You do know that lineup of yours is very vulnerable to Fuguki/Kurenai CC? When the water main combo's your earth round 1 after Jigo does his standard, you will be in chaos state until the end of round 2. At the start of round 2, Jigo will also be locked down, no way of cleansing your debuffs now. Deidara ignites one of your ninjas each round, thanks to mirror. If Deidara is in front of Fuguki, that would mean he cn also use mystery round 2, another layer of poison and ignite while having earth main and Jigo locked down. By round 3, what are the odds?
Now, as for sailor instead of Jigo, that's even worse. As your sailor does her standard, gets ignited, hit by Fuguki mystery (4 stacks of poison, chaos, ignite). Your mystery can only remove 1 layer of debuff, probably removing poison. The chaos gets carried over to round 2, no way to use healing mystery, no more earth main mystery. Your enemy Azure combos Deidara, chaos'ed, no more ignite from you, enemy Azure does mystery + burst heal with Kurenai, you're basically facing n almost fully healed enemy now (take note, enemy Azure would be using healing tips as Kurenai already has hard CC). She saves Fuguki's mystery for 3rd round, waits Sailor does her mystery and standard atk, gets ignited, combo'ed by Fuguki. You lack the damage to burst an Azure that way, and you're simply melting by reflected ignite, poison stacks.
I think he use 2 healer and main the debuff remover .
I use same team too. even get cc still won the game even
against high BP .
(off topic)
I dont know what make u thinking that im using MB . well probably u think that the only way to beat water , its not . im using Earth main with jinpachi/sailor edo deidara edo sasori/jigokudo . i always change it sometime so that why i put both ninja's . its boring if just deidara do the thing . or sometime i use burst team minato iruka asuma , i did kill someone roshi with 130k on R1 and im only 90k but well i lose cuz the gap to high (burst team)
because the thread is about Kushimaru, so i took for granted, since you talk about easily beating multiple healer azure fang lineups that you run him with MB because is the only me
Anyways, and i'm going OT to follow you, since we are talking about a ninja - Edo Deidara - that costs around 15-20k coupons if you straight buy it when available then i just tell you another ninja that costs the same quantity of coupons that shut down completely the me
3rd hokage dies, selects deidara as target, kill it and remove the body from the field, so can't be resurrected.
Obviously Hiruzen can be used together with mei and azure fang with ease.
Other two lineups that definitely own that me
1) Minato Hokage, Gaara (normal), Bee sst (100% sure victory on par power if you don't make mistakes). Talents 32322, summon monkey king.
2) Fuguki, Mei/Yagura, Roshi. You just need to not run a full healing azure fang and no poison tai and to use wisely Fuguki mystery. For example those talents: 42213, summon: monkey king.
You all people are playing a different game or something...sure, too squishy, but he is OP when it comes to players with higher ini, and even if he is squishy he still c*e his mystery basically every round, imo that's broken af.
In my server people with higher ini use him, and with my Omoi/Samui/3rd A, and Earth Main, I can't do *, I have to get really lucky to start combo on him in first round, and not to mention that with some fire mains he can be immune as well, so even if combo'ed on first round he is still alive and can easily disable core ninjas in second round and let the rest take out the other irrelevant ones so that he can keep disabling two ninjas constantly. I am not sure how his mystery works, but three rounds in a row he only disabled my 3rd A and Main, is the second ninja chosen randomly? since what kind of a coincidence it is that these two ninjas were constantly disabled every round leaving me with two workable ninjas? There's literally nothing I can do whenever I see Kushimaru in enemy team, I am dead always.
Feels like I am playing Naruto Online Extreme Difficulty edition or something, since this game dislikes me a lot.
try to use the same team with azure fang, you'll get better outcomes against that specific kushimaru team
Talents: 42143, that way you can heal your ay and you can start ay combo + immobile the enemy kushimaru in round 1 with azure fang mystery. Summon: monkey king.
x x x
AF Samui Ay
Omoi x x
The main issue of Ay 3rd me
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