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[ Player Guide ] Guide for "Treasured Tools" new feature


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On 2018-05-10 19:50:04Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
1# Go To link to S rank tool 1>75 ores/coins requirements link to my previous guide for the "Mine" feature.
After learning about mine let's talk about the Tools themselves now.

I'll give out as many info as possible and talk about my suggestions toward the feature and how to handle it over time.


So this is a great way to gain power currently, just 1 tool can give you as high as 10k battle power if maxed out. (and you can equip 4 of them)

More importantly it can give a lot of initiative/crit/injury which are one of most important stats in game for sure.

I shall divide the guide in 5 categories for the 5 options it has for convenience.

1. Equip


So this tab is pretty self-explanatory, it's a simple tab where you equip and un-equip tools from your ninjas (keep in mind you can have 4 exactly same tools on all ninjas so they don't have to be different as in this screenshot)

But I'll talk about the tools themselves a bit here.

There are 4 types of tools and those are: Golden Rope, Leaf Fan, Shichiseiken (Sword) , Benihisago (Gourd).

a) Golden Rope base stats are Life and Resistance and secondary stats are Life/Initiative/Critical/Injury

b) Leaf Fan base stats are Ninjutsu and Resistance and secondary stats are Ninjutsu/Initiative/Critical/Combo

c) Sword base stats are Attack and Defense and secondary stats are Attack/initiative/Injury/Combo

d) Gourd base stats are Life and Defense and secondary stats are Defense/Resistance/Initiative/Control

Now to add on to that I can tell you that base stats will always be pretty small compared to the secondary ones, so choose your tools accordingly toward what secondary stats you want because they are much higher.

Sword/Fan are decent tools for Atk/Nin ninjas to hit harder but they are rather unsafe simply because of the reason that the meta constantly changes and you will never know when you will use more Atk based or more Ninjutsu based ninjas. (If you use Sword on a ninja with pure ninjutsu mystery the big attack gain from it will be wasted)

The most safe tool to use is the Rope because you will always need crit/injury and that will make your ninjas hit harder and crit more often+receive lower crit damage in all situations (doesn't matter if they are ninjutsu or attack based)

With that said I would highly recommend using Ropes on all 4 ninjas or using 3 Ropes/1 Gourd (reason being that Gourd gives high amount of "control" stats and it can be very important for example if you are using Masked Man or if you simply want your main/support ninja to get controlled less, reminder: every 1000 difference in control stats = 10% more chance to control fail)

Now Treasure Tools are divided into 3 categories: B-Common, A-Great, S-Superior (Obviously the S rank one is the best one and your goal will be to have 4 of those)

Differences are in stats generally and in max levels available (for example you get 3rd row of secondary stats in S tool also while A tool only has 2 of them).

Max base level for A rank tool is 60 and for S rank tool is 75.

Each 5 levels of tool you get an increase to max level of Traits.


Level 30 S tool = all 3 traits max level 6

Level 45 S tool = all 3 traits max level 9

Level 60 S tool = all 3 traits max level 12

Level 75 S tool = all 3 traits max level 17

I'll provide you guys with a screenshot for exp required for each levels of secondary stat. (you level them up thru the blue/purple/gold Orbs)


There is also level 17 which is not in this table

15>16 = 2500 exp

16>17 = 3000 exp

About leveling each trait, for example:

1st trait of Rope = Initiative / Life

2nd trait of Rope = Initiative / Critical

3rd trait of Rope = Initiative / Injury

So leveling all 3 provides decent amount of initiative, however choose the one you want to focus on more depending on which stats you prefer.

Also a screenshot from a max level secondary stats taken from CN (remember you have 3 of these so stat gains are very big) (apparently CN max level is 17 currently so we might be having an upgrade to the max level sometime in future)


2. Forging


So the forging part of the function is fairly easy, you need to have 50 ores for each forge and you can forge 1 free per day (2 if you have Jonin Medal)

You could also forge it anytime if you buy the "blueprint" which gives you a guaranteed A rank one with chances of S.

But rest assured as you can receive both A and S ranks from the free daily forges.

