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[ Events ] Wheel Of "Fortune"


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On 2018-02-02 00:33:20Show All PostsDescending Order
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I just wanna rant because I used almost 10k coupons with no Shisui in this event while players stronger than me get them using less than 5k coupons. RNG (OASIS)

This post was last edited by Exvius on 2018-02-02 00:33:20.
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On 2018-02-01 20:32:18Show All Posts
  • S329 - Dan On 2018-02-01 20:26:31
  • I spent almost 5k and didnt got anything and I'm f2p, while a P2W in my server got it with 10 draws, and a lvl 68 got on free draw, I just wanted a limited ninja, because I'm losing to people with 20k less power than me, just because they have Minato Jonin or any other limited, I'm pssd off scrw this game -_-

The 7k coupons that I spent was from plundering/convoy too and took almost 2-3 months of saving while im pretty sure the ones that got shisui used real money. Man aint no fair game at all

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On 2018-02-01 20:43:47Show All Posts
  • RenjiAsuka On 2018-02-01 20:37:28
  • How many times do you people have to go through this? You need to understand that you should never go for an event that has RNG involved when trying to obtain a ninja.

Yeah I know I was just getting impatient because Shisui is not coming up in "claimable" events like dice, mission gifts, etc.

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On 2018-02-01 21:07:29Show All Posts
  • RenjiAsuka On 2018-02-01 20:49:31
  • Well its your fault for being impatient. Not Oasis' fault that you chose to spend on a really bad event that relies on RNG to get a grand prize from it.

Weill Im pretty sure im not blaming OASIS. Im just ranting you whale

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On 2018-02-02 01:51:26Show All Posts
  • Waka_Man On 2018-02-02 00:00:53
  • Excuse me ..

    "I just wanna rant because I used almost 10k coupons with no Shisui in this event while players stronger than me get them using less than 5k coupons. RNG (OASIS)" - Who told you to use your coupons to play in Wheel of Fortune? Did Oasis told you to spend your coupons in a RNG event? Did they force you to use your coupons?

    "The 7k coupons that I spent was from plundering/convoy too and took almost 2-3 months of saving while im pretty sure the ones that got shisui used real money. Man aint no fair game at all." - Do not compare what you did to ac*ulate that amount of coupons to other people who uses real money to get something they want, you dont know what they did to earn real money.

    "Weill Im pretty sure im not blaming OASIS. Im just ranting you whale" - Does Ranting changes anything? you're just dragging other people with your toxicity for your saltiness. You want to rant for being dumdum spending big time in RNG event, go hit your (censored) to the wall and scream like a crybaby.

    I hate this kind of people who always blames other for their own doings ..

Who told you to use your coupons to play in Wheel of Fortune? Did Oasis told you to spend your coupons in a RNG event? Did they force you to use your coupons?

- No one told me to spend my coupons in Wheel of Fortune it is my decision and what do you care of my decision? So I don't have the right to post what I want in here or to share my experiences of my game in here. You sensitive

Do not compare what you did to ac*ulate that amount of coupons to other people who uses real money to get something they want, you dont know what they did to earn real money.

-LOL Whale spotted right here. You get coupons to counter my rants??

Does Ranting changes anything? you're just dragging other people with your toxicity for your saltiness. You want to rant for being dumdum spending big time in RNG event, go hit your (censored) to the wall and scream like a crybaby.
-Like I said. So I dont have the right to rant? This post is also for others to share their "mishaps" in the event to and to share their experiences not for fiends like you looking for a fight.

This post was last edited by Exvius on 2018-02-02 09:49:45.
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On 2018-02-02 01:55:36Show All Posts
  • RenjiAsuka On 2018-02-01 23:12:00
  • "RNG (OASIS)"

    So what do you call this? Looks like you're blaming Oasis here.

    Also a "whale" seriously? I been called a potato before. But a whale? Which is an animal that lives in the ocean. Not sure how that is an insult tbh, and if it is an insult, it is rather on the pathetic side.

U think im insulting you? Im pretty sure calling you a whale is not an insult.

This post was last edited by Exvius on 2018-02-02 09:50:05.
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On 2018-02-02 01:57:35Show All Posts
  • trnwrck On 2018-02-02 00:47:23
  • How many SS itachi fragments did you get? Also The wheel of fortune is not as giving as the Lucky stars wheel.

Well I got 5 frags of itachi SS which is a good thing and alot of Seal and Summon Scrolls

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On 2018-02-02 02:12:58Show All Posts
  • PawnL On 2018-02-02 02:00:08
  • Oh? You are insulting people now for what reason? I guess the salt from your eyes are too much to handle, from the people calling you out for your so called rant about you spending a large amount of coupons on a rng event.

