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[ Suggestions ] I feel like I am being stolen from


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-22 02:02:41Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I have been playing this game since pretty much launch. I participate in every single event and even willing to throw 40-80 dollars trying to get the ninja that I want.... CONSISTENTLY I am given CRAP I don't want!

Me: OH!!! A ninja ID LOVE TO HAVE, *Spends 60 dollars * Gets complete garbage.

Oasis Games: Here, have some seal scroll fragments, some cave keys and moods scrolls.....

Me: .......... Why didn't I just throw my money into the Garbage? I didn't want ANY OF THAT

SOMETHING has to be done about this, I KNOW thousands of others are feeling this way. I can't keep throwing my money at this game and getting things I DO NOT WANT in return. WHY CAN'T I JUST BUY WHAT I WANT?! Why do I have to gamble LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE ODDS...?! Why can't your team put % chances to win something? be realistic about it !? Afraid you may lose money?! How much money DO YOU HAVE TO MAKE FROM US PLAYERS?! Why not be straight forward HUMANS and give us %? Can't be that hard?! you plug the " Percentage chance to win" in your system, with secret maxes ( only certain amounts can be won a day ) all of which has been shown on youtube channels.
I love this game- I truly do. Love the series, love being able to get my favorite characters and design my own team that fits my play style- But I can't compete with these people spending Thousands upon thousands of dollars to get ninjas that good " FOR RIGHT NOW" Ninja, the pretty much dominates any team.. You will see this constantly, people having 10, 15,000 less power than you- Beating you because they spent 800 bucks for that one ninja. Pretty worthless and pointless to compete for anyone not throwing hundreds at you. This just tells me that if you even want to enjoy yourself in this game because let's be realistic- Not much to do in this game except compete with others in pvp- THEN YOU HAVE TO UNLOAD YOUR SAVINGS, YOUR RETIREMENT, CHILDREN'S COLLEGE FUND. No thanks.

Where we go forward from here:

Here's an idea(s)

- a ninja market- Simple Version- You guys just sell ninjas for money, pretty simple. Advanced version : you let other plays trade ninjas.. WOW AMAZING?! Force people to be medal owners to access it, wow... SO COMPLICATED? .... not.

-Show %'s on Treasures ( or how many it takes to unlock a certain rare nin )

-Show % on GAMBLING EVENTS! ( Also, how are you guys getting away with letting minors gamble? )

-Give us books already? Why is this still a thing? lol...

- Stop slow rolling content: We know what the game has already and where it is ? I can only assume that content is being slow rolled because OS wants more money but in real life- people are getting fed up with this long drawn out bs.

-End the giving away of free coupons to liasons. I know liaisons are going to be up in flame about this but they are destroying the game for smaller populated servers. Here's an idea ( Pay them real money and let them choose to spend it on the game ) *GASP* OMG...

This post was last edited by Teynjin on 2018-01-22 02:02:41.
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On 2018-01-22 02:09:31Show this Author Only


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On 2018-01-22 02:09:57Show this Author Only


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On 2018-01-22 02:10:19Show this Author Only


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On 2018-01-22 02:13:54Show this Author Only


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On 2018-01-22 02:14:56Show this Author Only

[leave below bracket empty for future decission]

[let's say no]

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On 2018-01-22 02:18:23Show this Author Only
  • Tiami On 2018-01-22 02:14:56
  • [leave below bracket empty for future decission]

    [let's say no]

Explain? You have a lot of activity here? What's your reason? or there isn't one, just no?

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-22 02:51:01Show this Author Only

1. army of alts, you only need to buy the medal for market entry on the one that gets lucky. The only way to make marketplace work is only ninjas pulled through ingot-only method are tradeable.

2-5 I'd agree with, thou 5 with some reservation. It does take sometime, thou the pace they are at is excessively slow.

6. The issue of whether they want to give out real money aside, that's going to create sooo many legal and tax problems. I don't think they want to mess with that... To be honest, I'm not entirely sure what the GLs are even doing, it doesn't seem like much. If they can't even handle the issues raised in forum, I don't really see how they expect to handle whatever they can gather in game. Might as well do away with the position imo. But no, no real money payment is likely, that's just troublesome.

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On 2018-01-22 02:56:30Show this Author Only
  • Teynjin On 2018-01-22 02:18:23
  • Explain? You have a lot of activity here? What's your reason? or there isn't one, just no?

My activity on forum comes from Fanfiction section mostly~~ but that's off topic~~

My "no" is for overall of this kind of threads. If you feel cheated and that your money goes to waste- then don't spend on this game.

We all know there's a lot of gambling in this game and you can't be sure that spending certain amount of money will give you something you want. Smart thing to do is avoid any rng events like "lucky" wheels and instead- focusing on ones where you can collect fragments/items you want for sure. Counting if certain event is really worth investing into- because some may give you pretty usefull things even beside the main reward.

You could as well throw that money on irl lottery coupons and win nothing. Would you go make a war to owner of company selling those lotteries because you didn't win?

And to be clear: I don't think it's all the best way of making things like this, when people feel forced to spend so much just to get item/ninja they want. But they do it. They complain of how bad it is and still throw a lot of money on game- those are ones who are making whole this system work. Because why change something that works so well and earn so much?