Rough estimate info based on player obvservations was that you will get 1 S rank every 30 forges (similar to how Ninja Treasure works) and A rank should be fairly random lucky.

I do not recommend buying many blueprints, if you have the patience maybe none at all. However if you are a competitive player maybe it would be safe to get a few A ranks from blueprints at the start.

3. Level Up


This feature is pretty self-explanatory also, it's a place where you level up your tools.

It will require decent amount of coins and a lot of different ores (the higher the levels the more and additional ores it will ask you to use).

Now leveling itself will affect mostly the base stats however by leveling up your tools you will gain access to your secondary stats also and improve the colors of those secondary stats making them be able to reach higher level.

I do not recommend leveling up your tools a lot at start because you will most likely want to recycle them later.

When you get your desired S rank tool then it's time to go full into leveling it.

Also a personal tip is that you focus mostly on your position 1 ninja tool, so it will have highest level of both base and secondary stats on tool.

4. Beset


This is the place where you can equip your tools with preferable scrolls to use in-battle and to level up your secondary stats using the orbs.

There is also a treasure type of function inside if you click "Obtain Scrolls".

I'll talk about both scrolls and the treasure.

So the scrolls are used in battle and can be for round 2-3-4-5 and it can provide buffs such +atk/nin/res/def and hp heal

The buffs/heal are scaling in a way that round 5 ones will always have the highest buff and round 2 will have the lowest. (but preferably if you are playing aggressively you would always want to use a round 2 one)

Ability scrolls have different colors such as blue/purple/gold/red with blue being the weakest one and red being the best one.

They could also be leveled up by giving other scrolls as exp for the one you want to level up (for example round 2 yellow damage scroll level 1 = 7% buff, level 2= 8% buff, level 3= 10% buff).

Note: You can only use 1 ability scroll in battle, while you can equip 4 of them (choose which one you want to use in round 1 of battle according to you opponent otherwise it will automatically choose the 1st one for you)

How to obtain the scrolls? That's where treasure comes into play.


The treasure provides mostly Ores, Orbs and Scrolls from draws.

10 draws giving either a purple scroll or a few purple orbs meanwhile each 50-60 draws there should be a golden ability scroll which acts as a "rare".

Red ability Scrolls acts as a "super rare" and by player info it's estimated to drop every 200-250 draws.

There is also posibility to receive Golden Orb but seems to be very luck based from current info.

There is also a redeem shop, you get 1 point per 1 draw from the treasure to use in it. Personally I would recommend going for the purple/gold orbs from there (they actually have the same exp/cost value so would be same thing if you redeem 1 golden orb or 15 purple ones, unlike the blue one which turns out to be more costly in the end)

Is the treasure worth it? I say not so much

The rewards aren't as good as they could be, only the very competitive players who are in a rush to upgrade their tools now should draw it.

Otherwise stay with free draws and hope that some free scrolls will pop up in events in future.

The orbs should appear more often in events in future also.

5. Recycle


This is what you do when you have a tool that you don't want to use anymore or simply a tool you crafted and don't want to equip.

The recycle destroys the tool and will provide you with 100% orb return, 60% material (ore) return and 0% coins return.

Due to the 60% material and 0% coin return I would not recommend to level up much your current tools as you will lose out on a lot of material when you recycle it later.

I would recommend staying at a normal level range such as 10-20 on B rank, and around 35 seems ideal if you get an A rank one you want to use.

Safest is to wait out on your S tool and then go full on toward leveling that one. (of course if you are patient enough)

That would be all for now, if you have any questions feel free to ask and if you feel I forgot to mention something let me know so I can edit into the thread.

Hope you guys find this helpful !

This post was last edited by ICExx on 2018-05-10 19:50:04.
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On 2018-01-28 02:16:37Show this Author Only

nice guide :-)

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-28 02:22:31Show this Author Only

A few questions.

About ability scrolls upgrade, you said that 1->2 +1%, 2->3 +1%, 3->4 +2%. How is the sequence? 1-1-2-2-3-3-... ?