Whale spotted. Just go back to your dead server and play your weak p2w ninjas

This post was last edited by Sissel on 2018-02-02 02:28:07.
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On 2018-02-02 02:13:55Show All Posts
  • Waka_Man On 2018-02-02 02:00:08
  • An empty can tells everything ..

If im a dumb person and I cant think of a counter argument. l I'll also say "An empty can tells everything"

This post was last edited by Sissel on 2018-02-02 02:15:04.
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On 2018-02-02 02:41:22Show All Posts
  • Malachorn On 2018-02-02 02:37:28
  • Everyone that disagrees with you isn't just an obvious p2w "whale," mate.

    I can actually vouch that the Renji you assumed must be a 'whale' is totally f2p, as those are the same stats he gives that matches the RenjiAsuka I play with on my servers.

    Actually, the 'whales' are less likely to appreciate the value of spending coupons wisely, in my opinion, and the f2ps I play with with any amount of power tend to be the first ones that would tell you that coupons are too valuable to use on attempts to "get lucky" on things.

    Now, I don't know what your deal is and how long you've been playing... but if you're f2p then you should HOPE to get lucky in one of these events sooner or later and get a build-around-me type of ninja or something... but you shouldn't be trying to force that issue and dumping your coupons on events with heavily weighted RNG.

    You're just more likely than not going to be disappointed. But yes, it's the law of numbers and there will always be examples of people that got lucky on a free spin or something. But for every person getting lucky on their free spin there are hundreds of accounts NOT striking gold.

    You want to feel "unlucky" because a couple other people got lucky... but if you looked at all the other people spinning and spinning then you'd see there are many more examples of people spinning these wheels and not getting the jackpot... just like you.

    If you go to Vegas and see someone win big at a slot machine then that doesn't mean YOU should win at the slot machines too. Most people are losing at the slot machines and these events are just like playing the slots in Vegas. Don't spend coupons you don't mind losing... because you probably will be losing.

I'm one of the old players currently playing on S36. And of course I know firsthand NOT to rely much on the RNG events, Actually that was my first time to used alot of coupons on the wheel of fortune event. I just want shisui so bad

EDIT: I really appreciate your comforting/peace/not attacking comment on the post. Recently I am getting a lot of heat in here. I just want others to know my experience on the wheel of fortune event

This post was last edited by Sissel on 2018-02-02 02:45:20.
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On 2018-02-02 02:46:33Show All Posts
  • PawnL On 2018-02-02 02:42:46
  • First of all, S1 ain't dead at all lol. Second, i'm f2p and the only p2w ninja I have, is Jonin minato. Keep getting salty my friend, It's amusing seeing this

Sure if it keeps you up at night

This post was last edited by Exvius on 2018-02-02 09:52:36.
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On 2018-02-02 02:52:24Show All Posts
  • veelocity On 2018-02-02 02:43:15
  • Tips for spending: Spend into the lucky wheel because of the things in it. Not primarily for the ninja itself. When you do that you find yourself less disappointed. When you think about it, all the coups or ingots that ya'll use for a chance, could've guaranteed you the 80 frags in the future. food for thought. Its a bait lol. Its supposed to be enticing. But if they ever put shisui in lucky board like they did with Edo deidera that is value for your coupons or ingots. Stop spending on RNG. Especially if you are f2p, because its a waste of resources. If you do want to spend. Cap it at 1-1.5k coupons/ingots. 20 bucks gone is easier to brush off than 150-200 bucks whether it was coupons/ingots dropped, for a bunch of nothing in my opinion. Minor power gain at best. Rants are fine if its pvp related bug wise or ninja comps that are ridiculous. I drop my little 200 for a 10 spin everytime these come around and I'm content after that. When its about RNG its a little difficult to accept by most and see your side of things. We get it *s, but its all chance. Is RNG fair? No. Is it supposed to be? No lol. This is a weekly thing.

Haha yeah I know those tips. Well on the plus side I got a lot of seal/summon scrolls and 5 itachi frags on the event.

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On 2018-02-02 02:58:41Show All Posts

Here we go with grammar/spelling nazi. Sorry for not being as good as you in english. You don't have to attack my weakness in english wew I feel violated, I feel abused. Where to report this attack I am getting from you?

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On 2018-02-02 09:15:10Show All Posts
  • RenjiAsuka On 2018-02-02 03:16:29
  • Good, feel violated. You should feel bad for trying to sound smart. :p

That was sarcastic, such a dumb person -_-

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On 2018-02-02 09:56:46Show All Posts
  • RenjiAsuka On 2018-02-02 09:33:30
  • Says that I'm dumb...doesn't realize I was joking....


*what? (dumb)

Quicky Post

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