2016-09-21 20:01:46
It would be nice if they would stop denying what community has already established in regards to pulls . Transparency etc. Friend been saving scrolls from wars for last 2 months he had 5 x10 got nothing but 20 frags of basic ninja and quit so ye it's depressing . This post was last edited by 102***@facebook at 2016-9-21 20:03
While I'm sure what you're saying is completely true and not made up to prove a point at all, it doesn't. So let's say it is fixed amounts, what would that change in your story exactly? Nothing. Transparency won't change whether you get something or not. What will knowing how the system works do for you exactly? Because as I see it whether you know when you'll get a rare ninja or not is irrelevant since you're going to be pulling until you get the ninja anyway.