This team still exists? I felt like that was last patch.
Anyway, Han is going to make his come back.
Put Han vs Kushimaru, then he's done for.
Round 1 you need to control Edo Sasori.
or those who have Masked Man.
Just immobile Kushimaru (if that team doens't have sasori) and disperse his immune.
SB Kurenai, Han, Roshi, Water will do just fine for those who doesnt have Sailor.
In some cases SB Kurenai works better than Sailor, rely Kurenai for CC and improve healing with Healing Tip for stronger heal and shield from Kurenai and other units.
It's pretty insane when your front liners do self-healing 1500+ hp.
This. "Han is going to make his come back". Remember me posting a thread asking if Han is still relevant? That was the time when GNW treasure was just released, and I had no other ways of countering that hidden mist team than thinking of Han's buff removal. I'm still happy with the Roshi/Fuguki combo though, as it got me into six paths pretty quickly, albeit luckily. Still thinking of aiming for Han and reshape my server's me
The me
I hardly used my Han either.
I took Han, because back in the day when Blitz Konoha was so popular just 1 shot everything Round 1.
But as soon as I see a lot of MB and Earth in SWB I switched my page to Han's team to play safe.
Generally, I go Roshi, SB Kurenai, Sailor, water team.
Han is still relevant against Ay 3rd team, remove that massive shield can give at little upper hand.
Cos there is no way Fuguki/Roshi can break through round 1 even with ignite/poison.
Now there are many types of teams exist. It becomes harder to rely on 1 team.
I guess you need to look at what your server and swb play the most and counter it.
Main reason I am currently still using this old team, because I've not pulled anything from GNW box yet. XD
Good thing you dropped the Sailor/Roshi/Han team. Kurenai, indeed, does way much better overall. The former team is literally a free food for Roshi/Fuguki team, no other way around it, they utterly decimate the one's so-called immortal/cancer team.
As for the Ay cloud team, it depends. If it's SWB, then truly Roshi/Fuguki cannot breakthrough those shields, BUT if both of them survives through round 3, the enemy should start to worry. Ay cloud team of the same, or at most >2k power than me can still lose if an earth main is too clumsy to get himself combo'ed by Fuguki, surely chaos'ed and unable to cleanse the massive DoT. If either of them dies within 2 rounds, it's almost a sure loss for me, unless Roshi does his miracles. Now with arena, it also depends if the enemy is smart enough to complete his 2x team standard attack. Otherwise, the enemy can only watch his ninjas melt away by poison-burn. The Roshi/Fuguki team's very weakness is immunity. I lost to Fire main's immune shield almost 70% of the time while climbing to six path. The Mabui/Tenten/Mei team can do some damage, but if one knows what he's doing, even that team will seem like a thing of the past. As soon as main azure finishes standard, unleash Fuguki's combo on Mabui to carry the chaos over to the next round. Next round, Roshi will surely be the first to move, so chaos the enemy azure to ensure no cleansing of the precious poison-burn, BUT be careful not to kill the azure clone, as it will give Mei enough chakra to ignite the entire team, rendering healing useless (unless you're faster than Mei). I've beaten some fire main with susano'o itachi, all because they weren't using the immunity shield, otherwise Roshi/Fuguki would be the ones biting the dust.
So yeah, one of the weakness of my current lineup are the immunity teams. Funny enough, after several of us posted the Roshi/Fuguki lineups, there have been more of them in arena lately, making it impossible for Han/Roshi/Sailor teams to climb up.
who are you using as your 4th ninja in the fuguki/roshi lineup? and what talents are you using with azure fang?
I'm just curious.
Kurenai semi-full SB (frees me the burden of using neurotoxin, totally makes Masked Man teams think twice of initiating with his mystery) with emergency massive heal. I still need her 2nd mystery skillbreak though to remove all debuffs on *ly. The massive heal/shield (with healing tips boosting it and Roshi's self-heal) just saves Roshi/Fuguki from most blitz teams, even the Mei/Tenten teams. As for the latter team, I usually just wait until main azure does her standard healing and then chaos Mabui. Round 2, She can't do anything other than heal with her mystery, so I chaos enemy azure then. If the enemy azure clone dies, it gives chakra for Mei, so I try to avoid that. Experimentation works 100% on that team, as it ignores tenten's dmg and also you would not likely kill the enemy clone coz no more poison tai, so it's a sure win. Never lost to that team ever again with experimentation. One thing though, I don't stay with that passive for too long, as poison tai kills way more kinds of lineups than just focusing on beating Mei/Tenten teams.
