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I really shouldn't have to do this.


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-30 16:53:34Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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But unfortunately I do since apparently there's a community of players out there that can't grasp the thing they struggle against while playing as poorly as possible with a completely nonfunctional team doesn't constitute a balance problem with the game.

First off, the window to complain about the very most basic "cancer" composition of Han/Roshi/Sailor Sakura/Azure fang has long since sailed along with the original lightning blitz lineups it was designed to counter. I mean it can't even make use of Roshi's hugely powerful ignite bomb (Which is where most of his actual damage and carry potential comes from).

It gets trounced by any decently hard hitting unit with super armor (read both Ay variants, both Gaara variants, Rasa even though I don't think anyone's used him in like 6 months, Shark Mode Kisame, Earth Grudge Kakuzu, and the susanoo brothers) as they can't be controlled, by water main's chase and just dunk the squishy poison princess everyone hates all of a sudden into the floor.

It gets destroyed by any sort of immunity or cleanse. (Read EVERY SINGLE MAIN CHARACTER, Hanzo and Gakido pain who just so happens to be f2p) because they can't make use of the poison people think is so toxic, excuse my pun, to the game.

It loses to teams with fields because they can't be cleansed and most of the lineups that utilize them can oneshot Roshi before his mystery is cast. Even if they can't manage the oneshot, the damage has been done to the whole field to the point the fight is irrecoverable from the chain nuking combos they have that easily out damage the healing. (Teams include any lightning blitz lineup using either Ay or the main itself as their damage source, or any lightning lineup at all with Shisui, Darui, or Danzo that has at least 2 attacking mysteries, which is all of them. The wind main nuke combo of Kage Gaara or regular Gaara, Breeze Dancer Sage Naruto and gakido. This one is special because it's two basic rares or a basic rare and five dollars stomping two super rares into the dirt like it was nothing.)

Heck, on equal ground it even loses to dodge comps who have AoE interrupts on the same cooldown as the healing and the roshi mystery, always carry a cleanse for the poison, and do way more damage overall.

Now that we've established an actual metric ton of meta counters, not even including kushimura comps, edo deidara comps (which function on almost exactly the same principle by the way) or just the basic weakness to ignite or control, let's move on to the ever shifting root of the problem. I think right now it's sitting somewhere between "I play with my monitor off and so can't use my counters" and "I can't use a support ninja to oneshot someone with a counter comp to mine.". Or it could be that they think Sailor Sakura is too good for anyone who doesn't throw thousands of dollars at this game to have, so the only option to fix that is take all of Azure Fang's power away. Because that makes so much sense. There are actual legitimate ways to deal with this, like dropping poison to two stacks maximum that do slightly more damage than two stacks now, but that hurts the high end of the game where everyone has access to poison in the form of king of hell, or it's irrelevant because cracking the other guy in the jaw with a slug the size of a car is really good enough on its own.

Or if you really can't handle poison, give her something to compensate for the nerf. Would you prefer to be chain shark bomb full team controlled instead? By a character you can't even interact with because she has 2 dodges a round? Because that can and will happen. Makes a bit of poison seem tame. And you know what? It STILL didn't make her viable in china at high end because every other class has better support for strong ninjas than just an easily countered heal. Oh and poison tai still exists in china, but it's become obsolete to the point nobody even bothered to remember it.

"But Dhalia" I hear you say. Yes I can hear you, no you don't need to know how. "Water main is best in slot healer." No, Kage tsunade and Sailor Sakura are best in slot, because of course they are. Unfortunately, I don't have my own echo chamber of idiots, so I'm going to have to explain it in an attempt to avoid the truly unintelligent flame and move right on to the people who just hate me for actually having a point. Hokage tsunade buffs all healing, even more than water main can on the rare teams she actually gets to take it over neurotoxin. Tsunade also has neurotoxin and a guaranteed crit on her mystery to go with it. Her basic attack is a team wide heal. Seems a whole lot better than a casted heal on a 3 turn cooldown. Sailor Sakura we've already talked about, but to reiterate, slug the size of a car that scales every time she gets hit, and nigh invulnerability if you forgot your ignite at home. I'm sure you never forget your ignite, but, as I'm sure the opening of this post made clear, there's no accounting for some people's incompetence.

I'm not even going to entertain you trying to tell me that water main is best in slot support either. Literally any other main can do it better.

Lightning main: Heals heavy hitters for a ton and doesn't sacrifice his support ability of a huge defensive buff, a solid offensive buff, and immunity. These buffs also boost his own damage and survivability, so he can be an attacker as well while enabling the rest of his lineup, providing healing for the whole fight and immunity for the turns that matter most. He even has access to soft control in the form of lightning sealing slash.

Wind main: can access both flower guard and queen momentum which lets her nuke the living * out of an entire enemy team at once while once again remaining completely immune, and she can play full support while providing way more burst damage with dance of impetus (which is also a full cleanse) than water main could ever dream of, while being her own chakra battery and not sacrificing her party wide damage buff. With a proper team she easily out damages poison, slaughtering the entire lineup before it can get off the ground.

Earth main: ...yeah I'll give you that one... Oh wait he has a cleanse too, and he can tank and support at the same time, and he can scale through a fight, and he actually counters burst with bonus health (Shields) which is always better than healing at base value since it can stop your lineup from instantly dying to blitz and being completely useless. He also provides extra attacks and a constant stream of shielding which we've already talked about as better than healing. Especially if you have a real best in slot healer in your lineup.

