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Shisui, Deidara or Kisame?


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On 2018-01-22 20:12:19Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Which of these three ninjas would you recommend getting and why? (Shisui, Edo-Deidara, Samehada-Fusion Kisame)

Which of them is the most versatile (performs well in several different game modes) and will have longevity (is still used, and will still be used in china)?

Which one is your favorite and why?


This post was last edited by Rexxy on 2018-01-22 20:12:19.
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On 2018-01-22 20:42:35Show this Author Only

For 1v1 pvp Shisui is *ing unstoppable, but for gnw Deidara is better

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On 2018-01-23 02:09:58Show this Author Only

shisui bc of anbu itachi

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On 2018-01-23 02:14:20Show this Author Only
  • Slashasgi On 2018-01-23 02:09:58
  • shisui bc of anbu itachi

I'm actually on a pretty new server, so I personally wont be receiving Anbu Itachi (unless he can be obtained later in some manner..?)

That's legit reasoning, they seem to synergize nicely.

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On 2018-01-23 02:30:52Show this Author Only
  • Rexxy On 2018-01-23 02:14:20
  • I'm actually on a pretty new server, so I personally wont be receiving Anbu Itachi (unless he can be obtained later in some manner..?)

    That's legit reasoning, they seem to synergize nicely.

Anbu itachi will appear but his price is up in the air at the moment. His price, as well as anbu kakashi, is 2400 coupons for 80 frags in China. Hopefully, Oasis keep this price the same.

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On 2018-01-23 02:41:55Show this Author Only
  • Danzō On 2018-01-23 02:30:52
  • Anbu itachi will appear but his price is up in the air at the moment. His price, as well as anbu kakashi, is 2400 coupons for 80 frags in China. Hopefully, Oasis keep this price the same.

That's pretty reasonable. People can be able to 5-star him for an ok price.

What's your take on the main topic of the subject? Lets throw in both versions of Minato in there too :)

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On 2018-01-23 04:03:17Show this Author Only

Shisui ofc, best ninja in game currently(at least lower battle power) and don t nead anbu itachi to stay like that. Can be used with wind, light and fire.

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On 2018-01-23 04:22:19Show this Author Only
  • 666Pyro666 On 2018-01-23 04:03:17
  • Shisui ofc, best ninja in game currently(at least lower battle power) and don t nead anbu itachi to stay like that. Can be used with wind, light and fire.

Is it the mystery, or what exactly makes him so powerful?

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On 2018-01-23 05:22:03Show this Author Only
  • Rexxy On 2018-01-23 04:22:19
  • Is it the mystery, or what exactly makes him so powerful?

His mystery cancel buffs and shields and cause choas for two rounds.

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On 2018-01-24 00:49:34Show this Author Only
  • Rexxy On 2018-01-23 04:22:19
  • Is it the mystery, or what exactly makes him so powerful?

His mystery is very strong yes as it cancels buffs and shields which is pretty good and also chaos' for two rounds which is very powerful. That's not all however, he has a pretty strong basic attack which causes ignition and a chase that causes tag which is a nice addition. His barrier is also really strong buffing 3 different elemental attributes so you have more flexibility when creating teams than if you used other barrier ninja (only Onoki so far is the only other ninja to buff 3 different elements I believe). He also has *so a very high chance to dodge the first attack each round(and when I say very high chance I mean practically always), which makes him a really hard ninja to disrupt so you almost always get his mystery off which I said earlier is really strong. So yes he is a really strong ninja.

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On 2018-01-24 01:22:15Show this Author Only
  • 666Pyro666 On 2018-01-23 04:03:17
  • Shisui ofc, best ninja in game currently(at least lower battle power) and don t nead anbu itachi to stay like that. Can be used with wind, light and fire.

Best ninja in the game? Please my friend. Are you insane? Naruto kurama has dodge, immobile, and immune to all debuffs. Itachi susano? Same as shisui, but more powerfull and also immune to debuffs & combos. So where is ur point that shisui is the best ninja in the game currently? And you answer will be : I said "at least lower battle power" YEah, i could use itachi susano or naruto kurama at lower power too, and?! Then every SS ninja is the best ninja in game currently. Any fire main with Imprision mystery with masked man in his team could stop shisui in 1st round, thats what i do against people with shisui with higher power then me, then what happens? Rage quits from sage! Thats that. Case closed :)

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On 2018-01-24 01:38:51Show this Author Only
  • Miss Penguin On 2018-01-24 01:22:15
  • Best ninja in the game? Please my friend. Are you insane? Naruto kurama has dodge, immobile, and immune to all debuffs. Itachi susano? Same as shisui, but more powerfull and also immune to debuffs & combos. So where is ur point that shisui is the best ninja in the game currently? And you answer will be : I said "at least lower battle power" YEah, i could use itachi susano or naruto kurama at lower power too, and?! Then every SS ninja is the best ninja in game currently. Any fire main with Imprision mystery with masked man in his team could stop shisui in 1st round, thats what i do against people with shisui with higher power then me, then what happens? Rage quits from sage! Thats that. Case closed :)

So which ninja would you go for out of Kisame, Shisui, Deidara, K-minato, J-minato? And yeah, I agree that all those + Raikage and Edo-hashi are stronger than any event ninja (SusaSasuke is sadly meh )

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On 2018-01-24 06:05:55Show this Author Only

Kisame is very solid, but still pricey in the game. He straight up shuts down most blitz teams by removing barrier, stealing chakra, and stopping r1 mysteries, and tanking away in the front row. That said, higher initiative is a must in the current meta because of all the susanoo itachis and masked men running around. He'll be seeing play for quite a while in the future, and honestly all of them will.

