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[ Lineup ] Ameyuri Ringo [Edo Tensei] Lineups


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-09 03:53:00Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hello everyone!

Back to covering some newer ninjas we have Ameyuri Ringo, an immobile beast.

Her mystery immobiles up to 3 paralyzed ninjas so we always need to run mass paralysis ninjas with her and debuff clear/immune ninjas are obvious counters to it.

Standard attack has chances for paralysis and gaining additional attack.

Chase is an additional immobile for 1 ninja, and her passive skills increase her combo rate for 40% per skill point (starts at 2) and 12% ninjutsu for every Lightning ninja in team which is very nice considering she is always used with other lightning ninjas pretty much.

Not much else to say about her just that she is a decent ninja, she would be great if not for the fact that it's easy to counter her teams.

I'd recommend having some fun with her in arena for example but not trying for a main team.

Let's jump into some teams:

1. LM-Ringo-Jinpachi-Darui



Now this team relies on having your enemies paralyzed in round 1 which is easily achieve-able thru Jinpachi mystery + Darui chase.

Ameyuri can then immobile 3 paralyzed enemies in round 2 while starting a nice damaging combo also.

Obvious counters to this team are immune enemies and dodges, as well as masked man who cuts thru Root of Warrior immunity.

Buffs from Darui, LM and Ameyuri buffs herself as there are 3 lightning ninjas in total.

The bad side of this team is that there are 4 warriors and 1 random will be unprotected with root of warrior passive

2. LM-Ringo-Darui-Toroi



This team is a lot safer and overall better in my opinion than the first one. You can get paralyses on your enemies in round 1 but in round it's guaranteed also due to Lightning Main mystery.

With nice options to reset cooldown on both LM and Ringo mysteries because of Warrior Killing Intent buff.

Darui provides the paralysis chases as well as barrier buff to whole team, LM provides buff and immunity to himself,Ringo,Darui and Toroi provides a buff to all also as well as immobile chase.

This all making the team deal very nice damage overall, with possibilities to immobile entire enemy team,

Same as the team above problem is being vs immune enemies, dodge enemies (although when the new summon mystery function comes the dodge problem is easily solved with the dog tag mystery). Masked Man can nicely counter this team also.

3. LM-Ringo-Rasa-Hanzo



Nice 3 immune ninjas with 4th being super armor.

Hanzo provides debuff clear as well as poisoning,

Rasa provides paralysis in his 20 hit chase which is easily achieve-able unless you are vs dodge ninjas.

Lightning Enhancement buff can be replaced for Warrior Killing Intent if preferred for the possibility of refreshing cooldowns.

As Lightning Main is pos1 again it is very easy to have paralyzed enemies on round 2 and then use Ringo mystery right away for the mass immobile which is really useful.

4. LM-Ringo-Shisui-Masked Man



This team being the most expensive one out of 4, it sure is pretty versatile, 3 immune ninjas + 2 dodges with A LOT of immobiles + chaos.

Masked Man can immobile on round 1, round 2 LM mystery combo can immobile following with 3 enemy immobile from Ringo. If the mystery doesn't reset thru Warrior Killing Intent Shisui is there for his mystery in round 3 providing nice chaos also.

Problem as with all other teams is that Masked Man can immobile your LM and you won't be able to do mystery in round 2, though you can still use Shisui in that case and have LM for round 3, unless you die too quickly.

Anyhow that would be all for this thread, you guys can have fun with Ameyuri Ringo, I'll see you soon in a new thread

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-09 04:47:23Show All Posts
  • juve89 On 2018-01-09 04:22:25
  • the second team was done some time ago by itsbtrue on youtube :P it works really good if you dont meet immune teams.

Yap all of the Ameyuri Ringo teams are countered by immunity, dodges currently which is why she isn't really desire-able to be used in main teams.

Dodges at least will be less of a problem in future if you use LM pos1 with dog tag summon mystery

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-09 07:14:28Show All Posts
  • juve89 On 2018-01-09 05:21:05
  • what is that with the dog that i usually see on some videos on youtube?

It's currently in China and Germany servers, the dogs do some damage and cause tag (which will also trigger dodges) before the main uses mystery on round 2

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-09 07:15:11Show All Posts
  • Marko15 On 2018-01-09 05:48:17
  • Just a curiosity question

    Can Ameyuri go with other mains as well?

    Maybe water main idk

Well yes you could improvise with Water Main-Darui , but generally Lightning is better for her because she is a swordsmen + lightning attribute and benefits much more

Quicky Post

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