Fire main: Cleanse with bonus health on it that can't be denied like ignite denies healing, and once again yet more immunity (which is literally a strictly better water main heal on equal cooldown). He has a mass ignite of his own and can randomly wreck you with your own cc from genjutsu mirror return. No damage buff if you want all that support, but honestly I'll take it.

Did I miss anything?...Oh yeah, all the other variant cancer comps that are apparently okay because doing more damage with more consistency is somehow a downgrade. Let's start with the example that springs to my mind for some totally unknown reason.

Han/Roshi/Hanzo/Azure fang. Hanzo enables roshi while also providing you the control element you used to have to take with Azure fang, freeing you up to take healing tips which means roshi is now 100% self sufficient provided you didn't get blitzed out. It also does better against other debuff teams since you get to cleanse at least 1 debuff per round per character as opposed to only 1 off 1 character that Sailor Sakura provides. You even get better AoE since exploding rocks out damage a falling slug.

Next up: 6 tails Naruto with his triplicate healers. This is the true cancer comp, the one that smashed space time for months because 6 tails Naruto is an absolute monster even stronger than a Roshi. I can't speak to it personally as I've not fought against it or seen it played extensively, but you really don't need me to explain it to you.

And I believe that's everything. Thank you for sitting through this wall of text and I hope you've considered it properly.

Stay salty my friends.-Dhalia.

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On 2018-01-30 17:23:47Show this Author Only

You are right in everything, except for one point: regenerative healing jutsu for azure fang if used together with experimental ninjutsu owns a 2 round cd and can be used in round 1, but you are right, none selects it, if able to use it that outclasses hokage tsunade for 1vs1 lineups on the full healing only side.

The main issue of azure fang currently is that her only team support ability on the offensive side is poison tai and is too easily negated by other mains, because it's almost impossible to make use of water enhancement with good outcomes for the simple reason that the water p2w ninjas suks if put together with her on the damage dealing side. The second issue of azure fang is the fact that alone she is too easy to be made unable to do anything.

EDIT: Another thing that makes me feel really sad about her is the fact she owns so nice skills for the damage dealing side, but the current ninja pool makes them wholly useless. I would really love to be able to use her as a nuker, something she could easily be if you give me two water ninjas that boost her and that somehow make her immune, wtf, give us a version of suigetsu, tenten or kabuto that make her able to land damage as much freely as root of warrior does for mbs or 4th mystery of sb does for fire ninjas, and not only to be used as a 'support'.

This post was last edited by Zelgadis~ on 2018-01-30 17:49:14.
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On 2018-01-30 20:46:35Show this Author Only
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On 2018-01-30 21:37:12Show this Author Only

can you make a tl;dr version? you lost me when you said "cancer"

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On 2018-01-30 21:50:45Show this Author Only
  • Zelgadis~ On 2018-01-30 17:23:47
  • You are right in everything, except for one point: regenerative healing jutsu for azure fang if used together with experimental ninjutsu owns a 2 round cd and can be used in round 1, but you are right, none selects it, if able to use it that outclasses hokage tsunade for 1vs1 lineups on the full healing only side.

    The main issue of azure fang currently is that her only team support ability on the offensive side is poison tai and is too easily negated by other mains, because it's almost impossible to make use of water enhancement with good outcomes for the simple reason that the water p2w ninjas suks if put together with her on the damage dealing side. The second issue of azure fang is the fact that alone she is too easy to be made unable to do anything.

    EDIT: Another thing that makes me feel really sad about her is the fact she owns so nice skills for the damage dealing side, but the current ninja pool makes them wholly useless. I would really love to be able to use her as a nuker, something she could easily be if you give me two water ninjas that boost her and that somehow make her immune, wtf, give us a version of suigetsu, tenten or kabuto that make her able to land damage as much freely as root of warrior does for mbs or 4th mystery of sb does for fire ninjas, and not only to be used as a 'support'.

Tbh i stopped reading in the 3rd paragraph. My eyes are very sore because the background color is so bright

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On 2018-01-30 22:52:23Show this Author Only
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On 2018-01-30 23:14:00Show this Author Only

2 or 3 days ago i opened this in bugs & support section:

I'm wholly on your side there.

Azure fang currently have serious issues of competitiveness and people that rant about her being cancerous or are low levels or just like to rant for no reason.

@Zelgadis: i would love to get a kabuto sage mode that boosts azure fang and that may make her immune to debuffs. Currently the only viable ninja that can make her somehow work on the damage dealing side is edo hashirama.

This post was last edited by Garv on 2018-01-30 23:17:20.
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On 2018-01-31 07:10:45Show this Author Only
  • Garv On 2018-01-30 23:14:00
  • 2 or 3 days ago i opened this in bugs & support section:

    I'm wholly on your side there.

    Azure fang currently have serious issues of competitiveness and people that rant about her being cancerous or are low levels or just like to rant for no reason.

    @Zelgadis: i would love to get a kabuto sage mode that boosts azure fang and that may make her immune to debuffs. Currently the only viable ninja that can make her somehow work on the damage dealing side is edo hashirama.

I usually see Fire and Earth in the competitive space time.

I hardly see any water main. Q.Q

Not many p2w works well with her. :/

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On 2018-01-31 07:37:47Show this Author Only

Imagine being in a relationship with OP... Bruh, one mistake and you get a Bible

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