All of that said, springing for a minato (either one really) will never do you wrong. Both of are powerhouses that are build-around and can get to absurd heights of damage. (I'm talking 10-12k damage off of crits, and that's against players of similar power if you build it right).

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On 2018-01-24 08:09:53Show this Author Only

Kisame is solid, he cancels barriers and mystery's, chakra battery (standard stronger the more chakra he has), and can self heal unless ignited when units die. Hes good at what he does, however I wouldn't consider getting him unless you pick up another event based ninja. The exception to this would be getting Ay the third because of the chakra that Kisame can generate.

Edo Deidera. Ill just say that if you don't or cant kill him. You lose. Whether that is spacetime, gnw, or sage world. He's an overall powerhouse. Ignites on crits, incrases his own crit chance really, standard is pretty strong, mystery hits 12 units. You cant beat that. His downsides include building around him rather than him complementing your team. Every person in your lineup should support him in one way or another. His defensive growths are decent. Some people say he goes down easy others Its hard to kill. He only really gets *n up from full buff teams in my experience.

Shisui, is one of the three that I don't have so I cant say too much. I will say that he is on the strong side. Not broken but very strong. Mystery hits 7 units and can chaos 1 unit for 2 rounds. The only other ninja capable of chaosing that long is of course Susanoo Itachi (who is much harder to get these days). Standard is amazingly powerful. His chase tags (R.I.P to your res and def). My favorite and least favorite thing about him is probably the barrier that buffs 3 elements. That element buff is amazing, lightning, wind, and fire I believe. The downside to this is that barriers staying up is very dependent on who has what in your server or cross server events. So you'll want to plan, and build a team assuming that you wont have your barrier, rather than depending on it for damage output.

I think if I had to choose again I would pick edo deidera everytime. I feel like I bring more to the table with him when its time for war and he carries my spacetime fights as well. But it really comes down preference and playstyle. What do you need right now? How do you like fights to go? Do you want to be in control? Do you prefer scaling and DOT damage? Are dodges something that would be nice to have in your current pool of ninjas? Those are things you have to ask yourself picking up ninjas. Have in mind teams and strategies before you pick them up. Have a team that can counter virtually every team using them. It would really be between him or shisui for me. Like I stated above, Kisame needs other ninjas I feel; event ninjas. But if you find yourself making solid teams without those event ninjas, I would would rank them Edo Deidera, Kisame, then Shisui. Once again this is my preference so maybe Shisui will be better in someones eyes than both of them combined.

This post was last edited by veelocity on 2018-01-24 08:23:05.
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On 2018-01-24 15:02:44Show this Author Only
  • veelocity On 2018-01-24 08:09:53
  • Kisame is solid, he cancels barriers and mystery's, chakra battery (standard stronger the more chakra he has), and can self heal unless ignited when units die. Hes good at what he does, however I wouldn't consider getting him unless you pick up another event based ninja. The exception to this would be getting Ay the third because of the chakra that Kisame can generate.

    Edo Deidera. Ill just say that if you don't or cant kill him. You lose. Whether that is spacetime, gnw, or sage world. He's an overall powerhouse. Ignites on crits, incrases his own crit chance really, standard is pretty strong, mystery hits 12 units. You cant beat that. His downsides include building around him rather than him complementing your team. Every person in your lineup should support him in one way or another. His defensive growths are decent. Some people say he goes down easy others Its hard to kill. He only really gets *n up from full buff teams in my experience.

    Shisui, is one of the three that I don't have so I cant say too much. I will say that he is on the strong side. Not broken but very strong. Mystery hits 7 units and can chaos 1 unit for 2 rounds. The only other ninja capable of chaosing that long is of course Susanoo Itachi (who is much harder to get these days). Standard is amazingly powerful. His chase tags (R.I.P to your res and def). My favorite and least favorite thing about him is probably the barrier that buffs 3 elements. That element buff is amazing, lightning, wind, and fire I believe. The downside to this is that barriers staying up is very dependent on who has what in your server or cross server events. So you'll want to plan, and build a team assuming that you wont have your barrier, rather than depending on it for damage output.

    I think if I had to choose again I would pick edo deidera everytime. I feel like I bring more to the table with him when its time for war and he carries my spacetime fights as well. But it really comes down preference and playstyle. What do you need right now? How do you like fights to go? Do you want to be in control? Do you prefer scaling and DOT damage? Are dodges something that would be nice to have in your current pool of ninjas? Those are things you have to ask yourself picking up ninjas. Have in mind teams and strategies before you pick them up. Have a team that can counter virtually every team using them. It would really be between him or shisui for me. Like I stated above, Kisame needs other ninjas I feel; event ninjas. But if you find yourself making solid teams without those event ninjas, I would would rank them Edo Deidera, Kisame, then Shisui. Once again this is my preference so maybe Shisui will be better in someones eyes than both of them combined.

