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[ Suggestions ] I feel like I am being stolen from


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-22 02:02:41Show All PostsDescending Order
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I have been playing this game since pretty much launch. I participate in every single event and even willing to throw 40-80 dollars trying to get the ninja that I want.... CONSISTENTLY I am given CRAP I don't want!

Me: OH!!! A ninja ID LOVE TO HAVE, *Spends 60 dollars * Gets complete garbage.

Oasis Games: Here, have some seal scroll fragments, some cave keys and moods scrolls.....

Me: .......... Why didn't I just throw my money into the Garbage? I didn't want ANY OF THAT

SOMETHING has to be done about this, I KNOW thousands of others are feeling this way. I can't keep throwing my money at this game and getting things I DO NOT WANT in return. WHY CAN'T I JUST BUY WHAT I WANT?! Why do I have to gamble LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE ODDS...?! Why can't your team put % chances to win something? be realistic about it !? Afraid you may lose money?! How much money DO YOU HAVE TO MAKE FROM US PLAYERS?! Why not be straight forward HUMANS and give us %? Can't be that hard?! you plug the " Percentage chance to win" in your system, with secret maxes ( only certain amounts can be won a day ) all of which has been shown on youtube channels.
I love this game- I truly do. Love the series, love being able to get my favorite characters and design my own team that fits my play style- But I can't compete with these people spending Thousands upon thousands of dollars to get ninjas that good " FOR RIGHT NOW" Ninja, the pretty much dominates any team.. You will see this constantly, people having 10, 15,000 less power than you- Beating you because they spent 800 bucks for that one ninja. Pretty worthless and pointless to compete for anyone not throwing hundreds at you. This just tells me that if you even want to enjoy yourself in this game because let's be realistic- Not much to do in this game except compete with others in pvp- THEN YOU HAVE TO UNLOAD YOUR SAVINGS, YOUR RETIREMENT, CHILDREN'S COLLEGE FUND. No thanks.

Where we go forward from here:

Here's an idea(s)

- a ninja market- Simple Version- You guys just sell ninjas for money, pretty simple. Advanced version : you let other plays trade ninjas.. WOW AMAZING?! Force people to be medal owners to access it, wow... SO COMPLICATED? .... not.

-Show %'s on Treasures ( or how many it takes to unlock a certain rare nin )

-Show % on GAMBLING EVENTS! ( Also, how are you guys getting away with letting minors gamble? )

-Give us books already? Why is this still a thing? lol...

- Stop slow rolling content: We know what the game has already and where it is ? I can only assume that content is being slow rolled because OS wants more money but in real life- people are getting fed up with this long drawn out bs.

-End the giving away of free coupons to liasons. I know liaisons are going to be up in flame about this but they are destroying the game for smaller populated servers. Here's an idea ( Pay them real money and let them choose to spend it on the game ) *GASP* OMG...

This post was last edited by Teynjin on 2018-01-22 02:02:41.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-22 02:13:54Show All Posts


  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-22 02:18:23Show All Posts
  • Tiami On 2018-01-22 02:14:56
  • [leave below bracket empty for future decission]

    [let's say no]

Explain? You have a lot of activity here? What's your reason? or there isn't one, just no?

Quicky Post

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