About getting S tools, you said you should get one every 20 forges... normal or adv forge?

Ty for the other info, much appreciated.

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On 2018-01-28 03:36:04Show this Author Only
  • Garv On 2018-01-28 02:16:37
  • nice guide :-)

Thank you !

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On 2018-01-28 03:48:04Show this Author Only
  • Shryke On 2018-01-28 02:22:31
  • A few questions.

    About ability scrolls upgrade, you said that 1->2 +1%, 2->3 +1%, 3->4 +2%. How is the sequence? 1-1-2-2-3-3-... ?

    About getting S tools, you said you should get one every 20 forges... normal or adv forge?

    Ty for the other info, much appreciated.

That sequence was an example took from round 2 ability scroll, I haven't tested others but I believe most are same. will confirm later

Also I believe max level is 5, will also add that into the guide after confirmations.

As for the forges by player observations it should come sometime around 30 forges, nothing is guaranteed. And it doesn't matter which ones normal or adv forges(adv is used if you want instantly A rank and to remove the cooldown).

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On 2018-01-28 07:08:59Show this Author Only

Great guide!

This post was last edited by bambaryłka on 2018-01-28 07:09:53.
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On 2018-01-28 07:20:56Show this Author Only

I think the best thing you did in the guide is that you clearly explained each stat a ninja tool can have. you also explained how the different tools will works and to let everyone understand and so that they can decide which ninja tool they want, while most other only tell everyone to get the rope without explaining much. Just wanted to write to as a thank you for the guide :)

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On 2018-01-28 07:27:35Show this Author Only
  • xinged On 2018-01-28 07:20:56
  • I think the best thing you did in the guide is that you clearly explained each stat a ninja tool can have. you also explained how the different tools will works and to let everyone understand and so that they can decide which ninja tool they want, while most other only tell everyone to get the rope without explaining much. Just wanted to write to as a thank you for the guide :)

Thank you, glad you found it helpful

I did want to clear that up, Sword and Fan can both be amazing tools still but depending on which ninja you would use it.

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On 2018-01-29 01:56:57Show this Author Only

thanks for a great guide

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On 2018-01-29 03:39:05Show this Author Only
  • ☣₱Øł₴Ø₦☣毒 On 2018-01-29 01:56:57
  • thanks for a great guide

Glad to hear that you guys appreciate it !

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On 2018-01-29 04:15:45Show this Author Only

Helpful, thanks ice ice baby!

  • Registered: 2017-08-30
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On 2018-01-29 16:40:51Show this Author Only

Exactly what we needed, another nice guide Ice

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On 2018-01-29 17:30:42Show this Author Only
  • MidnightSun On 2018-01-29 16:40:51
  • Exactly what we needed, another nice guide Ice

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On 2018-01-29 23:48:09Show this Author Only

at which treasure tool level will you unlock the 3rd secondary stats seal looking thing?

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On 2018-01-30 05:29:22Show this Author Only
  • Tendoszn On 2018-01-29 23:48:09
  • at which treasure tool level will you unlock the 3rd secondary stats seal looking thing?

You need an S rank tool for that

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On 2018-01-30 12:36:09Show this Author Only

where do i get orbs

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On 2018-01-30 18:16:06Show this Author Only
  • borfgod On 2018-01-30 12:36:09
  • where do i get orbs

Currently only way is the "steal" card flip in your mine if you get luck and you can get some with pulling the scroll treasure.

They should be appearing in events in future

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On 2018-01-31 01:20:35Show this Author Only

thanks a lot for the guide, really helpful for everyone !!

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On 2018-02-01 07:20:51Show this Author Only

What you recomend to do with the B treasure tools that we obtain from free reforge?

This post was last edited by Samy Kansky on 2018-02-01 07:21:16.
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On 2018-02-01 07:33:10Show this Author Only
  • Samy Kansky On 2018-02-01 07:20:51
  • What you recomend to do with the B treasure tools that we obtain from free reforge?

Use and level them up to lvl 5-10 until you get A-S tools.

Otherwise just recycle them as soon as you get them if you don't need.

Quicky Post

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