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Minato Namikaze (Jonin) Lineups


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-05 22:13:28Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hey guys! Today I'm gonna show you some lineups for Minato Namikaze (Jonin). The last few are pretty easy to aquire, and will do a lot of damage. One of them has a 15 chase combo!

1. Lightning main

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As most of you are aware, it's sometimes hard to make great lineups without rare ninjas, but if you save a lot of coupons for events and seal scrolls for Sage Naruto treasure, you should be able to get this team. The combo is triggered by either Masked Man, your main's taijutsu or Naruto's mystery. In the first round, use Masked Man and your main's mysteries. It'll immobile the enemy and give your main extra attacks. In the second round, start with Naruto's mystery. He'll use sage jutsu chakra, giving you the 20 chakra points you need to use Minato's mystery.

2. Water main

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This team's summon is harder to get, but any other 10 combo summon works. In the first round, use Hinata's mystery. It'll give your team no worries about enemy combos. Second round, Use your main. It'll do some damage and trigger the combo. It also has a chance to chaos the enemy. Third round, use Danzo and Minato.

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This is the water main team that I use. It's pretty good when doing 1v1 battles like arena or elite instances. If doing a team battle (Team Instance, GNW), it's better when you're on the top or bottom. First round, start with Gaara. It'll boost him, Minato and Orochimaru. Since your main has nature energy draining and Orochimaru has his soul jutsu, you gain chakra points each time a unit dies. In the second round, use Minato and your main's mysteries. It'll combo and do some damage, and if Minato's hits a clone or someone with low health and kills them, you'd be close to Gaara's mystery. Let the round carry on, and if someone else dies, use Gaara's mystery. In the third round, if Gaara never triggered his mystery, use it. If he did trigger it, just use Orochimaru's mystery. Your main usually has more health than Gaara, plus Gaara is in the middle, where damage usually strikes, so Orochimaru should use it on Gaara.

3. Fire main

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Now this is just a plain P2W team. The combo is triggered by Kisame's taijutsu. In the first round, use Kisame's mystery. If Minato uses his taijustu, it will reduce his mystery cooldown, and because of your main's bani chakra, you c*e it, which I advise. In the second round, don't use any mysteries yet. Wait for your main to trigger his bani chakra, which will give you enough chakra to use Deidara's mystery. Use it before your main attacks, so you will start the next round off with 60 chakra points. In the third round, use Minato and your main's mysteries.

4. Wind main

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This is the 15 combo team I meant at the beginning. If you don't have Gamaken, you could switch him for Gamachu, you'll just be at 14 combos, which is still pretty good. It's really easy to get (other than Minato) if you draw in seal treasure a lot. Combos are triggered by Hinata's taijutsu, Minato's taijutsu and mystery, and Chiyo's mystery. Since Chiyo gives you 10 chakra points every time her chase skill is triggered and your main gives you 15 chakra points each time her chase skill is triggered, this team can do big damage with their mysteries. Start the first round with Hinata's mystery. It will block enemy combos for that round. If your chase combo is not triggered, don't worry. Use Chiyo's mystery in the second round, which will trigger the chase combo, giving your team full chakra points. Then use Minato and your main's mysteries, and just keep doing that over and over.

5. Earth main

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This team is by far the most F2P team here (other than Minato). The combo is triggered by Minato's taijutsu or his mystery, as well as Sasuke's mystery attack. You can get Gamaken from the summon shop (you could replace him with Gamachu, but you'd lose your main's chase attack and be at 8 chase combos instead of 10), you have to have Sakura and Sasuke from the start of the game, and to upgrade their star levels, just go to elite instances or chase missions. In the first round, use Sasuke's mystery. In the second round, use your main's mystery, which will double the attacks that your team does. In the third round, use Sasuke and Sakura's mysteries. In the fourth round, use Minato's mystery.

Thanks for reading this post, I hope you found a good team to make!!

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-06 10:34:26Show All Posts
  • Garv On 2018-01-06 10:19:42
  • I want to tell you a big issue your lineup 1 and 3 could face that maybe you aren't aware of: repulse damage.

    Sage naruto clones and Deidara Summon own 0 defense/resistance.

    Repulse damage hits whatever is behind the main target regardless their evasion passives.

    If that Sage Naruto clone gets hit by a 20k damage mystery like for example can happen with an high boosted ay 3rd hit or by a 6 tails bomb, Minato and Naruto will be hit by 10k.

    EDIT: if you use kisame mystery you are silenced so you can't use Minato mystery even if the cd gets reduced to 0 by the passive.

That may be true, but these are just suggestions. You c*ways make your own variations.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-06 10:38:08Show All Posts
  • ICExx On 2018-01-05 23:07:43
  • I don't understand.

    Are you making fun of us or just joking with these threads? I don't mean to insult you but I have to say that none of these thread you made have any real good teams

These aren't to make fun of you. A lot of the moderators post P2W lineups in these threads. The lineups that I try to make are mostly for F2P players, although there are some P2W lineups. So some of these teams may actually help people that are F2P and can't obtain ninjas like Hidan (DPB) just by opening their wallets (I use him as an example because I just looked at one of your posts with him in it). Besides, the more lineups, the better

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-06 11:52:07Show All Posts
  • Kuro하돌 On 2018-01-06 11:14:15
  • do you hate earth main? Worst team ever for f2p

    if u want to make f2p lineup do it properly .

    this my suggestion for earth main ,

    Screen Shot 2018-01-06 at 11

yeah the earth main team aint fancy, but its easy to get. that was my goal for that main.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-07 01:29:08Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2018-01-06 13:36:58
  • Providing a f2p lineup that doesn't even work isn't even worth mention since if people who look for f2p lineups but then try to use it then its *s then they would complain. Leave the lineups to people who know how to create lineups and team syngeries.

These lineups should work. The second Azure Fang team I know for sure works. Those F2P teams are easier to aquire than P2W teams and people have a higher chance of actually getting them/

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