Games that gives advance for paying users will always look more or less like this to those who cannot afford spending so much. If you want certain thing- you can pay enough to get it here and now or collect patiently, for longer time/have some bigger luck on rng event and actualy win something you want. If it's something that you cannot stand- then I suggest finding other game or just learning to have fun in it anyway, against all this. Because I don't think that all this will change so sudden.

And well, I do agree with you on some points- like there's many things that were promised to be in game and we wait and wait... And those % chances on rng events/boxes would be somehow nice. As for treasures- there's more or less calculated rates for rare dropping- like 60 Seals for newest treasure, I think. And to get certain ninja- luck again.

As for liaisons and their coupons- keep in mind that ingots are worth more than coupons (because you can kinda double ingots amounts by certain event) so, if GL would get money for their work and, I guess most of them would choose to still spend it on game- they could possibly make it even more "game-breaking" thing, as there are also events that you can take part in only with ingots.

As for trade thing- as mentioned above- there would be many ways to abuse such thing, knowing the overall creativity level of playerbase.

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On 2018-01-22 02:58:45Show this Author Only

I'm ready to get bashed, grilled and roasted :D .. Let's go!

First of all, who told you to spend real cash to get a ninja in a RNG event? No one right, it's your own choice and own decision so if you didnt get what you want then it's your fault .. We all know, that the RNG events are so random like lightning striking you, you know, so take the cons of spending dollars with that events .. They didn't told you to "Hey you! Spend Cash and you will get this Glorified Magnificent Shimmering Ninja" ..

Second, the ideas you gave .. It is basically and technically nonsense ..For the Ninja Market, If they make the "Ninjas for Money" then what? .. Think Logically, if the whales can spend hundreds and thousands of dollars just to get the ninja in an event, how much farther their money can go with that "Ninjas for Money? .. For example and choose what's better, Whales spent 1k dollars to get a Glorified 3star ninja in a RNG Luck-based event and have no regrets of what they spent, but if the said system will be implemented, 1k dollar to buy the Glorified 3star ninja then the whales think "ah, spending another 1k to upgrade it to 4star, not a bad idea since it's not RNG base so it is sure that i can upgrade it to 4star ........ ka-ching! forget about it, lets make it 5star" .. Do you get the point? ..

Third, the percentage to get Rare Ninjas, man, you just need to visit Youtube and search for videos there, everyone know that you can get Rare ninjas for every 60~70 Scrolls and for other Treasures 190~220 to get the Super Rare of the said Treasure .. All you need to do is get a pen, and keep track of your pulls .. But yeah, putting some counters for each Treasure is good too so, this part is okay with me ..

Fourth, Percentage on Gambling Events, wait a minute, who said it is a Gambling? anyways, not gonna argue with that but the "Also, how are you guys getting away with letting minors gamble?", how are they suppose to know if the player is minor? as far as i remember, registration for this game doesn't include Age Requirement and again, it is not a gamble .. Unless you can win real cash by spinning the Lucky Star Wheel .. and if you insist that the said events are Gambling then, in real life, the Claw Machines or Crane Machines in Amu*t Parks should be called a Gambling Machine too, because you pay real cash or buy tokens with real cash and take chance of getting the plushies in the machine, they have both "by-chances" type of method for obtaining the prize, they both modified by its creators so, get it get it? ..

Fifth, the books? and the slow rolling of contents .. So, you're only thinking for a short run duration of game, if they release all the things we want in one season then what will be left for them to release in the next season? .. Like for the others, all screaming and ranting to release the 4.0 and the new treasure, then they got it, after several days here they are again demanding for the other updates, this person already made a thread about this, then another one will sprout with same topic and so on and so forth .. why don't we wait and just wait and enjoy what we're getting this days, so that, we have something to look forward for the coming season of the game ..

And for the last, Giving away free Coupons to Liaisons .. you got it wrong, it is not free coupons, those people who works as liaisons get coupons as their salary for doing specific jobs that given to them, it is their right to have salary in exchange of service for the game .. I know they can have advantage by having a salary, but no matter how much it is, it is their way to earn in the game .. If you're jealous then it's you, we all have our ways on getting coupons, you can go straight recharge or do what F2P players did, save coupons and spend them wisely .. And about the Salary, direct cash? .. impossible, just like what you said, they like Money so why give money if they can give in-game currency right? ..

Again, this is one of the TOXIC threads in this forums who spreads negativity among the users .. You may complain but do not go overboard, complain if the game really had done something against you, react if they really messing up your gaming life, you know what i mean .. and suggest freely but be nice, in the end, we all have freedom here to express our feelings and thoughts but for the sake of community, do not drag other people with your bitterness and toxicity ..

This post was last edited by Waka_Man on 2018-01-22 03:13:38.
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On 2018-01-22 04:59:38Show this Author Only

Hey there.

I'm sorry but I don't really see any suggestions in your post. It mostly contains summary of your feelings and opinions about the game.

While we are sorry to hear you are not satisfied with the game, I can assure you that you are wrong in many things you have listed above. Customer Service section isn't really a good place for discussions, it's purpose is to let players report their problems to us or suggest improvements to the game or new updates that players would like to see in the game. If anything, you are suggesting to us to change how the RNG works. We sadly can't do it. However, it is true that many of the events in our game or based on RNG.

We are always improving our game in order to satisfy our players.

Have a nice day.

Quicky Post

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