2016-09-05 16:19:01
He is a regular rare; So 60-70 Pulls. I didn't pull mine til maybe 20-30 scrolls before my Hashirama. Some have gotten him earlier and I know 1 person got him off of free rolls. He's def my favorite ninja in the anime and in this game currently has awesome ninjitsu growth.
Awww, man. . .
I want him so badly. :P
However, I've given up on Tendo Treasures. It's so mean to me. :(
All it gives me are Gays and Kaka*s. I haven't gotten any Awwwwww-sumas yet, however.
Also, I've never gotten a Za-*-za from seal nor tendo treasures, surprisingly.
It even trolled me and gave me Anko, which I already had. I WANT GNW KANKURO.
Like, I was looking at his skills, and something along the lines of Water Main, Ao, Sage Jiraiya, and someone else would be a really nice composition. Maybe Kisame? I don't know. . . Or perhaps you'd want another fire to balance it out. Whatever.
HOWEVER, as great as he seems to be, I don't want to risk it. . .
I mean, if I'm aiming for 1 ninja out of all the designated ones, then I'd be crazy to actually try it and spend my 10 seal scroll draw. Yeesh. For all I know, I'd get another Kakashi or something. . .
So yeah . .I'm just saving up seals for Sage Treasure now. . .FeelsBadMan lol