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[ Events ] Events - 18th January


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-18 19:24:12Show All Posts

When 4th Ay dominates the whole game, you'll be wanting Tobirama's new breakthrough skills to directly counter the each round light armor spam.

Also Tobirama cost a truck ton the few times he was around early last year, about 300-400+ ingots spending for 1 frag

I would also argue he's the hardest hitting AOE mystery ninja (harder than Edo Deidara)


  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-18 22:48:27Show All Posts
  • PawnL On 2018-01-18 22:39:51
  • You know light armor can remove debuffs on the user now, right?

Tobiramas future breakthrough will reduce the mystery cooldown by 1 round to the ninja he chase combos.

He will also be able to combo super armor ninjas.

and with his current standard attack skills book his standard will 100% combo the ninja in front of it.

It's just been released in CN this week, and to celebrate the end of the Ay meta, they put 80 frags of him up in a 50k spending rebate. He and the other Hokages are still relevant in the future.

Our server already has one drop today, guild m8 got it in 800 cps. Great deal for what he's worth and what he used to cost last year through events. If I wasn't mistaken he was priced at 300+ shuriken pts/frag making him 400-500+ ingot spending/frag ninja.

This post was last edited by s177 Kira on 2018-01-18 22:51:58.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-19 04:19:32Show All Posts
  • ropty2 On 2018-01-19 03:25:06
  • i don't understand too.
    Ay have no cd with his mystery when he have 70 or more chakra no ?? So what is the deal with +1 cd ??? it's like use interrupt or anything on him if he have 70 chakra or more he will just spam.
    I don't understand realy.
    After looking yes Tobirama can combo a super armor, but only with his mystery ( Y+1 ).

    For Ay -> Mystery +2 : When chakra is 70 or higher, this mystery will not consume chakra and will not suffer from cooldown

    After chinese got Edo Fu with his new barrier who rekt hard Ay

hows ay going to be at 70 chakara in r1? tobiramas already hitting him and comboing him in r1

and there's plenty of ways to take chakra away from the other team, ofc you have to build around tobirama, just like you have to build around 4th ay

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