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[ Events ] Events - 11th January


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-10 22:34:13Show All Posts

The week seems overall good.

GNW treasure in the rebate, Myoboku Trial Wheel and Great Tree are all good moves.

I'm happy you implemented Sasori Breaktroughs, but if you don't tell us that since this week onwards you'll add a new breaktrough every 1-2 weeks, then it's like telling us you like to joke with us, since you perfectly know that we still miss a ton of breaktroughs and Sasori's one is not one of the breaktroughs that anybody would make use of.

I'm happy also that you go on with giving us every month the Battle Armor Rebate, but since you aren't giving us any concrete ways to get Advanced Threads, for people like me, that are at rank 6 BA, that feature is the biggest joke ever.

I hope this is a try to make up for your big mistakes in the past, but sadly something tells me is not so.

This post was last edited by Garv on 2018-01-10 22:42:08.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-11 04:51:13Show All Posts
  • JushinUchiha On 2018-01-11 02:35:31
  • I tend to agree with him on the Advanced threads thing. They really NEED to actually drop in SA like it says they are going to (but never do) and we need more ways to get them.

    Up to this point I've only collected them free over time and when the rebate comes around I have max 1 or 2 pushes of the improve *on for the entire rebate (for those not keeping track that's max 16 adv threads per month) I've been at rank 6 for months and months and I'm only 36/100.

    It is just too expensive to buy them when you need 8 at a time.

Rank 6 to 7 costs up to 800, 7 to 8 up to 1600, 8 to 9 up to 4000 threads. Even if we do it only on rebates, we just save up a very little % of it.

In average rank 6 to 9 directly costs around 5000 threads if you get full advantage of rebates. Even for your average 500$ per month whale it's something close to be unaffordable and now also pretty meaningless (during the battle armor panic buy they cost 38 ingots each one. Means around 200,000 ingots invested there to get what Myoboku Trial cultivation or Summon Cultivation or Charms grant you with less than 50k).

That's the reason why, de facto, not even whales in servers younger than 250 ever thought to go for them.

Had a meaning before Ultimate Training implementation, when was the only way to get an advantage in power, now in 4.0 it's useless to go on with this strictly policy of denial.

This post was last edited by Garv on 2018-01-11 04:58:05.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-11 05:01:24Show All Posts
  • RenjiAsuka On 2018-01-11 04:39:28
  • Am I the only one who is bothered by skillbooks being released then end up being free on day 1? I mean wasn't the whole "gather frags for skillbooks" the whole premise? So why bother gathering frags of Oasis gives us these skillbooks for free on day 1?

they aren't giving you the full books, just a part of them. Like for Neji. There's mystery +1, chase +1, passive +1 and +2.

This post was last edited by Garv on 2018-01-11 05:02:43.
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