Thanks alot for the detailed *ysis.

So if you boil it down, there's Kisame, who needs other ninjas to be any decent, so in his own right he isn't all that.

Then there's Deidara, who's apparently a massive threat on the board and he hits like a truck full of explosions (pun maybe intended). Is it the scaling that makes him so scary? So Deidara needs a team built around him, huh? He probably wants shields, so earth main. And status removal, so Edo-Nagato or Gakido. And then Maybe like KazeGaara for barrier and offtank. That sound sound? Do you think Edo-Deidara would require also Nagato to function optimally?

Shisui you described the longest. He seems control oriented, but still deals a blast of damage. So he is the one with the most tools at his disposal? I personally think his kit is overloaded. Ridiculous chaos, ignite, tag, dodge, ridiculous barrier, takes out shields and buffs. Right now I'm leaning slightly towards him, just because of his versatility. Then again if Deidara just has overpowering damage, why not go for him?

What about the two versions of Minato? How do they perform in comparison? Kage Minato looks pretty op on paper even without a chase.

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On 2018-01-24 15:07:49Show this Author Only
  • goalie720 On 2018-01-24 06:05:55
  • Kisame is very solid, but still pricey in the game. He straight up shuts down most blitz teams by removing barrier, stealing chakra, and stopping r1 mysteries, and tanking away in the front row. That said, higher initiative is a must in the current meta because of all the susanoo itachis and masked men running around. He'll be seeing play for quite a while in the future, and honestly all of them will.

    All of that said, springing for a minato (either one really) will never do you wrong. Both of are powerhouses that are build-around and can get to absurd heights of damage. (I'm talking 10-12k damage off of crits, and that's against players of similar power if you build it right).

I thought all of these ninjas were around the same price. 12k-16k coupons? Do you mean that Kisame is a little pricey for what he brings to the table?

If you had to choose between either version of Minato and Shisui, what would you choose and why?

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On 2018-01-24 16:51:02Show this Author Only

Shisui = Support Ninja, very good synergy with the current meta teams, and a nice team with Madara. He is a solid support ninja that buffs and removes.

Deidara = Pair him well and he can be deadly in every event we have, 1vs1 as well. you can go full buff with him with Edo Sasori and start throwing flames.

Kisame Samehada = I am not a big fan of him, but he is super useful, especially in Bonds , and space time for specific fights against certain teams. He can be a counter for a lot of teams, and if you have the initiative its gonna be bad for the opponent. really good ninja to have.

for my state i went for Deidara first and then grabbed Shisui. Kisame is still missing.. :P

Its up to you to decide who to catch depends the ninjas you have and the ninjas you will have in the future. ! good luck !

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On 2018-01-24 19:55:44Show this Author Only

Well since you said you wont be getting anbu itachi it means you are playing on a rly recent server so you looking for a ninja to dominate the server from beggining?

If thats the case and right now you only willing to spend for 1 event ninja i would say dont go for kisame since he works better in specific teams to be able to truly shine.

Shisui is easy to build a team for, specially in an early stage of the server. He brings alot to the table with his buff and shild removal, which should work rly well against early lvl root of warrior teams, a dodge and ignition so a well rounded kit.

Deidara is damage beast. Aoe standard with ignition. The best team for him without any other event ninjas is earth main with double standard mystery, sailor sakura for aoe damage and heals and jigokudo for the chakra you need and also heals. And that is a team that can stay meta for a long long time.

Regarding minato, hokage version is better, he scales to a ridiculous point where he can murder your team alone and dont worry about the fact he doesnt have a chase, he deals enough dmg already and while jonin version need to chase to scale, hokage has a sure scale with the passive.

Overall i think i would personally go for deidara but i recommend choosing between deidara and shisui since kage minato is harder to get because he shows up way less in events.

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On 2018-01-25 01:11:16Show this Author Only
  • MikeOckinya On 2018-01-24 00:49:34
  • His mystery is very strong yes as it cancels buffs and shields which is pretty good and also chaos' for two rounds which is very powerful. That's not all however, he has a pretty strong basic attack which causes ignition and a chase that causes tag which is a nice addition. His barrier is also really strong buffing 3 different elemental attributes so you have more flexibility when creating teams than if you used other barrier ninja (only Onoki so far is the only other ninja to buff 3 different elements I believe). He also has *so a very high chance to dodge the first attack each round(and when I say very high chance I mean practically always), which makes him a really hard ninja to disrupt so you almost always get his mystery off which I said earlier is really strong. So yes he is a really strong ninja.

then why would kisame win if its 1v1 he intrupts everyones lineup

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On 2018-01-29 13:53:07Show this Author Only

Kisame is bad for GNW BUT A GOD IN SAGE!

Quicky Post

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