best you have got .
EDIT- Seems you have edited your response. But this is what i had to tell to your original reply. Love your passion for the game. I typed it out wit a lot of effort cant delete it thats why posting it.
Walls of text, walls of excuses. Really, like how I edited in my post, don't really care anymore. If one could use his brain, such response could be seen coming. People who's fond of making excuses are just being themselves, so no need to waste further time. Like I said, use whatever lineup you can find. Ciao~
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