In short:
This team with 3-2-4-3-2 with Gamaken/Gamachu is a hard counter to sailor/han/roshi teams. 99% win, even with around 2-8k power difference in favor of enemy team.
This team with 3-2-4-3-3 with Gamaken/Gamachu is a hard counter to Mabui/Tenten/Mei teams. 80-90% (100% in arena) win even with 3-5k power difference in favor of enemy team.
In arena, the chances of winning is even better, as the ba
I'm seeing more of this lineup lately, and I hope it continues so it drives away the mabui/tenten teams eventually.
It's funny when I start fighting my own lineup in ranked arena 3 out of 10 battles. Lol
People do listen in forums. Sad thing is, I'm starting to lose to the lineups I tried to promote. :D
What the game really needs its a heavy nerf to either water main or the heals over all when the new summoning pets in battle feature gets implemented it will be really annoying, besides just healing everything and just poison tai till the other oponent dies its not skill and its not playing the game it just abusing the game.
When you can just auto everything and still win, then that really isn't skill. Just because you're limited at countering healing teams, or your mind is limited to figuring out lineups that can break healing teams, doesn't really me*l other healing-/poison-heavy teams are just abusing the game. My lineup loses almost to any Fire main that uses immune shield and can ignite multiple times, but I never said anything about them abusing the game just cause I couldn't do anything to them. My lineup is certainly not for auto, and you'd have to be not * enough to use any ability needlessly. I carefully time my attacks, read enemies' patterns of responses. Taking all those things in consideration, I've earned several six paths that I so well-deserved. Last year, I was seriously reduced to nothing by Han/Sailor/Roshi and Mabui/Tenten teams, but now I've found a way to deal with them and my style of playing gets called an "abuse", aren't you assuming things too much? Sometimes it's better to use the little brain we were given than plainly calling people out for how they've won. Teams like Mabui/Tenten/Mei and Han/Roshi/Sailor teams may not even require too much skill coz they rely too much on abilities that go off themselves on auto while still doing considerable damage that the enemies can hardly deal with. I just refuse the idea of just anyone calling all healing/poison style lineups "abusive", cause not all of us rely on one-sided/auto battles. I win my battles fair and square, I wear my battle scars with pride. Now if I fight someone without some sort of immunity or healing on their part, it's not my fault anymore. Maybe that's the time they figure out how to deal with these new me
P.S. Next time you call things "abusive", don't generalize. Some of us battle for hours and competing with Susano'o ITachi, Shark Kisame, Madara and a lot of other premium ninja. We struggle for real, but it sure feels friggin nice to rise above them. Now having someone discrediting our hard-earned success and just assumes things, that's quite unacceptable.
I dont know what make u thinking that im using MB . well probably u think that the only way to beat water , its not . im using Earth main with jinpachi/sailor edo deidara edo sasori/jigokudo . i always change it sometime so that why i put both ninja's . its boring if just deidara do the thing . or sometime i use burst team minato iruka asuma , i did kill someone roshi with 130k on R1 and im only 90k but well i lose cuz the gap to high (burst team)
You do know that lineup of yours is very vulnerable to Fuguki/Kurenai CC? When the water main combo's your earth round 1 after Jigo does his standard, you will be in chaos state until the end of round 2. At the start of round 2, Jigo will also be locked down, no way of cleansing your debuffs now. Deidara ignites one of your ninjas each round, thanks to mirror. If Deidara is in front of Fuguki, that would mean he cn also use mystery round 2, another layer of poison and ignite while having earth main and Jigo locked down. By round 3, what are the odds?
Now, as for sailor instead of Jigo, that's even worse. As your sailor does her standard, gets ignited, hit by Fuguki mystery (4 stacks of poison, chaos, ignite). Your mystery can only remove 1 layer of debuff, probably removing poison. The chaos gets carried over to round 2, no way to use healing mystery, no more earth main mystery. Your enemy Azure combos Deidara, chaos'ed, no more ignite from you, enemy Azure does mystery + burst heal with Kurenai, you're basically facing n almost fully healed enemy now (take note, enemy Azure would be using healing tips as Kurenai already has hard CC). She saves Fuguki's mystery for 3rd round, waits Sailor does her mystery and standard atk, gets ignited, combo'ed by Fuguki. You lack the damage to burst an Azure that way, and you're simply melting by reflected ignite, poison stacks.
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