Server ID: S589
2. Server Region: LA
3. Server Age: 8-9 months
4. Time Taken to kill boss: 10 minutes
5. World Boss HP: around 30 million
6. No. of groups participating in GNW: 2 groups (1 completely dominates everytime and the other is losing active members fast)
7. Average power of
Top 5: 94k
Top 10: 82k
Top 20: 62k
Overall our server merge is dying as less people are getting on
it would be nice if you merge us with a merged cluster consisting of s489, 499, 469, 479
but we'll take 599, 569, 579, 519 ... as well
I guess we'll take whatever server merge 609 is in if the others mentioned aren't available
Have a good day!
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