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[ Events ] 1200 advance refine not enough for 7-10 refine, and feedback about the game


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-27 01:01:46Show All Posts

Are you seriously complaining about getting 7-8 with 186, 8-9 with 372? If you are then you're just begging for stuff. 600 in 800/1000 doesn't mean you should get lvl 10 refinement. Some people got worse RNG than you including getting deidara for 100 coupons. His market price is 15-17k and you still want more and more just because you're a F2P. Nobody is forcing you to play or pay, just don't rant because supposedly you did, heard the calculations wrong and didn't get what you wanted. Remember there is someone out there that are less fortunate than you.

Now for your friend's account, his former leader "*ed" his account so it's very apparent your new group member shared his account with the former leader who had access to the account before. Sharing accounts are at your own risks. Oasis isn't responsible for *ed accounts as their system isn't compromised. Top rank account goes missing and can't recharge yeah okay.

See, since you're a "F2P" you complained about new cash ninjas and new power features. Just because you keep saying F2P, does that mean they shouldn't release new ninjas and new power system? The treasure tool system was implemented in CN already, same with any other features. Seriously need to stop complaining about everything.

This post was last edited by ALT ACC on 2018-01-27 01:14:31.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-27 01:39:16Show All Posts

Who said I was defending them? I'm thrashing your dumb post. You stated 7-8 it took you 186/200 and then 386 means it's 386/500. Now 819/1000 isn't the worse it can be. Quit complaining and you're not helping others. You're helping yourself. This isn't a mistake since it's RNG, it's complaining. Keep on complaining and you will keep getting bashed on. I've seen worse than 372/500 even 472/500, yet I don't see people complain. Oh, some people got their refinement 7-10 with only 1200 adv refines, I must be entitled to get the same results!

This post was last edited by ALT ACC on 2018-01-27 01:44:17.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-27 02:11:24Show All Posts
  • Fher On 2018-01-27 01:47:32
  • it seems your brain has the functioning capability of a potato. you *ing my post? then at least learn something about the game mechanics before making your lame attempts. using refines during refine rebate give you wish credits. you get 100 wish credits for lvl 9 therefore the total of 486/500 and 200 for lvl 10 you get 200 wish points thee for 826/1000 for my current attempt.

    how you know they have not complained? do you have a proof? have you watched their videos? were they free players that worked 6 months to collect 1200 advance refines?

    how am I helping my self idiot? is oasis giving me refund for this ? when was the last time oasis gave away free * to people for complaining? cuz if that's the case they owe me over 100k coupons.

    grow some brain cells next time when you try to * someone or troll around.

    and what does your *ing my post do? does it help the game? does it help the players? does it help yourself?does it help the company?

When you say you got 186/200, you shouldn't say you got 7-8 with 372. It should stay constant and be 472/500 total. Go back to math class. It's called using the same numerator variable.

Keep complaining

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-27 02:23:04Show All Posts

Everybody knows how wish credits work, and you wrote it wrong. Seems like nobody understood you.

Quicky Post

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