not sure if this applies to the filter for the forums too but i'm having so much trouble replying/posting http://4.bp.blo*.com/-v7z_C2JrYEQ/UZVbDcOolMI/AAAAAAAAD9I/uyFIcKesiI4/s1600/emoticon-crying-tears-of-joy.png
i have re-worded the following for at least 10 times LOL this is so challenging
last edit::Lthis doesn't work either
This post was last edited by moumin at 2016-8-27 08:36 This post was last edited by moumin at 2016-8-27 08:46 This post was last edited by moumin at 2016-8-27 08:58 This post was last edited by moumin at 2016-8-27 08:58 This post was last edited by moumin at 2016-8-27 08:59
I did the same thing earlier, and I'm pretty talkative so I really wanted to say everything on my mind... Please, developers! Toggle!