Views: 10163 | Replies: 19
[ PVP ] Server merger requests


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On 2018-01-13 02:29:15Show All Posts
  • TheWakkaSage On 2018-01-12 15:56:56
  • Maybe if you didn't open 5 new servers every week the mergers of old servers would go by faster.

based on my knowledge, the team in charge of opening new servers and the team in charge of investigating older servers for merger are different. What this means is that they do not in actual fact effect each other. The reason why it takes time for older servers to find a suitable merger is that mergers can have a detrimental effect on server health if done incorrectly. Balance is crucial and those who have already been merged would be very knowledgeable of this fact. It is not that the team does not want to merge you, but that the process takes time.

What can help speed up the process is by obtaining information the right way. This means posting in the correct place to request for merger and any inquiries concerning server merger be directed to customer service who can answer you on a person by person basis. I know that many of you have been patient and there are some looking for a second merger.


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